Friday, May 3, 2024

Another lackidasical day

I thought a lot yesterday and watched the 5th lecture again in The Untold Story of the Kingdom of Judah. It is a fascinating lecture series and I will move forward to the 6th lecture I think today. It just wasn't a working day but perhaps today I will spend some time working on the Find My Past records for the Pencombe family. 

I also need to get out and do some yard work. I would like to complete the front garden bed this next week. Then the back yard which is a huge task but we should accomplish it all in two weeks I think including the planting. Time will tell. 

Other than that I am somewhat glued to the television as  we wait on Hamas to do the right thing; accept the cease fire and release all the hostages as they should have been more than three months ago and the International Court of Justice said unconditionally. The world is saddened at the loss of all that young life in Gaza - it is disturbing to see that happen. Children do not cause wars but they suffer the most. 

The youth in Canada at the universities have yet to live their lives. They must learn to let history rule their thoughts rather than the events of the moment. There should not be any Palestinians teaching in our schools. Their warped view of history is detrimental to themselves and our youth. The Palestinian attitude, celebrating October 7 (a day of barbarity and butchery against the people of Israel), is totally unacceptable. 

The day awaits and there is, as always, much to do.

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