Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Today, the Kipp Newsletter

 Yesterday was totally a cleaning day and I really did not do very much else. I always find two days off from so much reading is good for my eyes. I did watch Question Period and that was really rather strange - I felt like I was watching the European Parliament where tempers do flare at times. It just seemed so unlike the usual in Parliament. I do like pleasant discourse in Parliament for sure but election time is coming and the clock is ticking for sure. Am I influenced by what happens in front of the camera - not overly. I can be irritated but Pierre Poilivere is young and I will give him a little more of a pass than I might otherwise. He can feel power and it is interesting watching that effect on him. I do not like it that he associated with "white" nationalists in a way that looked a bit too chummy perhaps. I would like a clearer statement from him on their (white nationalists) radical views. Surely the population of "white" nationalists is not sufficient to affect the election. I was very much in favour of them being turfed out of Ottawa in what I considered a very considerate and professional process. 

But then I am not in favour of sit-ins of any kind that disrupt. Write it down; publish it but do not congregate in large numbers and insult or threaten those around you. If you have a point to make then make it; I will listen but at 78.5 years I have lived a lot of history now and will weigh everything based on that history not on the moment. Mistakes get made and the best way to solve them is to back off; accept the wrongs that have been committed and then we can move ahead with a discussion on how to solve problems - they are not solved by inconveniencing the world around you. The youth needs to learn that. Especially now when they are totally outnumbered by these adults which is the world which they will enter - we have lived a long history you should listen to us and not people who use the moment to gain influence. The lies that are being circulated are unacceptable; they do not hold up in the light of history. What does hold up is this enormous loss of life in Gaza which was preventable - Hamas remains totally at fault. That the Palestinians even around the world appeared to be aware of this event (the brutal barbaric attack on Israel 7th October last) prior to it happening is unacceptable and the loss of all those children is a pain that the world bears but we do know where to lay all of that responsibility and it is with Hamas and those who support them. The hostages must be released immediately and unconditionally as declared by the International Court of Justice more than three months ago. There is huge sympathy for the people of Gaza but we will not abandon the Jewish peoples both worldwide and within our own country. Hamas continues to threaten the Jewish people constantly (they have not taken back their desire to commit genocide against the Jewish people); the Jewish people have a right to life and property too; they are an ancient people on their own lands. Release all  the hostages Hamas, now!

Actually today is the Kipp Newsletter; I was a month ahead of myself - Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter is the first of June. So much going on around that I did make that mistake; one must concentrate on what the order is. Not actually sure what I will put into the Kipp Newsletter at this moment in time. It will be just two pages likely but I will see if there is anything new in the y-DNA on the FT DNA site. I have moved forward quite quickly as I have ascertained that my husband published everything  he planned to publish. It has taken me a while to check that. I do want to publish his PhD Thesis in Chemistry and will do that so it is available if anyone wants a copy. I also plan to publish his collection of wild flowers which is extensive as we traveled about in our youth before children. It was something that interested both of us. But I will maintain the yDNA study of the Kip family of New York/Amsterdam into the future now that I have done the Y-700 test on his yDNA. There is a lot to learn these days as more and more information comes forward taking us back in time to look at the evolution of the Kip family from which he descends. 

It is also the publication date for the H11 Newsletter and I will contemplate whether or not I will publish a second issue, third issue and fourth issue for this year's volume. The day is ahead of me whilst I think about that. I will do a second issue in three months time. There are a couple of new members on the site but I do not do that collection until the 1st of February. There isn't any new news on H11 (other than the fact that the war against Ukraine which Russia started and continues probably kills quite a few H11 people). It is a haplogroup found in both countries.

Lots of rain and I think the grass is growing I must go out and have a look. Latin finished, tea drank and breakfast even completed. The day begins in God's world; we should rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you God for the gift of life itself.

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