Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Will of Francis Buller Esquire, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey and Richmond, Surrey - The National Archives PROB 11/355/436, probated 22 Nov 1677

The testator is Francis Buller and he is married to Thomasin Honywood (of Elmsted Kent). They were married 21 Nov 1625 at St Stephen's by Saltash according to The Visitation of Cornwall. According to the LDS he died 17 Nov 1677 at Ospringe, Kent (I01453-6 Family Search). Francis and Thomas had a very large family according to the Visitation (12 sons and three daughters - Howard, Rowland, George, Alexander, Hayward, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, William Richard all died young, as did Thomasine Alice and Maria). The only surviving children of this couple were Francis Buller of Shillingham and Isleham (married first to Elizabeth Grosse and secondly to Katherine Rushout (widow of John Maynard) and John Buller of Morval and the Isle of Thanet.

Both of the wills for these men have been blogged:

Francis (the testator) was the eldest son of Sir Richard Buller of Shillingham and Alice daughter of Sir Rowland Haiward, Knight.

His will was also blogged:

John Buller (executor of this will) is eventually the inheritor of all the properties of the descendants of his brother Francis and he is at Morval.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/355/436
Testator: Francis Buller
Place: Kingston upon Thames, Surrey
Date of document:  7 Dec 1672, probated 22 Nov 1677
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Francis
[Margin]: Buller
[Margin]: Confirmatur p Sinam
[Margin]: 2 Andrcie 1677
Page 2
[Margin]: _oucerdatium orilib Testo et Codicille

1    In the name of God Amen
2    I Francis Buller of Kingstone upon Thames in the County of Surrey Esq[uie]r doe make and ordaine
3    this my last Will and Testament being through the mercies of God in perfect and disposing
4    mind and memory First I surrender my soul to the most gratious God hopeing by the
5    Meritts of my Saviour to life Everlasting in his Kingdome and my body I dispose to a Speedy
6    private buriall at the discretion of my Executor and I shall direct in my life time First I give to
7    my eldest sonne Francis Buller Foure pounds And alsoe I give to each of his children Foure
8    pounds and to my Granddaughter Margret my eldest sonne's daughter my Iron chist in which
9    there is but little money the key of which I will leave with my wife or some trusty freind Alsoe
10    I give to the poore of the parish where I am buried Fower pounds to the poor of St Johns in
11    Thanet the Summe of Fower pounds and Alsoe I give to my deare and affectionate wife my Coach and
12    horses and the use of all my household goods and furniture dureing her naturall life and the
13    Summe of One thousand marks but soe as at her death she shall dispose of the same to one or more of
14    my sonne Johns Children as shee shall thinke fitt and as an addition to her Joynture I give and
15    bequeath to my said wife the Summe of One hundred pounds per Annum dureing her life out of
16    my Lease in Thanet aforesaid if the said Lease soe long indures and alsoe all my houses and
17    Lands in Kingstone upon Thames dureing her naturall life Alsoe I give to every one of servants
18    whoe shall be with me at the tyme of my death one quarters wages over and above all such wages
19    and Sallary that shall bee then due to them Alsoe I give devise and bequeath my Lease of all
20    that Rectory Parsonage and Grante of Sampson cum deane otherwise called Sampson alias
21    Deane and the said Parsonage Rectory and Grange of Sampson and deane with all the rights
22    members and Appurtenances belonging to it in Thanet aforesaid Granted to me or my trustees
23    for my use by the now Lord ArchBishop of Canterbury and all my Estate interest and equitable
24    right therein unto my sonne John Buller his heires Executors or Assignes dureing all the time
25    and terme therein yett to come And I doe desire and request Crammer Harris Esq[uie]r and
26    Isaack Honiwood Esquire my Trustees of the same Lease to execute the trust in the said Lease
27    to my said sonne John Buller accordingly And whereas my said sonne Francis owed me and
28    is indebted unto mee at this time the sume of above 2 thousand and 2 hundred pounds for
30    arreares of my Annuity Rent Charge due from him I do hereby give and grant the said
31    arreares and debt unto my sonn John Buller Alsoe I give unto my sonne John and unto his
32    heires all m y houses and Lands in the parish of Kingstone Except the former grant to
33    my wife But my Will is that if my said sonne Francis shall within three Months of my
34    decease pay and satisfie unto his said Brother John the said debt and arreares of rent now due
35    unto me and that shall be due to mee at my decease then my said sonn John is to convey my
36    said houses and Lands in Kingstone to my Grandsone Francis Buller and his heires sonne
37    of my said sonne Francis and not otherwise And I doe desire my trustees in whose name the said
38    houses and Lands in Kingstone were purchased to execute their said trust and convey the same to
39    my sonne John Buller and his heires upon his request Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my
40    sonne John Buller and his heires all my Lands and Tenements in the Isle of Thanet which
41    hath been purchased in my said sonne John name or in any other name in trust for me
42    Alsoe I give to each of the children of my sonn John Buller the Summe of Foure pounds And doe
43    hereby
    [Page 2]
44    Hereby declare what ever Bonds or Bills I have taken in other names that the
45    same be to the use of my Executor hereafter named Lastly I doe make constitute and appoint
46    my sonne John Buller my full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament Revoking
47    and anulling all former and other Wills or bequiths by me heretofore made In witness
48    whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the Seaventh day of december In the twenty
49    Foureth yeare of our Sovereigne Lord King Charles the second King of England Scotland
50    France and Ireland Anno and one Thousand Six hundred Seaventy to 1672 Franc: Buller
51    Published and declared and sigtned and Sealed in the p[re]sence of Rich: Griffith James Robertson
52    The marke of Thomas Marshall In the name of God Amen
53    Francis Buller of Ospringe in the County of Kent Esq[uie]r and late of Surbiton in Surrey doe hereby
54    ratifie and confirm my last Will and Testament dated the Seaventh day of december One thousand
55    Six hundred Seaven and two And require my Executor hereafter named to pay the Legacies
56    thereby given And I doe hereby give devise and grant all my Lands Tenements and hereditaments
57    and Leases and Chattells reall or personall whatsoever purchased by me in my own name or his the
58    name of any other to my use within twenty years last past or that I shall at any time hereafter (in my owne name or the name of any other person or persons) before my death purchase unto my sonne John Buller of
59    Morvall and to his heires and Executors and Assignes and I doe hereby constitute and appoint
60    the said John Buller to be my sole and only Executor Witnes my hand and seale this twelfth
61    day of June In the Nine and Twentyeth yeare of the raigne of King Charles the second
62    Annoqz d[omi]ni 1677 Fran: Buller Signed Sealed and delivered and published in the
63    p[re]sence of Robert Martyn, Edward Rinsey Robt: Avery Giles Hamley

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