Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sad but an answer

 The first set of human remains found in the Winnipeg landfill have been identified as Morgan Harris, a young first Nations woman lost to her family long before it should have happened. The closure comes to them at last but how sad for them. I do not give space for the name of her murderer best left to the dust of history; a serial killer. That it has taken so long to find and identify her body is a tragedy. Prayers for her family and community as they mourn for the loss of their loved one. We await the identification of the second set of human remains. 

Cold again today, winter hangs in there as it generally does in the Ottawa Valley. It is minus 5 degrees celsius but feels like minus 13. Very cloudy today and snow is hinted at. The first day of Daylight Savings. Perhaps by next year at this time it will be an historical happening. That was something I hoped would disappear in the late days of this past January. We, in Canada, have wanted to get rid of daylights savings changeover for a few years or more now. But we can not do that unless the United States moves to abolish daylight savings. Something President Trump mentioned during his last campaign was eliminating Daylight Savings. 

I see an article on the Free Trade agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada mentions that in reality the Trade deal is dead (my thoughts as well). If it isn't being followed (there has been a tariff on softwood lumber for ages now) then it is really dead. As spring comes we can start to build the pipelines and encourage startups for our lost industries due to the Free Trade Deal. In reality we were fine with the status quo prior to this reign of tariff but the threats hanging over us are detrimental to our financial standing. 

Good accomplishment extracting the matches from the various databases. I am over 130 new matches now but still a lot of work to do but this week can be devoted to that task. I have a number of interesting ones where their ancestral line is known to me. The task becomes easier and easier for sure as time passes. 

The little dog outdid herself barking this morning. Oh my gosh. This is probably the last time I will keep them. It is too much work for a nearly 80 year old. I love dogs and the older one never barks; she talks sometimes but she never barks (or very rarely). Just one clock left to change; most of them change automatically which is interesting as I will have to undo that when we finally get rid of daylight savings time. Fortunately it is just a couple of minutes of barking but unnecessary really. She lives in a backyard with a fence about six feet tall solid wood so can not seem out to bark at anything strange plus the windows are just that much higher up. Here she can see out on both floors and there is chain link fencing for about 170 feet on the back so lots of viewing room for sure. It is slippery out there so I can not chase her down readily like I can when there is  no snow.

On to work and I shall clean the basement today in preparation for a busy week and it will be easier on the dogs if I just do one floor a day.  I like the idea of new destroyers for our Navy which Prime Minister Trudeau announced but will really give a cheer when they are in the water on their christening voyage and manned by our sailors.


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Moving along and it is dawn

I did accomplish a lot yesterday including shoveling the laneway as it turned out. There wasn't enough for the company to come and do it. I also worked on the Ancestry matches and finished that project for the moment. I see there are four new ones in most of the four siblings accounts so will probably re-visit that in a couple of weeks. 

The next project was the phasing of the grandparents/great grandparents and I am working on that. I have 116 new matches to integrate into my database but I am checking the companies where I have tested people in my family before I move forward with that.  Plus I haven't extracted all the siblings matches in My Heritage (extracted just my own to use as a guide). That moved along yesterday and will continue with that today. 

This is day 11 with the dogs (finally checked the calendar) and still progressing but just one more week to go. All the snow has proven to be a lot for the dogs but they are coping quite well. They really miss their family though and any mention of them perks up their attention. The baby still barks at anything that moves in her vision that looks different. I am definitely getting used to that although I do correct her on that. 

Minus 10 degrees celsius and feels colder apparently. No snow in the forecast today but more coming apparently. Perhaps it is my grandfather's words that constantly come back to me these days of England as they stood alone in 1940 (backed by their Commonwealth of course) but still he could feel the thoughts of his siblings still in England as those dark days fell down upon that country. But persevere they did. They lived in the underground by night as the bombs rained around them and in the morning they got up and cleaned it up day after day. And they did survive and so will we as a country and as a people. Free Trade is slowly dying/ actually dead because it was meant to share different items between countries that they do not have or can not produce - competition is deadly when one country is much larger.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Minus 10 degrees celsius, the polar vortex is descending once again

 Another cold crisp morning at minus 10 degrees celsius but feels like minus 20 degrees apparently. The skies are clear; great telescope weather if you do not mind the cold! Dawn is breaking now though. 

Yesterday I actually managed to get in a couple of hours of work. I continued with my Ancestry DNA matches getting them ordered and into my database for them. I use these matches differently from the other testing companies since I do not have any data other than the number of lengths and the total knowing that TIMBER has been used on the results to remove any parts of the length that are purely because of ethnicity in a particular group (in my case British Isles). It can have a huge impact for some - one of my known to me fourth cousins is reduced by 50% in total actual match and I have a number of other matches that show that to me as well. But the time tested trees in ancestry are so very handy to have along with the matching data that I am able to easily group many of these matches into specific grandparent/great-grandparent lines and even further back as I have a good sized Siderfin group and that was my 3x great grandmother Elizabeth Siderfin marrying John Rew and their daughter Elizabeth marrying John Pincombe, then their son William Robert Pincombe marrying Grace Gray and their son John Routledge Pincombe marrying Ellen Rosina Buller and the parents of my mother Helen Louise Pincombe. For all of these lines I do have a distinct matching group within Ancestry and they do make this easier with the Thru Lines now although I still maintain my own database because I have four siblings tested at Ancestry. 

No work on the books but I am thinking about them once again as the dogs fit into my schedule rather than my fitting into their schedule. They are content though but still look at the front door wondering when their family will come through it. Soon enough for sure. But it is a long time for the baby; she is starting to transfer to me just a little. Her thick curly hair means that I have to spend a lot of extra time drying her so that I do not have water all over my house. The closeness is bringing her closer to me than the older dog which doesn't get as wet with her straight coat and long legs keeping her up out of the snow more. But she is also a very loving dog and misses her family. They are very compliant now and bedtime is really easy and I only heard from the little one once at 4:00 a.m.

So today a few chores, it is collection day and it is paper this week so must get that out to the street. I only have two packages of recycled material from the food preparation so will wait until next week to put that out. I freeze it to make that easy to handle. 

Settled back into this routine of tariff. It is fraying tempers just a little but we will always be friends with the United States. You cannot have such a huge border and not be friends. Plus we are the same kind of people both the First Peoples who live on both sides of the border and the colonials. Although a lot of people other than Northern European/British Isles have come to this continent over the last four centuries the grouping of Northern European/British Isles continues to dominate that portion. In Canada the descendants of the early French Canadians continue to be the largest ethnic group (I think) mostly because they have moved west and east in Canada where some no longer speak French but I would still call them French Canadians and many of them have refound their French heritage because of bilingualism here. Although not official in other than a few provinces, there are French Canadian areas in many many of the provinces. For me with my English heritage we have very much disappeared into the Caucasian group where few know which aspects of life in Canada are actually British Isles English hence when BIFHSGO (British Isles Family History Society of  Greater Ottawa) was established as a genealogy/friendship group back in the mid 1990s I became a member (as did Edward but it was my initiative although at that time the idea that I would spend eight hours a day on genealogical endeavours was certainly not in my wavelength and I definitely continued to avoid it as much as possible until I didn't in 2003 when my cousin George DeKay dragged me into the business of all of that with his request for a Profile for my Pincombe family). I joined because it contained that element of England that I still clung to with memories of particularly my Grandfather who loved his home country but was also a proud Canadian (my grandmother also a proud Canadian had a different perspective look at her home country (probably because her parents died when she was young)). 

I feel privileged to live in Canada at this time as the First Peoples continue to be more a part of the governance of this great land that they have roamed for many thousands of years (13,000 at the latest sort of discussion in this area) but any earlier signs of their presence were obliterated by the Ice Age and the Younger Dryas periods of history on this part of the continent with the ice sheets extending down into the United States. Our Governor General belongs to the Inuit Peoples - I am really happy that she was willing to take that position in our governance and she has done an excellent job. That a group of First Nations ancestors crossed the Bering Strait 13,000+ years ago though seems to be a solid historical item. But the latest discoveries in South America show the presence of First Nations ancestors likely over 100,000 years ago from the South Pacific making that long journey across the Pacific which is amazing and it is their descendants who moved north into Central America and Mexico and the Southern United States but it is only limited by the inability to find information prior to the Ice Age and the Younger Dryas periods which obliterated anything that might have told us differently. Definitely the peoples of the First Nations have the knowledge of the past that we do not. Living with my grandfather certainly told me that as he talked about the various structures from his childhood living in Upper Clatford just across the London Road from Andover the much larger city near him. Stonehenge was known to him as a child and also he spent time in the New Forest area where his older sister lived with his Knight grandparents first at Turnworth (near Blandford Forum) Dorset and later in the New Forest Area. He loved the smell of the Sea he used to say as he spent some time near the English Channel (interestingly it is called the English Channel in England but in France it is called The Channel). Bodies of water can have different names for different peoples. Although, for sure, it is easier on the maps to have a standard naming perhaps but this is the modern age and as everything becomes more and more electronic we can just tap the name and see what other names have belonged to that spot in time. Turtle Island for one - the great continent on which we all live here in North America. 

So today I will complete my task on the Ancestry matches into my database. I hope to look at all the new matches and get them ordered into their database and then I can spend some time on the task of Phasing my grandparents and great-grandparents. The full task was last completed in 2019 for my grandparents as I never finished my project started in 2022 - life just became too busy with the Siderfin Books. I was doing it every year until then having first started that in 2014. 

I may take a peak at the Blake book and the work on the le Blak family of Rouen Normandy and the documents which I have now read but need to actually finish their transcription. We will see how the day goes.



Thursday, March 6, 2025

The imposition of tariffs being linked to fentanyl in the United States

Are they paying as much attention to the oceans that lap up against their land from top to bottom? I still think it is easy for people to arrive at a country's shore, enter, transfer things and leave without anyone being the wiser (the coasts are very long). How much fentanyl do they actually have? Is it home grown in the United States? We also have fentanyl deaths here in Canada - far too many. So many questions. 

Well the week of expectation will soon be over in terms of the new Leader of the Liberal Party here in Canada. The people have spoken and Justin Trudeau  has resigned but agreed to stay on until the new leader is selected and a new leader is to be announced very shortly. He/she will be Prime Minister until the next election which could be anytime in the next year and a half. That will surely be tested in the House of Commons soon enough unless the Liberals move straight to an election - time will tell. I do like it that when a leader becomes unacceptable it is very easy to have a new leader - the Westminster Model of governance has stood us in good stead all these years and indeed in my case since the Magna Carta at Runnymede in 1216 when the rule of the people was declared since I am of English ancestry going back a very very long way. 

Yesterday I accomplished very little on the books but it was a busy day with the dogs. It rained so cleaning up the dogs after their runs took a lot of time. But they are happy and at day 10 (must check that) I am more than half way through looking after them. They have boundless energy (which I actually have as well but I am noticing that caring for two for ten days is a lot of work). They truly are a perfectly matched/bonded set of dogs. But they are half first cousins and perhaps that helps. Plus the older one is also the largest - the bully factor perhaps although she doesn't very often show that. They just get along very well. The younger one seems less barky as the days go by or I am just getting used to that. 

Today I wonder what I will accomplish - rain and snow mix again today and this milder weather probably lets some of the melting start at ground level instead of just running off. I did renew my Solitaire Subscription (Microsoft) just because it is good brain exercise and they politely inform me of the price in Canadian dollars and considering our dollar at the moment is a bargain compared to the American dollar. We didn't do that it just rises and falls depending on how we are regarded - at the moment we are under  tariffs so look less interesting although not entirely it would appear after all we are a consumer base of 41 million plus people. That is a good sized consumer base for sure. Plus we live in a northern climate so buy more stuff externally with the United States being our usual place of purchase but they decided to tariff us so we are looking elsewhere for both our purchases and our sales. Not our preferred choice but a free trade deal is just that and they were already putting a tariff on softwood lumber for a while now which strictly is wrong under a free trade deal. We did like the status quo but we can return to pre Free Trade too and make everything ourself for ourselves that we can and buy what we need. We can actually survive without American alcohol, Florida orange juice and a number of other items that we generally buy in huge quantities apparently (paying a tax on those items not happening (we are adding tax to some items to counter the tariffs)). It was our oil that they buy that put us into a deficit position. So we are going to build pipelines and keep what we usually buy back from them here to refine so that the trade will be balanced or a deficit on our side. We were paying them 3x more than what we sold it to them for and one would have thought that was a really good deal. But life always flows forward no one can control the clock. 

Which reminds me President Trump when he was campaigning said he would eliminate Daylight Savings and it hasn't happened - we would really like to be rid of daylight savings for sure. We can not eliminate it unless they do; it is much too confusing. 

I can hear the baby down there; she must have awakened and someone went by the window likely. Exercise and breakfast.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The President of Finland

 The President of Finland (Alexander Stubb) has come up with a brilliant idea. If Russia breaks a ceasefire to come then Ukraine automatically becomes a member of NATO. 

It is interesting to be grouped with China as references to us lately have us listed as China, Mexico and Canada (the largest trading partners of the United States currently under tariff by the United States). Because Canada (and perhaps Mexico too) is so entwined with the United States (in our case the Auto Pact goes back to 1965) that to disengage would be a loss for that company here and would they gain enough by being solely American trying to sell cars in Canada. Whenever that is attempted it does not work as we do not buy the cars. I do believe in Free Enterprise and when you have set up a system that works government should follow the preferences of the company whose future is on the line rather than pursuing a 100% practise that can work for some industries to protect them whilst they grow but not for others that have an established pattern that has existed for several generations. Private companies do their own shake-ups when the system isn't working for them; they do not need government help and it is injurious to them for government to interfere. Time will tell; it always does. I am happy to see Taiwan bringing the chip business to the United States in such a big way - the entire American continent will benefit from this huge addition. 

China has said it intends to pursue union with Taiwan by extending the hand of friendship and good trade.

I often comment that pursuing education for education itself is a good goal for youth and that includes a university education as it broadens the mind. I have a personal experience in that regard in that my father's parents wanted him to go into banking and encouraged him to go to Westervelt (a college which specialized in those days (the 20-30s) in a solid business education for those planning to go on into banking, commerce and other such careers. My father did do that; studied and completed the entire course at Westervelt but at the end of it all after completion he apprenticed to a master electrician because that was what he really wanted to do - a new and exciting field and he wanted to be there. His parents were probably disappointed but they stayed with him as he then entered into that apprenticeship. He never regretted it in any way I would say as he loved electricity. And the plus, he did use his business training running his own business. We need to let the youth discover, follow education to its fullest and then move on to what really tugs at their brain. 

Fentanyl is a curse on the North American continent as so many youth have succumbed to its evil. Ridding ourselves of it would perhaps entail having the entire water borders controlled on both sides of the continent and as the melting continues in the north up there as well. How it enters is a mystery in some ways (the land borders are becoming secure so they will move to the place of least resistance. When there is money to be made  you can be sure that the blood suckers are out there doing anything and everything to make it. When money is no longer the centerpiece of our society but rather achievement and purpose then the fentanyl will disappear. Wish it could be sooner as it is evil taking away young lives on a daily basis but time is on our side as we move to that upper plain of peace if Russia, North Korea and Iran will let that happen. Their forays into evil are the malicious undercurrents of our world at this time. They will seek any path that they find in order to perpetrate their satanic devastation. 

Still no work yesterday but the dogs are happy and I am into day 9 now. The baby is barking as the world wakes up and people take their dogs for a walk. It is warmer today 0 degrees celsius and we will get either rain or snow today; yesterday was pretty much all snow and there is accumulation again as the soft moist snow filled in the cracks and the crevices that are created by the minus 20+ degrees celsius temperatures of the last few days. 

I shall think about the books whilst caring for the dogs today. It will be a chore drying them off when they come in and takes a little while as the young one has thick curly hair. As I rub them down I am reminded of my children and caring for them when they were young. I would do my proofreading in between and at nap times and the evenings in those days. On the warm days I would sit outside and watch them play as I proofread. I love proofreading/copyediting; there is a quiet satisfaction as the eyes run along the lines in the page finding and correcting any errors. It consumes the mind when you are working at it and the completion is a fulfilling moment in time. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The new way to put out your message

It is truly amazing the internet and how  much you can do with it. Myself, I was into computers in the mid 1960s learning Fortran first and then COBOL. Although I did use both in my working life, I do not now. But the internet lets the words of anyone travel around the world and they get to set the pace in a way. My setup of four newsletters four times a year has resulted in my having many emails a week with queries. I do not mind queries; I can not always answer them particularly on American research - my husband was the expert on American research because of his Colonial ancestry in New England/New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania. On his father's side his ancestors are Patriots and came to Canada between 1800 and 1830, on his mother's side some of them are New England loyalists leaving New York to go to New Brunswick although a number of them were planters who went to Nova Scotia years earlier from the New England States. His mother's Link line were his only loyalists out of New York (Cherry Valley) into what is now Quebec. They left from Cherry Valley in the dead of winter on foot moving up to Sorel, Quebec where they found safety (mostly women and children). But he has written about all of that and spoken on it at Palatines to America group meetings which we attended for many years. With his more recent German ancestry (his great grandparents came from Germany in 1848 and 1867 to Canada) he fitted into the group very well as it is now more of a German ancestry group I believe. I always found it somewhat fascinating that the descendant of patriots would marry the descendant of loyalists here in Canada! 

But back to the internet and how amazing it really is. It provides a mechanism for revealing events as they happen and certainly the management of those events does show very clearly as you view them. I think that this was the first time I ever heard anyone mention in the moment as the event was occurring that World War III was a possibility. Mis-step can rule the day on occasion but definitely World War III would be nuclear and it would be Armageddon - we do not want to swamp God with so many returnees. I suspect he would not be happy with that.  The fires of Satan would certainly be full that day and for many days! But back to the value of the internet in getting a message out I certainly have found it to be excellent as a sounding board for my Siderfin books (although no complaints which still amazes me as I did postulate several of my own theories in those books although I had accumulated a fair amount of proof that allowed one to reach the conclusion especially with the aid of autosomal DNA match results where I was bringing Thomas back home to his family - lots of three way checks).

 As a child I heard so many stories when we visited with my Pincombe relatives and they did become somewhat blended. For instance I knew that we had cousins in Australia and than George Pincomb had gone there leaving  his wife and children at their farm just outside of London, England because his wife refused to move. Then there was a another individual who left his family and moved elsewhere in England because he had had a run away marriage but I never could remember the names for that one. Perhaps one day it will come to me. I also had a great grandfather who married a woman with an illegitimate child (not his; he was serving as a medic in the First Boer War in Africa and she was definitely in England) and he was disowned for that. But my grandmother did meet her relatives when her grandmother died as her father took her (she was the eldest child (the illegitimate child had gone to Canada by then)) with him to the funeral. There were so many tidbits that come back to me when I am working on the different lines. 

The Blake Book and the Pencombe Book are neglected for this period of time whilst the dogs are visiting me. They have been good except for the baby that barks. I have not been able to cure her although I have managed to restrain her somewhat by reminding her as she goes out the door not to bark. She stays up close to the house whilst she remembers but the desire to run overcomes her and there she is where she can see the very large dog two doors up and it panics her. Poor Little thing; so I knock on the window and in she comes - she knows that she has done the wrong thing. 

So today is cleaning day two and the first day of tariffs and the beginning of taxes on the products going to and coming from the United States - 25% tariff = 25% taxes (should be interesting as that is how I would do it). Mind you I suspect we may find it hard to buy the amount that we are going to tax as our purchase of American goods is going to be as close to zero as it can get (we do not like to do without American liquor apparently (not me, I do not drink or if I do it is just a small glass of Canadian wine) or Florida orange juice and there is more like dishwashers and other small appliances). Maybe we will walk more and save on gas until we have our new pipelines built so as to keep that low as well. Should be interesting but the people still buying Canadian goods going across the border will have to pay 25% to the wealthy tariff (is that what it is called?) so that the ultra rich can have their taxes reduced and help to pay off the trillions in debt that was created by the ultra rich being given a tax break back in this current President's first term. The American people will face higher prices apparently which really doesn't seem fair (those who are not the ultra rich although perhaps the ultra rich still buy groceries). But then with our dollar being depressed by tariff (and probably even further now that it has been put on) and threat of tariff we really can not do anything else; we need to support our people and of course recreate our industries that were destroyed by NAFTA/CUSMA if necessary). Although we were getting tired of paying a tariff on our softwood lumber which is really illegal under NAFTA/CUSMA.

The Gulf of America continues to fascinate me somewhat as it is surrounded on three sides by South America, Central America and North America. In some ways I am surprised that the name wasn't chosen originally since the continent got called America very early on when the settlers arrived (it is Turtle Island though; that is the First Nations name for this continent (Gulf of Turtle Island maybe?)). However it is also the Gulf of Mexico and probably there are portions of it that have names such as the Gulf of Cuba, etc. etc. Would have to check on that.

Monday, March 3, 2025

I am of the opinion that we should just move on

I think that we need to just move on as a country and put NAFTA/CUSMA deep into the past. It did create a lot of co-joined industries (mostly the auto industry) between Canada and the United States but it also destroyed our home industries that made all sorts of small machinery; we made everything pretty much with so many small businesses gone now but could be rebuilt. The main reason being that our companies were out-priced/out-competed by larger American companies and they either closed down or were bought out. Those American companies in return took their business off-shore in the United States and built everything in Asia where it was cheaper and the net result is what we see. An individual wanting to bring industry back to the United States and we will suffer for it so we should quickly turn about and start creating the industries we lost that existed before NAFTA/CUSMA. I am not in favour of turning off the power particularly but I am in favour of taxing whatever is added to the cost of the electricity or any other commodity when it crosses the border. After all it is a charge being levied on us so we should charge it back. In the meantime we have to get those pipelines built; there should be lots of workers because layoffs will begin soon enough. People are going to have to think of this as like the depression where people worked at whatever needed doing to get our self into the position where we can offshore more of our oil and start producing canned gas to sell abroad. The same with regard to small machines; we have to stop buying them from external markets and make our own. We must turn inward to protect ourselves. We can do this and must. 

Life was easier and quieter before these trade pacts and we can actually turn the clock back because we have all the raw materials we need here in Canada to build most things. It will be a lot of work though and perhaps we old people will have to do the things that we know how to do as well. I am good at wiring although at nearly 80 I will be slower. It is the trades that we need for sure. I mean I can still work in a lab no problem but the trades are the important thing now. A lot will have to be done by hand until we have created the machinery that exists for speeding up production but I am sure we can do it. 

I think choosing to remain Canada is in our best interests and that of our First peoples and together we will make Canada strong (and really better for the United States as we would not be content as a 51st State with limited representation and they are not offering the ability to have 13 more states which would be the only way that would work for us). 

As for our currency being low against the American dollar ours rides freely and we do not force it down. When I was a child the Canadian dollar was worth more than the American dollar and did before the market collapse in 2008 but has not come back since then. So we should not be charged for our dollar being at 70 cents American. Free trade works well as it turns out; I was not that keen on it when we first got into it but I think it can be an equalizer around the world if currencies are permitted to float freely; if not the countries controlling its value should be penalized. Free Trade with Europe has been very interesting especially as we spent time there (seven trips covering quite a bit of western Europe and the British Isles). Also our many trips to the United States revealed some interesting items that we grew to enjoy at the time. 

Minus 28 degrees celsius and it is cleaning day

 Another cold night and minus 28 degrees celsius at 6:00 a.m. It is supposed to warm up to minus 5 though today and a warming trend. Time will tell. Generally March is a warmer month than January and February but the Arctic Vortex controls the weather not anything else. Another day in cold snowy covered Canada but I do love the winter. I can manage quite a bit of cold but the house is heated which makes a big difference. I always remember one summer's day not long after one of the students came from Africa and said in his liberal fashion Canada should really accept far more people to come and live here. That was way back in the mid 1990s and we have always had controlled migration because it is a lot of work to immigrate into this land and establish yourself. By mid January following that comment, he said he had no idea how people could live in this country so I suggested he might want to invest in heavy clothing because it has just begun still another couple of months to go before that warm sunshine would heat up our world here and melt away the snows. It continues being a great truth. That is the paradox of Canada really - beautiful in the warm summer months but really cold in the winter and the further north you go the colder it is. 

Cleaning day and it is the top floor; I have moved to my new methodology of cleaning with my combining the basement with the main floor rather than the two floors above the basement together. It was too much for this old woman for sure as I approach 80 years. Should have done that a few years ago but I am stubborn and just kept doing it but the past couple of weeks have been much better and less exhausting. Everyone has to learn logic in their lives; no one is exempt really. The path forward should always be the path that best suits you. 

The Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter is published on the website and it is up to Volume 10 Issue 2 2025. The newsletters are shrinking and will continue to do that as I concentrate on the books. This interval is not going to be a lot of accomplishment but I will get back to it soon enough. A good break for me and the dogs are a lot of fun. The youngest one woke early but I think I forget to push the couch against the window so that she couldn't look outside and the world is waking up now and some people walk their dogs early although it is a cold one today!

The discussion in the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter is looking at the first and second generation of the Pencombe family at North Molton. The Devon Lay Subsidy 1524-1527 was most helpful in that regard and actually identifies John Pencombe as being the individual who accompanied John Lord Zouch to North Molton. I am becoming more and more convinced that likely this was an accompaniment which the King (Henry VII) requested as John Lord Zouch was attainted following the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1483 (John Lord Zouch supported Richard III against Henry VIII and paid the price for that for a short period - the attainment was lifted less than ten years later and he returned to his somewhat diminished properties to live out the rest of his life. But the Pencombe family arrived in North Molton and there they stayed in the North Devon area into the present day although my line came to Upper Canada in March 1851 having arrived on the North American continent at the Port of New York on the 7th January 1851. They traveled to Genesee New York where his older brother was living (he had gone to the United States prior to 1835 then returning to England to marry and the two of them returned to New York in 1835 where their two sons were born. Eventually that family ended up in the mid-West and I have corresponded with them. But my ancestor John Pincomb decided to make his home in the now London area of Southwestern Ontario. Land was definitely cheaper in Ontario and was perhaps the draw no ideas on that. No one ever said that I recall. 

Probably not much work done on Richard Blake's will today but we will see. I can sort of see that the gist of it that I acquired twelve years ago is pretty close but I would like to untangle the latin that is somewhat difficult to read so might work away at that. 

Already the 3rd of March 2025 and this year has been a rather astronomical one already; one never knows what the next day will bring.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Minus 24 degrees celsius and Day 5 with the Dogs

 Another crisp cold day in Canada and we live about 40 km above the 45th parallel. I can imagine how cold it is in the Arctic above the 60th parallel. Must have a look. Yesterday we got maybe 10 to 15 cm of fresh snow. Always welcomed as the ground was pretty dry last fall. The backyard has a good amount now to tide us into spring and we will likely get more unless it rains first!

Remembering our gifting Newfoundland with Labrador in 1949 when they joined us as the 10th Province. It did make us absolutely from ocean to ocean although Nova Scotia and New Brunswick certainly sit out in that same Ocean. The Atlantic is our path back to the Old Country for many of us (that is the British Isles) but also lots of descendants of the early Colonial Americans coming from the European Continent namely France (in Quebec and along the lower New Brunswick coast as well as up into the highlands of Cape Breton Island was settled by those early French pioneers (my son in law has 30 of those early pioneers at Quebec City in his tree going all the way back to the first settlers in Quebec for sure and I have no idea if his Acadians were amongst the earliest of the first group that came to New Brunswick)). I need to do that work one of these days. My husband Edward had many colonial ancestors (American Colonies in the 1600s) from The Netherlands (the Kip family of New Amsterdam/New York was from the Netherlands along with a number of others in Edward's tree), also from Germany his Link family (Palatinates) and many of them. The breakdown for Edward was 30% German, 30% Dutch, 20% French, 10% Scandinavian, 5% English (the Mead family being from England amongst a number of Dissenters who came very early to the colonies -mostly Edward's 9th, 10th and 11th grandparents) and a small mixture of other European like Swiss, Polish and a couple of others). On the Kipp side, Edward's ancestors mostly arrived in southwestern Ontario, Canada between 1800 and 1830 from the New England Colonies/New York/Pennsylvania. And of course, my father was born in England and came as a nine year old with his parents and then my mother's grandmother was her first Canadian born ancestor, her second was her father and then herself. All the rest were from England proper although I have Scot ancestry with my first arrival the Routledge family and it was their daughter Margaret who was the mother of Sir John Carling and her sister Mary Ann was my 2x great grandmother with her daughter Grace (Gray) Pincombe being first cousin to Sir John Carling.  I haven't accomplished very much in these five days with the dogs. I did start the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter yesterday and will complete it today hopefully. 

Life has been busy though as the dogs need to be dried after they are outside and they do not apparently like hair dryers as I did try that on the very curly thick wool coat of the younger dog. The older one doesn't get as wet. Anyway managed to get them dry with towelling and they did enjoy it. I could never own a dog as I wouldn't get any work done or only in small amounts. They are time heavy dogs but good companions. Edward, if he had remained strong, would have spent time with them as well but they are large dogs and he became nervous of them knocking him over. 

 Church today and it is at St Paul's Church, Withington which is in the Diocese of Manchester and a suburb of Manchester. We did spend time in Lancashire where Manchester is located but we were mostly in the Lake District in northwest England. It was truly lovely, mystical country actually with the fresh smell of green in the air. We walked about the village of  Grasmere. This is Wordsworth Country (Poet Laureate of England) and also to get there we passed by the road to Bewcastle - the home of my Routledge family who were my first colonials to come to Canada in the late summer of 1818. 

The young dog is awake and must go to see my charges. They need a short run in the minus 24 degree backyard and then breakfast. But they are used to that; one does get used to such things. I can remember going to work some mornings at 6:30 a.m. when it was minus 30 degrees celsius. 

With all these Executive Orders coming down from President Trump we still haven't seen one eliminating Daylight Savings. He promised to do that during his election campaign. We can not move to that here in Canada unless they do in the United States; it would be too confusing. We always have to do everything like that exactly the same as the Americans to keep continuity across the continent. We are the smaller country so that makes good sense. Hopefully that Executive Order will come soon because Daylight Savings begins in another week if he doesn't and another year upset by that ridiculous movement of time one hour forward! Mind you a lot of people like it; I fail to see the advantage in it.

 The reality about Putin's war is he wants it to continue as long as he is killing Ukrainians as fast as he can - he wants their land and this is the easiest way (as he sees it) to eliminate them (interesting about the Rare earth minerals actually and how that fits into the equation). He doesn't care how many Russians die as he is sending the young men from the areas of Russia that are not White Russia - those young men have protected status; they are too good as far as Putin is concerned to use as canon fodder (and they are the children of his enablers). When he invaded Ukraine he played and toyed with it and when the world was most annoyed at this he attacked in a way that looked like the entry of Hitler into Austria knowing full well that the Ukrainians would never bow down to him and welcome him. Plus  he wasn't there because he wanted the Ukrainians to fight so that he could kill them (his sadistic and satanic murder of the people of Bucha in Ukraine shows how far his demonic mind would go to kill Ukrainians). That has always been his aim; they are the most likely to oppose him and one doesn't strike a small country like Latvia or the other Baltic States - one heads for the largest and attacks so the others will not fight but NATO is in his way there for sure. Does he want peace? will he keep the peace? or is it just a ploy to let him regroup and rearm; the arrangement/discussion between President Trump and the demonic satanic Putin and his enablers would be interesting to hear for sure. But the murder of Ukrainians will continue until Putin is dead or cornered/forced to make peace. He still  has plenty of Russian blood to spill as they outnumber the Ukrainians 3 to 1 give or take. 

Hamas is also not yet tired of war - they still have plenty of Palestinian blood to spill and they do not care. They are demonic satanic people as well hoping that they can keep this stress up on Israel until they leave which I doubt they are going to do (it is their land as an ancient peoples going back thousands and thousands of years - it is all in the Bible and there are historic texts to prove their right to the land). It is really a matter of who leaves and personally I think Hamas should leave (preferably by their own hand perhaps with a gun in their mouth like Hitler they are that same sort of people) and the Palestinians need to be moved out of there so that the children can  have a chance to a better life in clean warm  homes, schools set up by the Muslim Arab nations nearby and training schools for the parents so they learn how to take care of children, how to grow food and how to start up industries needed for a country to be productive. That way Israel can clean up Gaza, get rid of any unexploded ordinances and restore it to the state that they left it in when they were forced out and placed where they are back in 1948. The logic of the Palestinians destroying all those greenhouses plus everything else has never made any sense. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Day Five with the dogs

 Thus far the dogs and I have merged together successfully living together in the house. They are used to the house and know the rules. That works very well and we have kept to a strict schedule - better for me as I do not think they care as long as they are fed! They are perfectly bonded so that works very well; you seldom see them in disagreement. The older one is the alpha dog and she is also the biggest. The younger dog feels safe with the older dog but can certainly stand up for herself and does but the friction between the dog two doors up and her seems lessened although time will tell. The younger one is pretty defensive. No barking at 4 a.m. though since the first night. 

At 6 a.m. it is minus 8 degrees celsius and we are in for a snowfall which is ongoing - 10 cm down and more to come. I heard the company come to clear my laneway I think or it could be the main road. This is Saturday though so not a rush day for a lot of people. 

Our military has mentioned that they are moving up the pace of recruitment and will accept people who were declined previously with things like asthma. The thorough investigations will be ongoing but more will be accepted before completion. This does help to bring us up to 2% of GDP although reaching 5% may be doable under the conservatives which would be a good thing. It does feel like there is more tension in the air today but it will pass I am sure. Europe is definitely re-arming and re-militarizing. We were all used to the United States being the policeman of the world but they shouldn't feel that they have to do it and they will not apparently as they appear to be  withdrawing from international commitments. I think our concern over the activities of the FLQ do not have to have a play in today's modern Canada and we can plow ahead and re-militarize Canada in a bigger way. Russia is definitely a threat on our northern water border with them. The early days of the 1990s when the world looked like it was headed for that peaceful uplifted plain has been shattered with Russia's invasion of Ukraine (and their rare earth deposits perhaps along with their nuclear generators (greed is generally the reason for war)) and threats against NATO. NATO has proven itself these three long years to not be an aggressive organization but rather defensive as was the plan at its creation (they will continue supporting Ukraine in their fight for freedom as will we). After all it was Russia that did not leave the Eastern European countries as promised by them at Yalta near the end of WWII and instead created the "Iron Curtain" which enslaved millions of Europeans for another two generations after WWII. NATO was created to make sure that there was no further aggression on the part of what was then the Soviet Union. As that wall came down in Berlin we got to see exactly what had been going on in the enslaved part of Eastern Europe and basically it was nothing. No progress for any of those countries living still as they had at the time of the Second World War. They had been controlled and not permitted to leave. Their industries were in ruins.

Russia remains a problem; their invasion of Afghanistan caused the bankruptcy of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Iron Curtain. One would say it was a good thing. It is wrong to enslave people for two generations who have done nothing wrong really as they too had been invaded by the Nazis and forced to fight for them in many cases. Where is China in all of this? I have no idea to be absolutely honest (but I suspect they prefer trade over war personally). I listen to my government and proceed accordingly in that regard. But the tariffs to be and which have been imposed or will be presumably by the United States will have a profound effect on the world. Since the hope of the few in the know is to accumulate even more wealth to themselves it is problematic for the remaining millions of Americans mostly I think although we will have to tighten our belts and proceed towards a different future here in Canada breaking down the trading barriers between provinces (it allowed for such things as the dairy products of Wisconsin to be sold to the Prairie Provinces although there is sufficient milk in Ontario and Quebec to do so which instead has gone to feed the poor of the world (always a good thing as the elimination of USAID has left the Rohingyas without that support which was a large part of their sustenance) and finding new customers for our exports. Other than that the day is ahead of us and Canadians are a rather practical people always looking to the best way to handle things that does not involve war if possible but always ready for the fight if we have to. Switching from peace to war back in September of 1939 was apparently a very smooth transition according to my parents. But it is not the preferred way forward for sure. The desire for the natural resources of the world (and Canada is very abundant in such resources) will probably be the story written about this time in the future - anything will be done to have those resources including trying to make Canada a 51st State which would actually turn us into second class citizens of the United States without appropriate representation. 

We should not expect the King to say anything about the "strong suggestions" with regard to Canada being a 51st State which is a non-starter (why do people copy Hitler in their language after all he was a Satanist and pretty much destroyed Europe because of his wars but they are recovering rapidly now and they are after all nearly a billion people including the British Isles - one of the biggest problems with wars is that it is great for business unless yours is being destroyed!). But as for a 51st State that is insufficient representation in the Congress of the United States - we are essentially 13 potential States since we are 10 provinces and three territories - we would need to have 26 Senators along with representation by population in the House (the patriot vein runs strong in the blood of descendant Canadians - there are many many descendants of the American patriots in Canada). But as mentioned there are great advantages to our being an independent country and best friend to the United States of America. We always have been these past two hundred years and before that the First Peoples on this continent had many trading relations between them (great swathes of land are owned by the First Nations here). Our support to the United States in times of need has been always there and always will be. The Americans are our friends and neighbours and cousins (on my part). Governments come and go (at least they normally do unless they turn into dictatorships) but the peoples of these two countries have an entwined heritage and friendship that can last forever like the great reservoirs and dams that were built by us to make the life of Americans easier due to flooding by rivers that cross both of our countries with the headwaters here. The St Lawrence Seaway (mostly pleasure craft these days) was built by Canada. We are good neighbours and will stem the flow of fentanyl down to 0% and it is already huddling in that area since it was quite low anyway but any fentanyl is deadly. We have deaths here as well tragically to fentanyl. Too many for sure.

So today I will be sure to do my Latin, French and German Duolingo. The little one has just awoken. I can hear her. Time to think of breakfast.


Friday, February 28, 2025

Dogs are occupying me

 The dogs are keeping me pretty busy. They have been in and out quite a bit and with all the snow I need to clean them off each time on re-entry. They are enjoying the yard though although much smaller then their yard before the move; now it is a big place and they are enjoying it. After a few days of actual above zero degrees celsius, the snow had softened a little but it is back to being quite solid so they can run all over the yard now. Being that type of person, I have to keep an eye on them when they are outside like little children. 

I did not touch the books yesterday at all; the day simply flew by. I did make my banana bread though which is delicious. It is made with whole wheat flour and really does have a bread feel in the texture but the taste absolutely delicious. Probably I should make cookies and will think about that. When my youngest was about eight years old she started to make cookies and I haven't baked a cookie since but perhaps I could again! I do miss my oatmeal cookies for sure.

 It is minus 14 degrees celsius at 6:00 a.m. and we are promised 10 to 15 cm of snow today/tonight. The more the merrier one might say as we have a good pile now but the land was pretty dry last fall so extra works very well. Chicken stew was finished on Wednesday so last night was egg night - 2 hard boiled in case of bird flu (10 minutes) - with a tomato (fresh), slice of cheese, slice of buttered toast, 3/4 C of frozen peas cooked, and an orange. Tariffs are apparently coming though so no more oranges unless I can find European oranges. Then a slice of banana bread for dessert also buttered. I like to butter my cakes more than I like icing. I do wonder why a President would be so cruel to the voters who put him into office by putting tariffs on products coming into the United States. A much better way would be to support new industry developments in the United States and highlight them in his Social Truth Posts sort of like giving a "Royal Charter" to companies in England! But destroying the auto industry between the United States and Canada seems like a no-win for the auto-companies who know that to sell cars in Canada you need to be making them here and apparently the cars made here are sold here and we do not make enough so some are brought in from the Detroit plant to give them enough (it works) to sell (I think I got that right the other day from the interview). We are a consumer base here in Canada of 41 million plus people and cars are a big deal here. 

Today perhaps a bit of time on my work. The dogs like to lie on my bed and watch me work and they usually fall asleep. They are very well behaved and are first cousins but behave like sisters. They share just one grandparent and do not look alike other than that they are both big dogs. The one has this huge bark and I know that there is a squirrel in the tree or on the ground out front as they keep watch all around. The other dog is quieter but she is the alpha dog in charge of them. 

The dogs are awake. Must go and visit with them as it is nearly time to go outside and then breakfast. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The North American Continent

Not much accomplished yesterday; a little more on the will. Must go back to the original and check the latin transcription and will likely work at that today. It is snowing and  minus 5 degrees celsius. We are coming into our heaviest snow time often enough. 

The world has changed and entered into a new era. I look at my own country Canada (or Turtle Island its original name) and when one looks back in time we have only ever been invaded by the Americans which ended with the War of 1812-1814 unless you count the Fenian Raids in the 1880s which the United States put an end to themselves possibly because they were protecting their foolish citizens who thought they could take over Quebec mostly (the British garrisons had withdrawn from Canada following Confederation (1867) during the 1870s for the most part). During those wars between the British Colonies at that time (before 1867) and the United States it was the First Nations, the militias in Lower Canada (Quebec) and the loyalist militias in Upper Canada who defended the territorial integrity of this land along with British regulars.  Interesting really given the current discussion. As we move forward becoming more diversified in our trade across the country and around the world one wonders looking back what other routes are really open to a country like ours with vast land areas and a polar region and a huge shared border with the United States than being the country we are today. We have coddled and promoted friendship with the United States because we share such a long border; it is practical for both of us to be friends (and it has paid off many times in the past which I have recounted). We built the St Lawrence Seaway at our expense but it is useful to everyone along the path. We have many Water treaties that give great advantages to our neighbours to the south.  I continue to say as I have for many years that we need to maintain our military and our military outposts (the Liberal governments have been the biggest problem in that regard but if one looks back on the Federation Liberation Quebec (FLQ) during the late 60s and 70s there was perhaps a certain concern at militarizing Canada which affected the Liberal Party more than the Conservative). I did think Prime Minister Harper was going to do more for the military but the crash of 2008 affected the rest of his time in government. But did we ever really count on the United States itself to defend us (we saw NATO in that capacity as that was its goal and we were ready to do our part as we have and are doing in Latvia at the moment and all of our support for Ukraine itself)? I actually did not particularly think of the Americans defending us as our military is always up to a good fight and anyone wanting to fight a war in the frozen north better be ready; the people that live there know that country. Plus the reality is that anyone attacking Canada is also going to want the United States (evil people are not going to want to share such a huge border) and they are more likely to attack them first since they appear the strongest! Pearl Harbor is a good example of that.  Also to be remembered we declared war (independently) on the Nazis in 1939 knowing full well they could invade us and we would have to defend ourselves if the United Kingdom had fallen and their fallback would have been Canada. Many many Americans joined the Canadian Forces at that time (Winston Churchill certainly pushed to bring the United States into the war when Britain was standing alone with the Commonwealth behind it but it was Pearl Harbor and the Nazis declaring war on the United States that brought them in nothing else). Many many of our industries quickly switched over to the production of war materials in 1939 - unfortunately war is always good for business unless you are being bombed! We did realize that Alaska (one of the American States) was really the first line of defense during the Cold War in the Arctic but they are the closest approach to Russia. But during these many years we continue to maintain an active protection in the north which does need to be upgraded and that will happen with a Conservative government. We thought perhaps peace had come but with our huge Ukrainian population we learned quickly that Russia is greedy and always wants what isn't theirs to have. They do not seem to know how to live. A pity really. My thoughts for the day. 

Certainly meeting the Russian girl that came during the joint Canadian-Russian Space Camp did leave a lasting impression on me of just how selfish people can be and not even realize it (I did often wonder if it was the only reason she came on the trip but getting a Visa on a moments notice to go to the United States doesn't generally work especially on a weekend!). 

Too bad as peace is such a beautiful word. Canada and the United States have been at peace for over two hundred years sharing the goodness of this continent with which we are blessed by the kindness of the First Nations to whom much of the Canadian land belongs and we live on their unceded lands. God bless the North American Continent and all who live therein. 

The snow is quite heavy now. March could be very very interesting. The dogs are resting after their runs outside - not too far as there is so much snow. It is wonderful. Lots of moisture for the spring. One can just imagine what the fields will be like all across Canada - pretty mushy! Good for the crops for sure.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

It will be a slow two weeks

 Looking after my grand dogs for two weeks whilst their home is being painted. It will be fun. They love to sit on my bed and watch me work away on the computer. They are big dogs but kind to me. 

So not a lot done yesterday except amazingly I did do two blogs. There is so much going on in the world these days and I do get distracted. Premier Furey of Newfoundland/Labrador is stepping down. He is an orthopedic surgeon and came in to help during COVID which was wonderful for him to do that. He has been an excellent premier. Already someone has come forward. Canadians are very good at that; serving in political office and they are good at it. This is a huge country with ten provinces and three territories - every one of them very busy. With all the pipelines planned across the country it will be a busy building country and the inter provincial barriers to trade are coming down which will take up quite a bit of slack as we provide, just in case, for our fellow Canadians across the country with items  that we normally purchase from the United States. We were a very self-sufficient country before NAFTA/CUSMA although the population was smaller. But now at 41 million we are a huge consumer base. Our youth though will come to the rescue providing all the skills that we need to restore anything that was lost during NAFTA/CUSMA. The Status Quo suited us quite well but one has to go with the times. But on the news it is mentioned that there may be some different news than was announced yesterday; we will see.

Working on Richard Blake's will again today and the cleaning is all done for another week. Just my usual work week ahead except I have two large furry friends with me all day - dogs are the greatest companions for sure. Edward wasn't as fond of dogs although he grew to love our first grand-dog (our son in law brought his dog when he came to live with us which was great). Edward and I used to take him for walks. But as Edward became frailer and the dogs were bigger he was a bit nervous of them although they tried to be careful. These dogs are so polite to their family. 

So no more politics for a bit. I do hope that the Middle East can see the value in creating a space for the Palestinian children so that they can have warm comfortable clean houses, a place to play and good schools (I know that Islam is very keen on good schooling - Hamas is just a complete failure in all ways). So we will see on that; Israel can clean up Gaza and remove any unexploded bombs and do what should have been done three generations or more ago by the Palestinians - grow food there. After all when the re-organization was done by the United Nations the Jewish people left their greenhouses/homes/everything for the Palestinians and the Palestinians just destroyed everything. Who does that? Their minds really do need proper education right from infants to old people. I still remember the Palestinian living here (not sure if he was a landed immigrant or citizen) in British Columbia demanding on National TV in an interview that the Canadian government provide for many many refuges from Gaza that he felt should be able to come here like we had the Ukrainians (he thought a million had come but it is just 300,000). We informed him that all the Canadian government does for the Palestinians (exactly what they provided for the Ukrainians) is allow them to come if their background proves that they are not Hamas (Hamas do not deserve to have a nice life they certainly did not give it to the Palestinians and their treatment of the hostages has been criminal (two tiny little hostage boys choked to death and they lied about it how disgusting (who takes children as hostages only Satan)) - the Ukrainians here took care of their own once the government permitted them to come. There are 50,000 Palestinians here so maybe 15,000 households and if they had taken in 10 little children each that would have been 150,000 children. However, they didn't do it, we did that during the Second World War bringing the children from the British Isles to safety here (it is rare that the children of an aggressor country (Gaza was the aggressor since Hamas was elected by the Palestinians as their government) get to have such a gift). Strange people really but the UN has created this difficulty by providing them with 600 trucks of food, etc a day for years and years and they have become dependent. They need to look after themselves, grow their own food and create industries. Someone needs to educate them and the Middle East has many wealthy countries. We are not a welfare world actually and do expect payback at some point (when Gaza is on its feet then they can help to support populations that are in need like the rest of us). The United Nations does need to be better managed - billions of dollars have been sent to Gaza and nothing has been created there except universities (which can come in their time; I am a great believer in University Education just to round out the knowledge in the brain) but they need tradesmen/gardeners/farmers not academics. Academia can sit on the sidelines for a bit there (it certainly did here when settlers first came to the North American continent) and definitely no Palestinians should be around our children here teaching them. They teach lies. 

Daylight and that is the end of my rant on all of this today. We are busy here getting ready to re-create our industries so that the Americans do not have to have the nuisance of supplying us I guess. One would have thought that a consumer base of 41 million was a good business for them but the President indicates otherwise although I heard on the news this morning that there might be a change in that decision. We will see as I said the status quo is good for us - we like trading with our American cousins (in my case)/friends/neighbours and it can just continue as far as we are concerned as agreed in NAFTA/CUSMA. A deal is a deal after all.

Breakfast, the dogs are awake. I can hear them. Hopefully I will add more translation to this will today.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Aug 2013
Source: Family Search – 186681, A-658 and Item 195
Testator: Richard Blayke
Place: Knights Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 12 April 1522, probated 23 May 1522

Wrapper: 1522 Rich[ard]us Blake De Enham
Wrapper: P[ro]batu[m] fuit  xxiij de Maij mu[ ]day infra villa de Andev[er]

1  In die no[min]e Ame[n] xij  die m[en]si[s] d’Ap[ri]lis  Anno d[omi]ni M ccccc xxij Ego Richardus blayke cy[m]pos

1. In the name of God Amen 12 day of April AD 1522 I Richard Blake being of

2    me[n]t[i]s sane q[ue] memorie t[ame]n eg[e]r corpore condo et ordino testament[um] meu[m] de mea[m] labor[aci]on[em] volu[n]tat[em]

2. sound mind and memory but sick of body I make and arrange my will voluntarily  following

3    in h[u]nc modu[m] In p[ri]mis et lego A[n]i[m]am mea[m] deo patri o[mni]pote[n]ti be[ate] marie v[ir]gini o[mn]ibus s[anc]tis

 3. in this manner In the first instance, I pray to omnipotent God the Father, to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to all the saints

4    Corpus q[ue] meu[m] sepeliendu[m] in cimitt[er]io p[a]rochialis eccl[es]ie s[anc]ta michaelie archang[e]li de

4.  My body to be buried in the parish cemetery of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel of

5     enham It[e]m lego mat[ric]e eccl[es]ie winton xij d It[e]m lego p[re]dute eccl[es]ie de enham xl d

5. Enham  I give and bequeath to the Mother Church of Winton xij d I give and bequeath to the poor at the Church of Enham xl d

6    It[e]m do eccl[es]ie p[a]rochiali[s] de Andov[er] xx d It[e]m lego fr[atr]i meo Thome Blayke xl s

6. I give and bequeath to the parochial Church of Andover xx d I give and bequeath to my brother Thomas Blake xl s

7    ut ip[s]e videar ____ mea vlv volunt[at]us suit testam[entu]s in Jurius duslerat et p[er]vient
cum tenementas It[e]m volo q[uod] Uxor[i] mea habet

7.  so that it may be seen the will has been handed over to the judge and will be available when you hold the same. I also want that the farm   my wife has

8    Firmam mea p[ro] tempo exp[re]sso in indentua iux[ta] as[s]ignatorum Roberti Blayke pri[mi]s farm at the moment as expressed in the indenture between Robert Blake first 

9    mei nichi et uxori mee de h[er]edibus u[ost]ris fait It[e]m do p[ar]ochiali presbicto[rum] xl d 

9. heir of my estate and my wife I also give to the parochial priest 40 d

10    ip[s]e oret p[ro] salute ai[nim]e mee It[e]m volo q[uod] uxor mea h[ab]eat custodia[t] talus mei

10.  to pray for the salvation of my soul

11    dura[n]te vita sua et post decessu[m] p[r]imo yedder sup[ra]dict eccl[es]ie de enham It[e]m lego

 11. during his life and after his death the first year aforesaid at the Church of Enham Also I give

12    unicuiq[u]e Filiora[m] meor[um] cowes It[e]m do matri mee xl d ac volo q[uod] h[ab]eat victu et 

 12. to each one of my children a cow Also I give to my mother 40 d and I will

13    vestitu[m] de bo__e meus q[uod] duo vixit It[e]m lego et unicuiq[ue] filior[am] meor[um] unden


14    vacta[ ] et vi[su]m lactu[ ] cum p[er]tin[en]ces Residuum v[er]o omn[ium] bonor[um] meor[um] do et lego uxori

14.  _______  The remainder of all my goods I give and bequeath to my wife

15    mee qua[m] ordino de constituo executore[m] mea[m] et mi[ni]strare ut ipsa h[ab]eat acinde 

 15. and to be my executor and administrator and have _________

16    Disponat p[re]sente die mee et sua ep[iscop]a utilitate s[ic]ut ei melius videbit[ur] insutu[r]


17    expedire deo place[r]e et an[im]e mee p[ro]fice[re] d[omi]ni dat[um] die Anno sup[ra]dict[i]s p[ertin]entibus

17. to be arranged for me to please God and to advance my soul, the day given concerning the aforesaid year above

18    d[omi]no J[o]h[n]e battey curat[e] Thoma Blayke and Richarde Goldyn cum aliis dimis[s]is

 18 Sir John Battey Curate Thomas Blake and Richard Goldyn with others released

19    P[ro]batu[m] fuit xxiij de me[n]sis maij in

 19. Proved on the 22nd of May 1522

20    cum du sup[ra]dicta in Capella infra villa de Andev[er]

21 with _____ in the Chapel below the town of Andever

21    Ergo fuit B bo____

 21. There it was ______

22    iiij Juin

22. 4 Juin

Seeing this somewhat differently this time, the children are young adults probably over 21 although he doesn't say that. There is more than one child. He indicates that Robert is one of the children and his heir and if I am correct his wife is Jone (unknown) Blake who leaves her will in 1527 at Enham naming her children as Robert, Nicholas and Elizabeth (married to unknown Mylne). Since he mentions Robert and that he will share the land with  his mother and then says to the children I am right there is probably more than a daughter. Within the un-transcribed text there does appear to be a daughter. At this point in time Nicholas is known to have died in 1547 and this is 25 years earlier. Robert died in 1542 and perhaps his will will be helpful. But I will continue for another day looking at this will. Richard continues to be somewhat of an enigma in all of this. I will use the original will as I go through this again to see if I have the latin correct as I did it twelve years ago.



Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Wealth in the wrong hands is poison to the world

The Arab countries in the Middle East should look to do what is best for the children of Gaza. Staying where they are is a psychological nightmare. What they have seen, what they have been taught needs to sink far back into their minds and become meaningless. They need nice homes, places to play and good schools where they learn what Islam teaches them (if they are Muslim) and to become fruitful efficient adults. They can not get that in Gaza I am sad to say. Israel does not hate the Palestinians; they show that in their actions. Leave Gaza to the Israelis to clean up and turn into the glorious garden that it can be. Over time perhaps the Palestinians will return to Gaza - the children will want to go back to their homeland because it is in their blood. There will be a need for all kinds of workers in time. But first the cleanup. What has been there did not work - Hamas was 100% of that problem. They just want to destroy Israelis - their hate is unconscionable. It makes no sense but yet it is there eating away at the Palestinians in actual fact and has been their downfall. We could see that here in faraway Canada as they marched up and down the streets cheering Hamas in October 2023 following the barbaric attack on innocent Israeli people. That is what is destroying them; not the bombs. It is sick. Not creating a beautiful country through three generations is a sin to me - as a child the news often enough contained yet another killing of Israeli children in their school yard by Palestinians - I am nearly 80. It makes no sense. It never has.

Egypt is absolutely opposed to the Palestinians being moved but can there not be a better solution than staying there with all the rubble; unexploded bombs possibly and pretty much every utility destroyed. Give the children a chance; they are healthy and seem free of any diseases and will grow to be healthy adults if they are given a chance. The life there is a psychological nightmare - we in the world can do better for the children of Gaza (and it appears that they do not cuddle up their children in the night with them to keep them warm as a number of them have died of hypthermia). Living in that rubble is not a chance; it is just an event waiting to happen in the future. The Middle East is wealthy; they can easily afford to house 2 million Palestinians for now or for ever. Who wants to live in Gaza as it is if they could have nice homes.

Israel deserves to have a better life too. Granted they have turned their country into an extremely wealthy society and it is a mixed society not just Jewish people. But their children live in fear and that isn't fair either. That attack on the music festival was an attack on that mixed society in Israel - Hamas hates Jewish people and anyone who associates with them. They are sick - they are satanists.

 Wealth in the wrong hands is poison to the world. Jesus taught us how we should live and we must to have a peaceful co-operative society. I believe that this is also true of Judaism and Islam. But why do I say that wealth in the wrong hands is poison? Because you have two types of wealthy people those who give back and those who want more wealth at any cost. They will alter a society so that the workers can benefit so long as they never get sick or need assistance of any kind - that will be out of their reach; they will not be able to afford it. If you do not take care of the old then money is saved with tax breaks of course because there is a surplus. Some wealthy people's first interest is in hoarding more and more money. Their second is in having safe places. They will burrow into the ground thinking that safety is there but just take one look at Gaza which was pounded with heavy bombs showing you just how far down those actually lightweight bombs compared to an asteroid can go - an asteroid destroys to a good depth (likely further down than we can survive; that is a direct hit). Life isn't about safety; it is about producing, giving back to society so that the children can benefit and then reaching the end of our lives knowing that we have left goodness behind and not hoarded money that benefited no one because in the long run you can not take it with you and your children will likely waste it - 90% usually do.

Second day of cleaning once again

I decided to change up how I clean so that now I do the basement and the main floor on one day and the top floor on the other day. I think it will work very well. It used to take me all morning to do the basement but now it is done in about 1.5 hours. 

I must say I did say to the Russian visitor that stayed with us that I hoped she would get to the United States one day. It was a pity really that she did not have a visa as we often did go there. But it was strange to chose to come to Canada as it was rare for the Joint Space Camp to be here; normally it was in the United States. Wow, that was 33 years ago now. I wonder if they still do the Joint Space Camp. I forget where it takes place in the United States. In Russia the children spent time in Moscow at the Space Camp just on the outskirts of the city (Star City I think it was called) and then a bit of time in St Petersburg. It was a lovely trip for them to take. The children spent about a year learning Russian to prepare themselves for the six weeks. My daughter is definitely a linguist speaking English as her mother tongue, French learned from the age of four years on. Russian learned in her teen years to prepare for the Space Camp and she retained it through the years. We learned Italian to go to Rome in 2001 (studied it every day for four months - she was quite good, I could sort of ask questions, understand what was said to a certain extent and read the signs). Since then she has learned Spanish and Chinese. She always wanted to learn one of the First Nations languages when she was a child and did learn to read some of it but the opportunity to speak it has not yet come to her. When she comes back perhaps the opportunity to learn the First Nations' languages will come to her. Time will tell. 

Prayers for His Holiness Pope Francis and that he is comfortable. 

Election ongoing in Ontario and the day will soon be here. The Conservatives are in the lead and I voted for them. I have returned to my normal voting for the Conservative party candidate. My foray into the Liberal Party was brief and I still do not regret it except for the period during and since COVID when money was just literally thrown at anything that they felt might work. I wish they would do their analysis in advance and ensure the people that work for the government particularly in finance (CRA etc) are doing their job properly. Waste is unacceptable in a country this large that requires a lot of attention on our part and has not received an adequate amount in my opinion since I have written about it for ages now from a military standpoint for over a generation. It isn't fair to the young men and women who go into the military. I do hope that one step forward will be giving them free education when they complete their tour of duty. The Conservative Party nationally has the military as the center of their platform which is perfect. But I do also like the idea of high speed rail. The train in France from Lyon to Paris is excellent and travels at that same high speed as is planned for the Quebec City via Montreal and Ottawa to Toronto corridor. When we were on it; it was very full. I see it as a business value principally but it could also have good military uses. We should build a spur line up to Petawawa. Getting to 5% GDP should be feasible in the near future. Just have to rebuild our lost industries due to NAFTA/CUSMA. It made both the United States and Canada wealthy but when one partner is no longer interested than we have to do something different; reach towards other markets; a pity really as it was a great partnership that President Reagan and Prime Minister Mulroney created back in the 1980s. One does want to avoid throwing out the baby with the bath water - the precious parts that have been created are very important.

I hope to get some work done on the will today since I will just be cleaning in the morning. I did find through the years for this Blake family that friction did exist between siblings and often property did present itself to be the contested item.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Aug 2013
Source: Family Search – 186681, A-658 and Item 195
Testator: Richard Blayke
Place: Knights Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 12 April 1522, probated 23 May 1522

Wrapper: 1522 Rich[ard]us Blake De Enham
Wrapper: P[ro]batu[m] fuit  xxiij de Maij mu[ ]day infra villa de Andev[er]

1  In die no[min]e Ame[n] xij  die m[en]si[s] d’Ap[ri]lis  Anno d[omi]ni M ccccc xxij Ego Richardus blayke cy[m]pos

1. In the name of God Amen 12 day of April AD 1522 I Richard Blake being of

2    me[n]t[i]s sane q[ue] memorie t[ame]n eg[e]r corpore condo et ordino testament[um] meu[m] de mea[m] labor[aci]on[em] volu[n]tat[em]

2. sound mind and memory but sick of body I make and arrange my will voluntarily  following

3    in h[u]nc modu[m] In p[ri]mis et lego A[n]i[m]am mea[m] deo patri o[mni]pote[n]ti be[ate] marie v[ir]gini o[mn]ibus s[anc]tis

 3. in this manner In the first instance, I pray to omnipotent God the Father, to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to all the saints

4    Corpus q[ue] meu[m] sepeliendu[m] in cimitt[er]io p[a]rochialis eccl[es]ie s[anc]ta michaelie archang[e]li de

4.  My body to be buried in the parish cemetery of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel of

5     enham It[e]m lego mat[ric]e eccl[es]ie winton xij d It[e]m lego p[re]dute eccl[es]ie de enham xl d

5. Enham  I give and bequeath to the Mother Church of Winton xij d I give and bequeath to the poor at the Church of Enham xl d

6    It[e]m do eccl[es]ie p[a]rochiali[s] de Andov[er] xx d It[e]m lego fr[atr]i meo Thome Blayke xl s

6. I give and bequeath to the parochial Church of Andover xx d I give and bequeath to my brother Thomas Blake xl s

7    ut ip[s]e videar ____ mea vlv volunt[at]us suit testam[entu]s in Jurius duslerat et p[er]vient
cum tenementas It[e]m volo q[uod] Uxor[i] mea habet

7.  so that it may be seen the will has been handed over to the judge and will be available when you hold the same. I also want that the farm   my wife has

8    Firmam mea p[ro] tempo exp[re]sso in indentua iux[ta] as[s]ignatorum Roberti Blayke pri[mi]s 

 8. expressed in the indenture between Robert Blake first 

9    mei nichi et uxori mee de h[er]edibus u[ost]ris fait It[e]m do p[ar]ochiali presbicto[rum] xl d 

9. heir of my estate and my wife I also give to the parochial priest 40 d

10    ip[s]e oret p[ro] salute ai[nim]e mee It[e]m volo q[uod] uxor mea h[ab]eat custodia[t] talus mei

10.  to pray for the salvation of my soul

11    dura[n]te vita sua et post decessu[m] p[r]imo yedder sup[ra]dict eccl[es]ie de enham It[e]m lego
12    unicuiq[u]e Filiora[m] meor[um] cowes It[e]m do matri mee xl d ac volo q[uod] h[ab]eat victu et
13    vestitu[m] de bo__e meus q[uod] duo vixit It[e]m lego et unicuiq[ue] filior[am] meor[um] unden
14    vacta[ ] et vi[su]m lactu[ ] cum p[er]tin[en]ces Residuum v[er]o omn[ium] bonor[um] meor[um] do et lego uxori
15    mee qua[m] ordino de constituo executore[m] mea[m] et mi[ni]strare ut ipsa h[ab]eat acinde
16    Disponat p[re]sente die mee et sua ep[iscop]a utilitate s[ic]ut ei melius videbit[ur] insutu[r]
17    expedire deo place[r]e et an[im]e mee p[ro]fice[re] d[omi]ni dat[um] die Anno sup[ra]dict[i]s p[ertin]entibus
18    d[omi]no J[o]h[n]e battey curat[e] Thoma Blayke and Richarde Goldyn cum aliis dimis[s]is
19    P[ro]batu[m] fuit xxiij de me[n]sis maij in
20    cum du sup[ra]dicta in Capella infra villa de Andev[er]
21    Ergo fuit B bo____
22    iiij Juin

Monday, February 24, 2025

Continuing with Richard Blake's will

Cleaning day today so just in and out of this work looking again at my transcribing of the will of Richard Blayke in 2013. 

Listened to CBC yesterday for the talkshow on 51st State. Was quite fascinating listening to the comments from above the border and below the border. I can see it both ways actually but 51st state is a non-starter because we would not have enough representation (the very item that the Patriots fought for in the Revolution) and many many Canadians are descendant of those patriots including my own daughters as their 4x great grandfather Jonathan Mead the Cooper III was a patriot (amongst others - my husband had a mixture of patriots and loyalists in his family but there are actually a lot more patriots). Isaac Kipp married Hannah Mead the daughter of Jonathan Mead in 1790 in Northeast Town, Dutchess County. They came to Canada in late 1800 as settlers (land was cheap) with four of their five sons (Jonathan Kipp remained with his grandfather Jonathan Mead probably because his older sons had moved west towards Wisconsin area and he would have needed his help and he probably wanted to stay; after his grandfather died he came to Upper Canada (Ontario)). But there were lots of others equally drawn to Canada particularly southwestern Upper Canada (Ontario) in the early 1800s. We would have to be 13 States coming in (10 provinces and three territories and hence 26 senators not 2) but as I have said there is an enormous advantage to the United States if we remain Canada - we are your best friend at all times. We always have your back and we provide a perfect conduit for the people living in Alaska to go back and forth through Canada (I actually think Putin said he wanted Alaska back - perhaps they have lots of minerals, rare earths and oil/gas). We are best friends always. I have provided examples of why I think union would not be to the benefit of the United States. You always need a good friend especially when you share the huge border we do. We would need the representation as 13 States so that we can protect our huge wealthy country in order to preserve its gifts into the next century and beyond for the benefit of all of us who live in North America. That is our duty. A closer economic relationship like there is in Europe would be interesting, just one huge land mass that we can go anywhere without a lot of fuss. But one item came up, the value of the Canadian dollar compared to the United States dollar and I guess it is because he was too young, no ideas on that. But I clearly remember the last time the Canadian dollar was around 60 cents in value to the American dollar back in the late 1990s/ early 2000s. The Canadian dollar fluctuates for many reasons. We were going to the States a lot in those days. The exchange rate was huge but we went anyway as we needed to find all those graves of Edward's ancestors (many of them patriots as it turned out, nice the way they put an American flag on all of these graves that we found). A lower dollar makes our exports cheaper although we buy far more American items than Americans buy Canadian no matter what is said especially when you take the oil out of the equation. I guess to make the present administration happier we could just export less oil to them and keep ours here to refine that we usually buy back from them after it has been refined (you charge us 3x what we charge you for it!) The administration changes every four or eight years and is generally friendlier to Canada (we are good friends). Then it would be the United States selling far more to us. We like the fresh fruits and vegetables in the winter for sure. We could offset it by building our own small engine appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, lawn mowers - our smaller industries all got bought up by American companies during NAFTA and CUSMA - just to have balanced trade. Two methods were used by American companies buying up our Canadian counterparts - they either closed them outright or brought their own products here to sell them. Either way we lost a lot of industry with Free Trade (plus it isn't really free because there are already tariffs on our softwood lumber going to the United States!).

Myself, I would never support Russia against Ukraine or any other European country that they enslaved after World War II with the Iron Curtain (we did send the Soviet Union (Russia) supplies after Hitler's Nazi Germany attacked them but the axiom - an enemy of an enemy is our friend worked when it was needed during the dark cold days of World War II). My mother commented on that actually when I was a young child - she was not surprised that Russia rolled down the Iron Curtain. After all Stalin made a deal to split up Poland with Hitler's Nazi Germany and they did do that in 1939/1940. They also invaded Afghanistan much later and that disaster caused the fall of the Iron Curtain as they went bankrupt. However, much to Stalin's shock Hitler's Nazis invaded Russia and the rest is history.  Can Russia ever be trusted? At the end of the war Stalin said at Yalta that he would withdraw from the Eastern European countries but down it came that Iron Curtain and there it stayed enslaving millions of Europeans for nearly two generations. How can Russia be trusted? Peacekeepers are the answer. There will probably be a need for peacekeepers in Ukraine for a long time to keep the Russians from attacking again and again. My experience with the rich young Russian girl that came to the Space Camp here and stayed on the weekend at our house is reminiscent of exactly what Putin is like. Just always asking to do something that is wrong - she wanted us to take her to the United States and was her first comment when she arrived at our house (no hello as I recall). I, being the person that I am, said do you have a visa? I did say hello and welcome and then the answer. She said I could just lie and say she was my daughter. I said "not happening as we do not lie to the Americans at the border."  I moved on. She did not. We took her to see Niagara Falls (she did say she wanted to see it as it is one of the wonders of the world) and she complained all the way at how long the trip was. It is only seven hours by car - almost nothing in a country this large (I believe Russia is the largest country in the world; one would think they have more than enough land but perhaps they want these rare earth deposits that President Trump also wants in Ukraine - interesting)! Perhaps her rich family always flew every where there no ideas on that. Once there when she realized that was the United States on the other side of the Niagara River that was all I heard. Why can't I just go there; I said you "do not have a visa." I mean she was only at our house for a couple of days which we actually spent in Niagara Falls (going there and returning) - really a very strange child.  It just never seemed to sink in that there is an answer to some items and it is "no." In this case Russia can not have Ukraine. It isn't theirs according to the people of Ukraine and the people who support them and the United Nations which we were part of creating for just that instance. 

Anyway not doing politics; cleaning to do and the will to work on. A busy day ahead for me. Now that I am into latin I realize there is a sentence in this will I did not understand. There seemed to be a bit of friction between the two brothers Richard and Thomas and likely over property I think; still working on that line. I shall work away at that. I think that Nicholas (likely son of Richard) married Margaret the daughter of Thomas Blake and will see that a little later.  My proof for that is pretty weak but none the less it is  interesting. Nicholas may actually have been an adult at this time as he was just five years later in his mother's will and died in 1547 leaving his will. But only his brother Robert appears to have been given anything in Robert's will that was just blogged. Perhaps the eldest grandsons received something. English inheritance is very interesting. The first son and the first daughter were important in a family and the rest were just substitutes as far as I can tell. It was fairly common I think. But I could be corrected on that. Perhaps everyone thinks that way; I know I always thought of my two daughters equally not as replacements for each other. I could never have a favourite child; I think that is just strange. But then the child I miscarried (the first pregnancy) will always be in my mind safe with God. Like my grandparents, my parents and my husband, my siblings who have passed on in this life all safe with God. God is omnipotent and rules over all of us. We need to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ if Christian but equally the other faiths known to me Judaism and Islam also tells their adherents to follow the teachings of God, one God for all.

That reminds me; prayers for His Holiness Pope Francis. He had a good rest apparently last night but he is 88 and he had double pneumonia but doctors can do amazing things these days. Likely he will not get to leave that hospital until he is absolutely well. Doctors can be very insistent when they care for their patients.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Aug 2013
Source: Family Search – 186681, A-658 and Item 195
Testator: Richard Blayke
Place: Knights Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 12 April 1522, probated 23 May 1522

Wrapper: 1522 Rich[ard]us Blake De Enham
Wrapper: P[ro]batu[m] fuit  xxiij de Maij mu[ ]day infra villa de Andev[er]

1  In die no[min]e Ame[n] xij  die m[en]si[s] d’Ap[ri]lis  Anno d[omi]ni M ccccc xxij Ego Richardus blayke cy[m]pos

1. In the name of God Amen 12 day of April AD 1522 I Richard Blake being of

2    me[n]t[i]s sane q[ue] memorie t[ame]n eg[e]r corpore condo et ordino testament[um] meu[m] de mea[m] labor[aci]on[em] volu[n]tat[em]

2. sound mind and memory but sick of body I make and arrange my will voluntarily  following

3    in h[u]nc modu[m] In p[ri]mis et lego A[n]i[m]am mea[m] deo patri o[mni]pote[n]ti be[ate] marie v[ir]gini o[mn]ibus s[anc]tis

 3. in this manner In the first instance, I pray to omnipotent God the Father, to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to all the saints

4    Corpus q[ue] meu[m] sepeliendu[m] in cimitt[er]io p[a]rochialis eccl[es]ie s[anc]ta michaelie archang[e]li de

4.  My body to be buried in the parish cemetery of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel of

5     enham It[e]m lego mat[ric]e eccl[es]ie winton xij d It[e]m lego p[re]dute eccl[es]ie de enham xl d

5. Enham  I give and bequeath to the Mother Church of Winton xij d I give and bequeath to the poor at the Church of Enham xl d

6    It[e]m do eccl[es]ie p[a]rochiali[s] de Andov[er] xx d It[e]m lego fr[atr]i meo Thome Blayke xl s

6. I give and bequeath to the parochial Church of Andover xx d I give and bequeath to my brother Thomas Blake xl s

7    ut ip[s]e videar ____ mea vlv volunt[at]us suit testam[entu]s in Jurius duslerat et p[er]vient
cum tenementas It[e]m volo q[uod] Uxor[i] mea habet

7.  so that it may be seen the will has been handed over to the judge and will be available when you hold the same. I also want that the farm   my wife has

8    Firmam mea p[ro] tempo exp[re]sso in indentua iux[ta] as[s]ignatorum Roberti Blayke pri[mi]s 

 8. expressed in the indenture between Robert Blake first 

9    mei nichi et uxori mee de h[er]edibus u[ost]ris fait It[e]m do p[ar]ochiali presbicto[rum] xl d 

9. heir of my estate and my wife I also give to the parochial priest 40 d

10    ip[s]e oret p[ro] salute ai[nim]e mee It[e]m volo q[uod] uxor mea h[ab]eat custodia[t] talus mei

10.  to pray for the salvation of my soul

11    dura[n]te vita sua et post decessu[m] p[r]imo yedder sup[ra]dict eccl[es]ie de enham It[e]m lego
12    unicuiq[u]e Filiora[m] meor[um] cowes It[e]m do matri mee xl d ac volo q[uod] h[ab]eat victu et
13    vestitu[m] de bo__e meus q[uod] duo vixit It[e]m lego et unicuiq[ue] filior[am] meor[um] unden
14    vacta[ ] et vi[su]m lactu[ ] cum p[er]tin[en]ces Residuum v[er]o omn[ium] bonor[um] meor[um] do et lego uxori
15    mee qua[m] ordino de constituo executore[m] mea[m] et mi[ni]strare ut ipsa h[ab]eat acinde
16    Disponat p[re]sente die mee et sua ep[iscop]a utilitate s[ic]ut ei melius videbit[ur] insutu[r]
17    expedire deo place[r]e et an[im]e mee p[ro]fice[re] d[omi]ni dat[um] die Anno sup[ra]dict[i]s p[ertin]entibus
18    d[omi]no J[o]h[n]e battey curat[e] Thoma Blayke and Richarde Goldyn cum aliis dimis[s]is
19    P[ro]batu[m] fuit xxiij de me[n]sis maij in
20    cum du sup[ra]dicta in Capella infra villa de Andev[er]
21    Ergo fuit B bo____
22    iiij Juin