Looking after my grand dogs for two weeks whilst their home is being painted. It will be fun. They love to sit on my bed and watch me work away on the computer. They are big dogs but kind to me.
So not a lot done yesterday except amazingly I did do two blogs. There is so much going on in the world these days and I do get distracted. Premier Furey of Newfoundland/Labrador is stepping down. He is an orthopedic surgeon and came in to help during COVID which was wonderful for him to do that. He has been an excellent premier. Already someone has come forward. Canadians are very good at that; serving in political office and they are good at it. This is a huge country with ten provinces and three territories - every one of them very busy. With all the pipelines planned across the country it will be a busy building country and the inter provincial barriers to trade are coming down which will take up quite a bit of slack as we provide, just in case, for our fellow Canadians across the country with items that we normally purchase from the United States. We were a very self-sufficient country before NAFTA/CUSMA although the population was smaller. But now at 41 million we are a huge consumer base. Our youth though will come to the rescue providing all the skills that we need to restore anything that was lost during NAFTA/CUSMA. The Status Quo suited us quite well but one has to go with the times. But on the news it is mentioned that there may be some different news than was announced yesterday; we will see.
Working on Richard Blake's will again today and the cleaning is all done for another week. Just my usual work week ahead except I have two large furry friends with me all day - dogs are the greatest companions for sure. Edward wasn't as fond of dogs although he grew to love our first grand-dog (our son in law brought his dog when he came to live with us which was great). Edward and I used to take him for walks. But as Edward became frailer and the dogs were bigger he was a bit nervous of them although they tried to be careful. These dogs are so polite to their family.
So no more politics for a bit. I do hope that the Middle East can see the value in creating a space for the Palestinian children so that they can have warm comfortable clean houses, a place to play and good schools (I know that Islam is very keen on good schooling - Hamas is just a complete failure in all ways). So we will see on that; Israel can clean up Gaza and remove any unexploded bombs and do what should have been done three generations or more ago by the Palestinians - grow food there. After all when the re-organization was done by the United Nations the Jewish people left their greenhouses/homes/everything for the Palestinians and the Palestinians just destroyed everything. Who does that? Their minds really do need proper education right from infants to old people. I still remember the Palestinian living here (not sure if he was a landed immigrant or citizen) in British Columbia demanding on National TV in an interview that the Canadian government provide for many many refuges from Gaza that he felt should be able to come here like we had the Ukrainians (he thought a million had come but it is just 300,000). We informed him that all the Canadian government does for the Palestinians (exactly what they provided for the Ukrainians) is allow them to come if their background proves that they are not Hamas (Hamas do not deserve to have a nice life they certainly did not give it to the Palestinians and their treatment of the hostages has been criminal (two tiny little hostage boys choked to death and they lied about it how disgusting (who takes children as hostages only Satan)) - the Ukrainians here took care of their own once the government permitted them to come. There are 50,000 Palestinians here so maybe 15,000 households and if they had taken in 10 little children each that would have been 150,000 children. However, they didn't do it, we did that during the Second World War bringing the children from the British Isles to safety here (it is rare that the children of an aggressor country (Gaza was the aggressor since Hamas was elected by the Palestinians as their government) get to have such a gift). Strange people really but the UN has created this difficulty by providing them with 600 trucks of food, etc a day for years and years and they have become dependent. They need to look after themselves, grow their own food and create industries. Someone needs to educate them and the Middle East has many wealthy countries. We are not a welfare world actually and do expect payback at some point (when Gaza is on its feet then they can help to support populations that are in need like the rest of us). The United Nations does need to be better managed - billions of dollars have been sent to Gaza and nothing has been created there except universities (which can come in their time; I am a great believer in University Education just to round out the knowledge in the brain) but they need tradesmen/gardeners/farmers not academics. Academia can sit on the sidelines for a bit there (it certainly did here when settlers first came to the North American continent) and definitely no Palestinians should be around our children here teaching them. They teach lies.
Daylight and that is the end of my rant on all of this today. We are busy here getting ready to re-create our industries so that the Americans do not have to have the nuisance of supplying us I guess. One would have thought that a consumer base of 41 million was a good business for them but the President indicates otherwise although I heard on the news this morning that there might be a change in that decision. We will see as I said the status quo is good for us - we like trading with our American cousins (in my case)/friends/neighbours and it can just continue as far as we are concerned as agreed in NAFTA/CUSMA. A deal is a deal after all.
Breakfast, the dogs are awake. I can hear them. Hopefully I will add more translation to this will today.
Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Aug 2013
Source: Family Search – 186681, A-658 and Item 195
Testator: Richard Blayke
Place: Knights Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 12 April 1522, probated 23 May 1522
Wrapper: 1522 Rich[ard]us Blake De Enham
Wrapper: P[ro]batu[m] fuit xxiij de Maij mu[ ]day infra villa de Andev[er]
1 In die no[min]e Ame[n] xij die m[en]si[s] d’Ap[ri]lis Anno d[omi]ni M ccccc xxij Ego Richardus blayke cy[m]pos
1. In the name of God Amen 12 day of April AD 1522 I Richard Blake being of
me[n]t[i]s sane q[ue] memorie t[ame]n eg[e]r corpore condo et ordino
testament[um] meu[m] de mea[m] labor[aci]on[em] volu[n]tat[em]
2. sound mind and memory but sick of body I make and arrange my will voluntarily following
in h[u]nc modu[m] In p[ri]mis et lego A[n]i[m]am mea[m] deo patri
o[mni]pote[n]ti be[ate] marie v[ir]gini o[mn]ibus s[anc]tis
3. in this manner In the first instance, I pray to omnipotent God the Father, to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to all the saints
4 Corpus q[ue] meu[m] sepeliendu[m] in cimitt[er]io p[a]rochialis eccl[es]ie s[anc]ta michaelie archang[e]li de
4. My body to be buried in the parish cemetery of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel of
5 enham It[e]m lego mat[ric]e eccl[es]ie winton xij d It[e]m lego p[re]dute eccl[es]ie de enham xl d
5. Enham I give and bequeath to the Mother Church of Winton xij d I give and bequeath to the poor at the Church of Enham xl d
6 It[e]m do eccl[es]ie p[a]rochiali[s] de Andov[er] xx d It[e]m lego fr[atr]i meo Thome Blayke xl s
6. I give and bequeath to the parochial Church of Andover xx d I give and bequeath to my brother Thomas Blake xl s
7 ut ip[s]e videar ____ mea vlv volunt[at]us suit testam[entu]s in Jurius duslerat et p[er]vient
cum tenementas It[e]m volo q[uod] Uxor[i] mea habet
so that it may be seen the will has been handed over to the judge and
will be available when you hold the same. I also want that the farm my
wife has
8 Firmam mea p[ro] tempo exp[re]sso in indentua iux[ta] as[s]ignatorum Roberti Blayke pri[mi]s
8.my farm at the moment as expressed in the indenture between Robert Blake first
9 mei nichi et uxori mee de h[er]edibus u[ost]ris fait It[e]m do p[ar]ochiali presbicto[rum] xl d
9. heir of my estate and my wife I also give to the parochial priest 40 d
10 ip[s]e oret p[ro] salute ai[nim]e mee It[e]m volo q[uod] uxor mea h[ab]eat custodia[t] talus mei
10. to pray for the salvation of my soul
11 dura[n]te vita sua et post decessu[m] p[r]imo yedder sup[ra]dict eccl[es]ie de enham It[e]m lego
11. during his life and after his death the first year aforesaid at the Church of Enham Also I give
12 unicuiq[u]e Filiora[m] meor[um] cowes It[e]m do matri mee xl d ac volo q[uod] h[ab]eat victu et
12. to each one of my children a cow Also I give to my mother 40 d and I will
13 vestitu[m] de bo__e meus q[uod] duo vixit It[e]m lego et unicuiq[ue] filior[am] meor[um] unden
14 vacta[ ] et vi[su]m lactu[ ] cum p[er]tin[en]ces Residuum v[er]o omn[ium] bonor[um] meor[um] do et lego uxori
14. _______ The remainder of all my goods I give and bequeath to my wife
15 mee qua[m] ordino de constituo executore[m] mea[m] et mi[ni]strare ut ipsa h[ab]eat acinde
15. and to be my executor and administrator and have _________
16 Disponat p[re]sente die mee et sua ep[iscop]a utilitate s[ic]ut ei melius videbit[ur] insutu[r]
17 expedire deo place[r]e et an[im]e mee p[ro]fice[re] d[omi]ni dat[um] die Anno sup[ra]dict[i]s p[ertin]entibus
17. to be arranged for me to please God and to advance my soul, the day given concerning the aforesaid year above
18 d[omi]no J[o]h[n]e battey curat[e] Thoma Blayke and Richarde Goldyn cum aliis dimis[s]is
18 Sir John Battey Curate Thomas Blake and Richard Goldyn with others released
19 P[ro]batu[m] fuit xxiij de me[n]sis maij in
19. Proved on the 22nd of May 1522
20 cum du sup[ra]dicta in Capella infra villa de Andev[er]
21 with _____ in the Chapel below the town of Andever
21 Ergo fuit B bo____
21. There it was ______
22 iiij Juin
22. 4 Juin
Seeing this somewhat differently this time, the children are young adults probably over 21 although he doesn't say that. There is more than one child. He indicates that Robert is one of the children and his heir and if I am correct his wife is Jone (unknown) Blake who leaves her will in 1527 at Enham naming her children as Robert, Nicholas and Elizabeth (married to unknown Mylne). Since he mentions Robert and that he will share the land with his mother and then says to the children I am right there is probably more than a daughter. Within the un-transcribed text there does appear to be a daughter. At this point in time Nicholas is known to have died in 1547 and this is 25 years earlier. Robert died in 1542 and perhaps his will will be helpful. But I will continue for another day looking at this will. Richard continues to be somewhat of an enigma in all of this. I will use the original will as I go through this again to see if I have the latin correct as I did it twelve years ago.