Thursday, October 7, 2021

Clean up day

Clean up day in the yard. Plants are starting to yellow although the leaves have not turned as quickly as usual. It may be a couple of weeks before I can clear the leaves away. But I can cut down some of the plants and get the process started. 

Worked on the Charley family publication and have retyped about half of it. I never really read the inner parts of it because I have no way of checking the material. With the Siderfin book I checked the references of grandeur and glory at Kew but any visits to Kew are unlikely at my grand old age of 76. It isn't that I do not think I could have great and grand ancestors; it is more that I like accuracy more than anything else and do strive for that. 

A second book has been published for the Charley family and it was said to have corrected the errors in the early book but actually it extends the genealogical information for the main family mentioned. Always a good thing to do that. I didn't really see a lot of correction but I haven't read the entire book. I suspect this line descends from the Combe Martin line which had a problem with alcohol apparently and sometimes it is better just to move on rather than stay where you are. Start a new life in a new place. Not being a drinker I suppose I do not really understand alcoholism and the same with smoking. I never smoked and have drank very little alcohol in my life. Mostly I am unwilling to spend money on smoking or drinking more than anything else. 

All in all it will be a busy day out there in the fresh air. I shall miss my comfortable chair and computer whilst I work away in the fresh air.  

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