Blake Newsletter
Table of Contents
1. Who was Nicholas Blake who left his will in 1547?
2. Blake Surname Study – Progress
3. Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
4. Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers – baptisms
5. Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers - marriages
1. Who was Nicholas Blake who left his will in 1547?
Last newsletter I discussed the misrepresentation made by Horatio Gates Somerby with regard to a Nicholas Blake and this is indeed the same Nicholas Blake whom I will discuss in this issue of the Blake Newsletter. I made the decision a few weeks ago to discuss a Blake each issue of this newsletter because the genealogical errors that have been made are generally person associated and having now mentioned the most serious genealogical misrepresentation made with regard to the Blake family moving to individuals seemed like a good forward motion of keeping alive the fact that these are mistakes in the notes of Horatio Gates Somerby and that they have been put into a number of published Blake histories. I am a firm believer in the notion that one’s history should be as accurate as you can make it and dispelling these errors is certainly bottom line to that as I tend to feel most people would prefer to have their actual ancestors rather than fabrication.
A lot of what is known about Nicholas Blake is contained in his will
Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6th May 2009
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/31/549
Name of Testator: Nic[h]olas Blake
Place: Enham (near Andover), Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 31 May 1547, probated 20 Jun 1547
[Left hand corner] Test[at]or Nicho[las] Blake
1 In the name of God amen In the yere of our Lord god a Thousand fyve hundred
2 Fourtie and sevyn and the last day of May I Nicolas Blake of the p[ar]ishe of Enh[a]m in the Dioc[ese] of Wynchest[e]r
3 being sicke of body but of good and p[er]fite remembrance make and ordeyn this my last will and testament
4 in maner and fourme folowing First I Bequith my soule to almightie god to oure Blessed Lady and to all the
5 Blessed company of heaven. And my body to be buried w[i]t[h]in the Church of Saint Michaell Th[e ]archangell Item
6 I geve to the Trinite Church of Wynchester vj d Item I geve to the church of Andever oon quarter of whete
7 It[e]m I give to Enh[a]m Church a quarter of wheat Item I geve and bequeth to Will[ia]m Blake my eldest sonne
8 the halfe of the Farme of Andever of my Lord Sandys holding which Robert Boswell occupyeth Also I geve
9 and bequeth to the said Will[ia]m the Tenement in Kings Enham of my Lord Sandys holding w[i]t[h] all the La[m]mes
10 lande lying in Andever feld that the said William nowe occupieth and holdith Also I geve to the said Will[ia]m
11 Blake my sonne my Leasse of the Tenement of the Lord Sandys called the olde hall w[i]t[h] all the app[ur]ten[an]cs ther unto
12 belonginge or lying in Knyghts Enh[a]m Also I geve to the said William Blake my free holde in Knyights Enh[a]m w[i]t[h] all
13 the appurten[an]cs there unto belonging Item I geve and bequeth to Edmund Blake my sonne the Leasse of the
14 Farme of Andever called Semers Farme w[i]t[h] all the appurten[an]cs ther[e ]unto belonging and walworth of my
15 Lord Sandys holding And a leasse of a Tenement in Kyngs Enh[a]m which is John Catts gentilman holde w[i]t[h]
16 all the appurten[an]cs ther[e ]unto belonging Also I geve to the said Edmund my sonne my freeholde in Andever
17 with seven acres and a half of arable land that Thomas Wescombe now holdeth with all the rest of myn[e]
18 erable lands grains pastures and com[m]ons of pastures of what nature kynde name and degre soever they be
19 which I do holde and kepe of any man[ner] at the making of this my last wille and testament Also I wille that
20 the forsaid Thomas Wescombe shal[l ]have the forsaid house that he dwelleth in for the terms of thurtie yeres
21 next folowing paying yerely therfor and to agree w[i]t[h] Margaret Blake my wife and Edmund Blake my son[ne]
22 Item I geve to Elizabeth Blake my daughter one hundreth of shepe and Twentie poundes of money at the day of
23 her mariage and her apparill. Item I give and bequeth to Alice my daughter twentie shepe and fyve quarters of
24 barley to be delivered at Michelmas next commyng Item I give to Sir Thomas Upton my curate to pray for my soule
25 and all Christ[ai]n soules x s. Also yf that it fortune Edmund Blake my sonne to dye before he be of lawfull age Then I wille
26 that my freholde w[i]t[h] all the other leases geven and bequethed by me to the said Edmond to remayn to William Blake
27 my sonne his heires and assignes And the goods to remayne to Alice Goodwyn and Elizabeth Blake my daughters equally
28 to be devided betwixt them And if it fortune the said Alice and Elizabeth to dye Then I will the said goodes to be devided
29 betwene the children of William Blake my son Provided also I will that Margaret Blake my wife shall have and
30 kepe all my free landes tenements holds leases with all th[e ]appurtenancs to them belonging which I doe holde of any man[ne]r
31 of man[ner] at the making of this my last will and testament during the terme of her life The residue of my goods and
32 c[h]attalls not gevyn or bequethed I geve and bequeth to Margaret Blake my wife and Edmunde Blake my sonne
33 whom I make and ordeyn myn executors of this my last will and testament Also I make and ordeyn William
34 Hopkins and Willi[a]m Aldred my Overseers of this my last will and testament for to se it p[er]formed according to
35 my mynde above specified Witnesse to this Sir Thomas Upton Curate Stevyn Smyth Will[ia]m Blake w[i]t[h] other
36 Probatum fuit test[ament]um suprascripti defuncti h[ab]entis etc xxth die mensis Juinij Anno D[o]m[in]o Mill[es]imo quingen[tesimo]
37 xlvij [1547] Coram d[o]m[in]o apud London aucto[ritate] d[o]m[in]o n[ost]ri Regis etc Iurament[o] Margarete Relicte executoris in h[uius]mo[d]i test[ament]o no[m]i[n]at[i] In persona
38 Stephe[n] Smyth procur[atoris] sui in hac p[ar]te Ac approbatum et insinuatum Com[m]issa fuit admi[ni]stracio o[mn]i[u]m et singulorom bonorum Jurium
39 Et creditorum d[i]c[t]i defuncti prefat[o] executrici In p[er]sona die proc[urato]ris De b[e]n[e] et fidel[ite]r admi[ni]strando Ac de pleno et fideli In[venta]rio secondo die post
40 festum s[an]c[t]e Anne prox[imum] futur[um] exhibend[o] necnon de plano et vero compoto reddend[o] Ad s[an]c[t]a dei Ev[a]ngelia in debit iuris forma jurat
41 Reservata po[tes]tate Edmund Blake executori etiam in h[uius]mo[d]i test[ament]o no[m]i[n]at cum venerit etc
In the will, Nicholas states that he lives in the Parish of Enham in the Diocese of Winchester. He asks to be buried in the Church of Saint Michael which is located in present day Andover in the old Parish of Enham which has become part of the city of Andover.
It is interesting to see how much the church at Knights Enham resembles the church at Upper Clatford from the outside. This one was built in one stage I suspect whereas the one at Upper Clatford appears to have been built in several stages but they are around the same age the present structures having been built in the 1100s. I did try to write to the Hampshire History site but could not get the form to submit. Will try again. I am curious if there is anything to show that Nicholas Blake was buried in the Church. I have the burial fiche for St Michaels Knights Enham but do not see him listed.
Searching Discovery, the catalogue of the National Archives of the United Kingdom, there is a record that likely refers to this Nicholas Blake. This rather interesting record is C 1/1061/22 and the date 1538-1544. Nicholas Blake is listed as a bailiff of Andover. I have this document but have not yet transcribed it. I will work away at that to see if I am able to do so. It is somewhat faint; image created in 2013 when we were at Kew. I may buy a new copy but will see what can be done with the present copy for the next newsletter. I do find the name of Nicholas Blake written in the document several times. The Archives information:
Catalogue description Short title: Seyle v Pyrke. Plaintiffs: Robert SEYLE of Andover, fisher. Defendants:...
Reference: C 1/1061/22
Short title: Seyle v Pyrke.
Plaintiffs: Robert SEYLE of Andover, fisher.
Defendants: Robert PYRKE and Nicholas BLAKE, bailiffs of Andover.
Subject: Arrest of complainant on suspicion of felony, expulsion from his house and seizure of his goods. Hampshire
Date: 1538-1544
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
I can see two mentions of Nicholas Blake and will see if I can transcribe the document or just order a new copy of it to transcribe it for the next newsletter.
Other than that the only other record that I have found thus far at the National Archives is his will already entered above. I do not see any records for a Nicholas/Nicolas Blake in the Hampshire Archives.
Continuing to look at the will of Nicholas Blake and he mentions his eldest son is William Blake and that he will receive his Farm at Andover (Lord Sandys), Old Hall in Knights Enham and his freehold there. His younger son is Edmund Blake and he will receive Semers Farm and Walworth plus several leases in Kings Enham and Andover. His wife is named Margaret and his daughter Elizabeth is not yet married, his daughter Alice is married to unknown Goodwyn. Edmund is not yet 21 years of age. His wife Margaret and Edmund are named executors. William Hopkins and William Aldred are named as overseers. Witnesses include Sir Thomas Upton (Curate), Stevyn Smyth, William Blake and others not named. The Probate is to be held by his wife Margaret with probate reserved for Edmund Blake when he comes of age.
I was unable to find more details on Edmund but William, eldest son, left his will identifying his siblings (including Edmund) and his present wife and children in 1582. Although this will is lengthy I have inserted it here as an added level of information supporting the will of Nicholas. Edmund is also mentioned on the Blake Family Tree held by the Blake Museum in Bridgwater.
Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20th February 2008 (proofread 27 Sep 2012)
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/64/474
Name of Testator: William Blake, Yeoman of Andover, Hampshire
Place: Eastontowne, Andever, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 27 July 1582, probated 14 November 1582
Read: Electronic copy
Condition: scan, smudges, middle English writing, tiny writing, quite legible
[Margin] T[estator] Willi[a]m Blake
1 In the name of God amen; I William Blake
2 of Estontowne, within the parishe of Andever in the countie of Southampton yeoman, beinge in good and
3 perfecte memorye of mynde and healthe of bodye (thancks be geven to allmightye god) wayethinge and pondering
4 withe my self the shortnes of the dayes of manne and the uncertentie of the tyme when hit shall please
5 Th[e ]allmightie to call us to his mercye oute of this transitory lief, And that wee are but Stewardes here
6 of this worldly gooddes and possessions to use accordinge to the rules of christian charitie to Godds honour
7 and glorye and muste at the generall daie of Judgemente render accompte of the obteyninge houldinge and
8 ymployinge thereof to his dyvine maiestie, Doe hereby of my self and by the councell and advise of my
9 good Freindes make and declare this to be my last will and testamente in wrytinge, revokinge by theise
10 presents all form other former willes of myne made, either by worde of or wrytinge at anye tyme before
11 the date hereof, And declaringe this to be my sole and onely last will and testamente in manner and forme
12 foollowinge and none other (viz Firste I yealde my soule and spyrite to the moste highe and blessed Trinitie
13 three personnes and one verye god the Father, the sonne and the holye ghoste, whoe hathe made redemed
14 and sanctified all the electe people of god, of which, nomber I doe hope that I am one; trustinge and belevinge
15 onelye by the meritts of Jesus Christe his bitter passionne, the second personne in the same Trinitie to bee
16 a saved sowle and in him at the daie of dome to have a ioyfull resurrection of this fleshe of myne,
17 willinge my Bodye in the meane tyme after my deceasse to be buried in christian buriall within the church
18 of Andever aforesaide nere the cloke howse doore there and in suche sorte as shal[l ]be thoughte most meete
19 by my executors, protestinge also by this my laste will and testamente that I houlde and beleve all th[a]t
20 whatsoever was promised for me at the tyme of my Baptisme and all the articles of a christian faythe
21 whatsoever which I aught to houlde or beleve and whiche the moste holye visible Churche of Christe
22 here on earthe teachethe and houldeth, acknowledgeinge my self hereby throughe the grace of god to dye
23 therein, wholye prostratinge and submittinge my self to the obedience of the same Churche wheare
24 soever the same is dispersed thereowte oute the worlde, utterlye renouncinge and defyinge all Sectes
25 heresies and dampable opinions whatsoever theye be, and of whomesoever there are houlden contrary
26 to goddes holye worde, the true catholike faithe and the Churche of Jesus Christe our Lorde and
27 savioure for the whiche he shedde his most precious innocente and guiltless[s] bloude. And as
28 concerninge the bestowinge of all my gooddes and chattells, I doe make thereof my laste will and
29 testamente in manner and fourme followinge and no otherwyse, That is to saye, I geve to thee
30 Cathedrall Churche of Win[ches]tor eight pence, And to the parrishe churche of Andever Thirteene
31 shillinges and fower pence, And to the Churche of Knightes Enham Thirtene shillinges & fower
32 pence, And to the poore people of Andever aforesaide Three poundes fyve shillinges and eighte
33 pence, to be amongest theme distributed by the discrecion of my executor and overseers. Item
34 I geve and bequeathe to Edmunde Blake my brother Tenne poundes of currant Englishe money
35 to be delyvered to him within one half yeare after my decease. Item I bequeathe and geve to my
36 sister Elizabeth Monday fyve poundes of the lyke currante englishe monneye, to be paide unto her within
37 one yeare after my deceasse. Item I geve to Alice Godwyn my sister twentie shillings of the
38 like currant Englishe monneye. Item I geve and bequeathe to everye one of my godchildrens
39 whiche shal[l ]be lyvinge at the tyme of my deceasse one good clydde lambe a peece. Item I geve and
40 bequeathe to Richarde Blake my sonne Fyftye poundes of currant englishe monneye, to be paide
41 unto him or his assignes within one yeare after my decease. Item I geve and bequeathe to
42 Thomas Blake my sonne Two hundred and fyftie poundes of lawfull Englishe monneye to be
43 paide unto him and his assignes yearlie after my decease by Fyftie pounds together by the yere,
44 untill the said Somme Two hundred and fyftie poundes shal[l ]be fullye satisfied and paide. Item
45 Item I geve to Amye Rombold my daughter two kyne one bullocke and twentie sheepe to bee
46 delyvered within one yeare after my deceasse, And the said sheepe to be delyvered oute of my flock
47 as theye shall ronne at lease. Item I geve to Magarett Jarvis my daughter Fyve marks of currant
48 englishe monneye to be paide her within one yeare after my deceasse. Item I geve to Agnes Kynton my daughter
49 one cowe and a bullocke, And to Elizabeth Beale my daughter fowertie shillings in monney. Item
50 I geve to Marye Rigges my daughter fortie shillings of currante englishe monneye to be delyvered
51 her within one yeare after my deceasse. Item I geve unto my eldeste sonne John one hundred sheepe
52 to be delyvered ymmediatelye uppon my deceasse ronninge at leace And also two horsses or fyve pounds
53 in money at the elections of my saide sonne John by hym to be taken or delyvered upon my deceasse
54 Item I geve and bequeathe unto Elizabethe Blake my wieff two kyne to be delyvered unto her ymmedi
55 ately uppon my deceasse by her owne choice owte of my herde of kyne, And also five sowes to bee
56 delyvered unto her by her owne choice owte of my herde of swyne. Item I doe bequeathe and will
57 unto my saide wieff all that her apparell woolens and lynnens which she shall have for her body
58 at the tyme of my deceasse, And also two feather or downe beddes nexte to my beste bedde and one other
59 flocke bedde for her maide to lye on, and twoe of my coverlettes to be chosen by her, nexte my Two
60 best coverlettes and also twoe paire of my beste blancketts and one paire of my seconde blancketts And
61 also eighte paire of my sheetes to be chosen by her, nexte after my sonne William hathe chosen fower
62 payre, And also twoe of my beste spones, twoe of my beste brasse pottes, twoe of my beste kettells
63 twoe of my best skelletts and two of my beste broches, and two of my beste Andirons, And also one
64 dossens of my best pewter platters, one dossens of pottengers, and one dosens of sawcers, fower
65 candlesticks, and sixe ioyne stooles, one table borde, one cupborde borde and the one half of my
66 poultrye whiche shal[l ]be aboute my howse at my deceasse, by her to be chosen, and also my beste
67 amblinge hackney that I shall have at the tyme of my deceasse and her saddle and furniture
68 belonginge to her for her iourneyinge. Item I geve and bequeathe to my sayde wife (uppon
69 condicion that shee shall clayme no Dowrie of my fee symple Landes, whereof I shall dye seyzed
70 or whiche I have bequeathed by this my laste will the yearlye Annuytye of Twentye pounds
71 duringe her lieff to be issuinge and payable by my executours. owte of all my leasses and fearmes
72 that I houlde of the righte honnourable the Lord Sandys, at fower feasts of the yeare quart[er]ly
73 to be paide (viz the firste quarter to begynne the nexte Feaste either of Michaelmas, Christmas,
74 Th[e ]annunciations of oure Blessed Ladye, or sainte John Baptiste, whiche shall first happens
75 after my deceasse, And so at the same Feasts quarterlye fyve pounds a quarter yerelye to her
76 to be paide duringe her lieff, And if it happens the saide Annunytye of Twentie poundes or any
77 parte threreof to be behinde and unpaide at anye tyme duringe the naturall lieff of my saide
78 wieff, by the space of eighte daies after annye of the saide Feastes aforesaide as whiche the
79 same oughte to be paide unto the saide Elizabethe my wieff, That then and from thenceforth
80 it shal[l ]be lawfull for the saide Elizabethe my wieff and her assignees to enter into the sayde
81 Fearmes and other the permisses oute, whereof the saide Annuytie is goinge, yssueable or payable
82 whiche I houlde of the saide Lord Sandys, and thereuppon to distreyne, and the distresse to
83 dryve carrye awaye and with[ h]oulde untill the saide Annuitie and there everye thereof (yf anny
84 shall happens to be behinde be to her and her assignees fullye contented and paide). Item I
85 will and bequeathe unto the saide Elizabethe my wieff duringe her lieff, the fyndinge and
86 keepinge of two kyne to be found and kepte for her and to her use and proffitte uppon the
87 sayde Fearme groundes of the fearme of Andever, bothe in wynter tyme and in Sommer tyme
88 And to have aswell pasture for theme, as also fodder of sweete strawe to susteyne theme, in
89 good plighte, allwaies to be foddered, pastured, watered, and used at the paynes and provision
90 of my executor and by theire Servauntes and at their charge and industrye. And also I
91 bequeathe unto her my sayde wieff the fyndinge of two sowe hoggs for her and to her owne use
92 and proffitte to be kepte uppon the sayde Fearme of Andever, and to be sounde and well harboured
93 and well used and served within my saide Fearme of Andever in suche sorte as is meete and as
94 shall well contente my saide wieff ordered at the provisicion coste and charge of my executors
95 and the industrye of theire servauntes duringe her life. Item I bequeathe unto her fower dossen
96 of my poultrye of all sortes viz of Capons, hennes and chickens suche and best shall fansye and
97 like my saide wieff, and also the fyndinge so manye of poultrie duringe her life to be founde
98 fedde, harboured and well used and lyved, within my saide Fearme of Andever in suche sorte
99 as is meete and as shall well contente my saide wieff at the coste and charges of my saide
100 executor. Item I geve and bequeathe my saide wief yerelie duringe her life, for her necessary use one
101 waight of woll to be paide yearlye by my executor out of my Fearme of Andever the same yearlye to be deliv[er]ed
102 at the shere tyme, and that she choose yearlye the same waighte of wooll of the firste weighte of wooll
103 that shal[l ]be weighed of the ferme sheepe yearlye at shepesheare. Item I bequeathe and will that my
104 wieff shall have howse rome, duringe her naturall lieff for the abode within my house of Estontowne
105 that I nowe dwell in for her self and her maide, and that she shall have to her owne onely use, duringe
106 her lief, the bedchamber that I and she doe nowe lye in, and that she shall have free concoursse and
107 accesse into the hall, the kitchine, and the reste of my howses of office, aswell within doores as without
108 there allwaies to doe her necessarie busynes withall to her reasonable contemente, so as my executors
109 maye have with all, accesse quietlye into annye romes, within the howsses of office to serve his turne
110 reasonablye, not disquietinge nor excludinge my saide wieff oute thereof at annye tyme to do her
111 necessarye busynes therein. Item I will that my executors shall at his coste and charges provide
112 and fynde unto my saide wieff sufficiente necessarye and as muche woodde and fyreboote as she shall
113 spende in her saide chamber, or aboute the necessarye usage of dressinge her meate and drinck, w[i]thin
114 my saide howsse of Estontowne, And further more that if my saide wieff shal[l ]be mynded to remove
114 from my saide howsse of Estontowne to dwell at her pleasure and better lykinge and contentement
116 within the Towne of Andever, Then I will that neverthelesse, my saide executore shall at his
117 and theire costes and charges provide and fynde unto her sufficient woode and fyrebote for her
118 chamber, bakinge, dressinge and brewinge of her necessarie meate and drincke in suche sorte, as
119 before is lymyted to her for her inhabitinge within my said howse of Estontowne even in such manner
120 as thoughe she weare or shoulde be continuallye rescant there in all respecte, And shall further
121 yearlie paye unto my saide wieff for and towardes her howse rente, so longe as she shall contynue
122 there or else wheare, oute of my howse at Estontowne the yearlie somme of Twentie shillinges,
123 by the yeare to be paide quarterlye unto her at suche Feasts and daies and in suche manner and
124 sorte as her Annuitie of Twentye poundes before mencioned is appointed to be paide. And
125 furthermore if it shall lyke my said wieff to inhabite in anye other place besydes the Towne of
126 Andever owte of the same parrisshe, That then so longe tyme as she shall so enhabite owte of the
127 same parrisshe, I doe will that my executoure shall yealde and paie unto her for and in lewe of
129 suche kyne, hoggs, wooll, and poultrie as she shoulde otherwise have had goinge and founde
129 by my executor uppon my saide Fearme of Andever the somme of fowertie shillings of currante
130 Englishe monneye yearlye to be paide her at the Feastes, daies and tymes, and in suche sorte as her
131 Annuytye of Twentie poundes before recyted is and ought to be paide, And that so longe tyme
132 as she shall so abide, and dwell owte of the saide parrishe of Andever, she shal[l ]be excludedd to
133 demande of my executor annye other duetye before to her limited bequeathed or appointed owte of
134 my sayde Fearme, besydes the saide Twentie poundes to her limited and bequeathed w[hi]ch nevertheles
135 shal[l ]be paide her, in manner and fourme aforesaid. Provided also and my will and entente is
136 and so I doe declare it to be my mynde, That if my saide wieff shall happen to marrye, and
137 not to lyve sole and in her widowhedd, That then she shall have the saide yearlie Annuytye of
138 Twentie poundes, in manner and fourme as before is to her appointed onelye and shal[l ]be excluded
139 and barred for ever by this my laste will of all other benefitte whatsoever, if she should otherwise
140 have owte of my saide Fearme of Andever (annye thinge mencioned in this my will to the co[n]trary
141 notwithstandinge. And soe that my whole mynde and will is that my Fee symple landes w[hi]ch
142 I have to me and myne heyres by purchase or discente or otherwise, shall remayne contynue and
143 be forever hereafter in my name and bloude, withoute anye alteracion, discontynuance or devise
144 thereof to be made or suffered to the contrarye by those or annye of those or theire or anye of
145 theire heires, or heire males or annye of theme to whome I shall by this my laste will and
146 Testamente geve and bequeathe the same or annye parte thereof unto, I doe by this my will
147 And Testament geve and bequeathe all my Landes and Tenementes with all and singler thee
148 Appurtenauncs in manner and fourme followinge, That is to saye, Firste I geve and
149 bequeathe unto John Blake, my eldest Sonne, All that my two Tenements called Brownes
150 and Cambers with all and singuler the appurtenauncs situate in Knights Enham and Kinges
151 Enham within the saide Countie of Southampton, and all Landes arrables, meadowes feedings
152 pastures, commons, commodities, and advanntags whatsoever to the same Tenements or to anye
153 of theme belonginge or in annye wise apperteyinnge or as annye parte or parcell of themee or any of theme
154 used or occupied withall and singuler th[e ]appurtenauncs, whatsoever, And also all that my Landes Teneme[n]ts
155 and hereditaments called Brayes, and all landes arrables meadowes belonginge to the same withe th[e ]appur
156 tenancs, To have and to houlde the saide two Tenements called Brownes and Chambers withall and
157 singuler th[e ]appurtanauncs and also the said Tenemente called Brayes, and all other the Landes and p[re]misses
158 last bequeathed and recited unto the saide John Blake my sonne for terme of his naturall lieff, And after
159 his deceasse to the heires males of his bodye lawfully begotten, And for defaulte of suche issue to Will[ia]m
160 Blake my seconde sonne, for terme of his naturall lieff, and after the deceasse of the same William, to the
161 heyres males of his body lawfullye begotten the bodye of the saide William lawfully begotten And
162 for defaulte of suche issue to the heires males of the bodye of Peter Blake my Thirde sonne lawfully
163 begotten, And for defaulte of suche issue to the heires males of the bodye of Thomas Blake, my
164 fourthe sonne lawfully begotten, And for defaulte of suche issue, to the heires males of the body of
165 Richarde Blake my fyfte sonne lawfully begotten, And for defaulte of suche issue to the righte heires
166 of my saide Ist sonne John Blake for ever. And furthermore I doe by this my laste will and
167 Testamente geve and bequeathe unto the saide William Blake my second sonne one Tenement
168 with Th[e ]appurtenauncs commonlye called Roses lyinge within Kings Enham aforesaide, And all
169 Landes tenementes, meadowes, pastures, feedings, proffitts and commodities and advauntages whatso
170 ever to the same Tenement belonginge or in any wise apperteyninge whiche I late purchased of Mr
171 Cauley, And also one meadowe, with th[e ]appurtenaunces lyinge in Kings Enham aforesaide, which I
172 late bought of _ne Hayse, commonly called Dichie meade. And also the Crofte withe Th[e ]appurtenauncs
173 called Whiteyeres crofte and all the landes with th[e ]appurtenauncs which I late purchased of John James
174 of Charleton lyinge in Kings Enham aforesaid, To have and houlde the saide Tenement called Roses
175 with th[e ]appurtenauncs and the saide meadowe called Dichie meade with th[e ]appurtauncs and the saide Lande
176 called Whiteyeres Crofte and the saide Landes late purchased of the saide John James with th[e ]appurte[n]auncs
177 and all other the laste recited premisses unto the saide William Blake bequeathed withe all and
178 singuler their appurtenaunces unto the saide William Blake my sonne second Sonne for terme of his
179 naturall life, And after his deceasse to the heires males of his bodye lawfullie begotten, And for
180 defaulte of suche issue, to the saide John Blake my eldest sonne for terme of his naturall life, And
181 after the deceasse of the same John to th[e h]eirs males of his bodye lawfully begotten with the lyke
182 Lymytacions in their respecte and degree as before is lymitted to the saide Peter Blake and the
183 others followinge him, And furthermore I doe by this my laste will and Testamente geve and
184 bequeathe unto the saide Peter Blake, my thirde sonne all that my Eleaven Tenements and one
185 Cottage withe all and singuler their appurtenauncs scituate and beinge in Andever, aforesaide,
186 nowe at the daie of the date of this my will in the severall tenure or occupacions of William
187 Northe, Hughe Tydder, William Hussie, Christopher Broughe and Goodman Wilson, William
188 Bathe, Robert Carde, George Masonn, John Presser, Robert Newell, Katherine Hide
189 and [blank] Wiggs widdowe, And also all that my three meadowes with th[e ]appurtenauncs
190 lyinge within Charletonn within the saide Countie of Southampton, nowe at the date of this
191 my will in the severall tenures and occupacions of John Purham, John James and John West.
192 To have and to houlde all the saide eleven Tenements and cottage and three meadowes laste
193 recyted withe all and singuler theire appurtena[u]ncs unto the saide Peter my Thirde Sonne
194 to him and to his heires for ever. And to th[e ]entente that suche Fearmes, Landes, Tenem[en]ts,
195 withe all and singuler th[e ]appurtena[u]ncs whiche I houlde by Lease or Leasses, and of the graunte
196 of the saide Lorde Sandys, or of annye of his Lo[rd] Ancestors shoulde, contynue, remayne and be
197 to my bloudde and name withe my saide fee symple Landes in suche sorte and to somme of those
198 personnes to whome I have gevenn and bequeathed my sayde Fee symple Landes unto therefore
199 I doe by this my last will and Testamente geve and bequeathe the same landes in manner and
200 fourme followinge, That is to saie, I geve and bequeathe to my saide John Blake one Tene[ment]
201 withe th[e ]appurtenauncs, commonlie called th[e ]olde haule lyinge in Knights Enham aforesayde,
202 And all Landes and meadowes whatsoever in Leasies, pastures, feadinges, com[m]ons, proffitts,
203 commodities and advauntags whatsoever to the same Tenemente belonginge or in anye wise
204 app[er]teyninge, And also one severall close withe th[e ]appurtuance commonly called Walworte
205 And also twoe meadowes in Andever beinge Lammas Lande houlden by Tenne shillings rente by the yeare
206 And also all my Lammas Lande and meadowe, whatsoever with th[e ]appurtenauncs lyinge in Andever,
207 or Andever feilde aforesaide, And all other my Landes and tenements, whatsoever conteyned and
208 mentioned uppon the grande Lease to me made of the last recited premisses (excepte the Tenement
209 called Smythes and the parcell of grounde called Evatts Okes al[ia]s Glosshanger and suche Lammas
210 Landes as the saide William Blake my sonne nowe houldethe whiche saide Tenement called Oulde
211 hall and closes called Walwort, meadowe and lamas lande and other the laste recited premisse I
212 doe houlde of the saide Lorde Sandys for terme of yeares not yet expired, To have and to hold
213 the saide Tenemente called oulde hall, the saide close called Walwortt and the meadowes and Lammas
214 lands aforesaide and all other the premisses with all and singuler, th[e ]appurtena[u]nces laste recited (except
215 before last excepted) unto the saide John Blake for terme of his naturall lieffe, yf my terme of yeres
216 thereof so longe shall endure, And after his deceasse the saide Tenemente called old hall the said close
217 called Walwort and the meadowes and Lammas Lande and all the laste recited premisses withe th[e ]appurtena[u]ncs
218 (excepte before excepted) to remayne contynue and be to the heires males of the bodye of my saide sonne
219 John lawfullye begotten and so to contynue in my bloude and name from one to an other in lyke manner
220 and sorte and in everye respecte and degree accordinge to my sayde lymytacion made of my sayde fee simple
221 landes called Brownes, Cambers and Brayes so longe as the terme of yeares which I have in the granted
222 leasses of the same or of annye parte thereof shall contynue The saide John Blake and the heyres males of
223 his bodye bodye lawfullye begotten, and all other the persons before lymyted to enioye the saide Tenemente
224 called oulde haule & the saide close called Walworte and the said two meadowes and Lammas lande and other the premisses laste recited (excepte
225 before excepted) yealdinge payinge doinge and performinge all suche rentes dueties and covenants whiche
226 shal[l ]be after my deceasse at annye tyme due, paieable or to be donne to the saide Lorde Sandys his heires or
227 assignes or annye other personne or personnes whatsoever by reason of the graunde Leasse or Leasses made
228 thereof or of annye other parte or parcell thereof, other than suche rente and dutyes as shall growe due
229 by reason of the saide Tenemente called called Smythes and the saide groundes called Evatts okes alias
230 Glosshanger and other then for the said Lammas lande in the tenure of the saide William Blake my sonne
231 viz for the sayde Tenemente called Smythes fowertene shillinges by the yeare for the saide grounde called
232 Glosshanger fyve shillinges by the yeare and for the saide Lammas Lande Twelve shillinges by the Yeare
233 And furthermore to th[e ]intente that my sonne William Blake and th[e ]other personnes hereafter lymyted to have
234 my Fearme of Andever shall contynwe hospitalitie with the same accordinge to the proportions thereof
235 within the parrishes of Andever and Knightes Enham or one of theme duringe the terme of yeares w[hi]ch
236 shal[l ]be therein to comme after the tyme of my deceasse, I doe by this my last will and testamente geve and
237 bequeathe unto the same William Blake my saide seconde sonne my Tenemente and howse with th[e ]app[u]rtena[u]ncs
238 whiche I nowe dwell in commonlie called Smythes and all landes, meadowes, leasues, pastures, feadings,
239 commons, proffittes, commodities and advauntages, whatsoever to the same tenemente belonginge or in anye
240 wise apperteyninge, And also my Ferme of Andever, withe all landes, meadowes, leasues, pastures, feedings,
241 proffittes, commodities, and advauntages, whatsoever to the same ferme belonginge, or in annye wise appertey
242 ninge, whiche saide Fearme and Tenemente and other the last recyted premisses I doe lykewise houlde
243 for terme of yeares not expired of the saide Lo: Sandis (except and allwayes res[er]ved oute of this my last
244 gifte and bequeaste all suche percell of lande as bene before by me geven unto John my sayde eldeste
245 sonne, To have and to houlde the saide Tenemente Ferme and all other the premisses withe all and singuler
246 their appurtenauncs last recited and bequeathed (excepte last before excepted) unto the saide William my
247 sonne for terme of his naturall lief, yf my terme of yeares thereof to me made shall so longe endure
248 And after his deceasse the saide ferme and Tenemente and all other the premisses laste bequeathed and
249 recyted (excepte before laste excepted) to remayne contyneue and be to the heyres males of the bodye of the
250 sayde William my sonne lawfullye begotten and so from one to an other in like manner and sorte and in
251 everye respecte and degree accordinge to my saide Lymytacions made of my Fee symple landes called Roses
252 Dichie meade and whiteyeares crofte, so longe as my terme of yeares, which I have in the graund leasse
253 to mee made of the same or of annye parte thereof shall contynewe, The saide William Blake and ye
254 heires males of his bodye lawfullye begotten and all other the personnes before lymyted to enioye ye
255 sayde Ferme or Tenemente and other the premisess laste to him bequeathed yealdinge payinge doinge and
256 performinge all suche rentes dueties and covenannts, whiche shal[l ]be after my deceasse at annye tyme
257 due paiable or to be donne to the saide Lo: Sandys his heires or assignees or annye other personne or p[er]sonnes
258 whatsoever by reason of the saide graunde Leasse or leasses, made thereof or of annye parte or parcell thereof
259 or of annye the premisses laste recited and to the saide William bequeathed. The residue of my goods
260 (before not bequeathed nor disposed, my debtes and legacies beinge paide and this my laste will and testament
261 in all respectes iustlie performed and accomplished) I geve and bequeath to my sonne William aforesaide
262 to th[e ]intente that he and th[e ]other personnes before lymyted to have, my said Fearme of Andever shall
263 contynewe hospitalitie within the parrishe of Andever Knights Enham or one of theme during thee
264 terme of yeares of my said Fearme of Andever. Provided allwayes and my will and whole entent
265 is, That if it shall fortune after my deceasse anny of my said sonnes, or anny others to whome I have
266 limited to have and enioye annye parte of my landes or gooddes aforesaid, not to contente himself or
267 theme selves withe suche porcions of Landes or gooddes and in suche manner and sorte as I have before
268 gevenn and bequeathed the same unto him or theme, and unto everie or annye of theme, Or that theie or
269 annye of theme shall shewe themselves or annye of theme shall shewe himselfe or herself to have mislike
270 withe the same or of this my last will or of annye parte of the contente of this my testament, Or
271 shall endewe themselves or annye of theme shall endewe him or herself to devise doe practise attempte
272 or putte in use, or cause to be devised donne prassised attempted or putte in use or assente, consent agree unto
273 or suffer annye acte, thinge or thinges whatsoever or by what meanes soever whiche shalbe disturbe alter
274 violate, frustrate, breake or make voide, or shall or maie be by annye meanes intended, construed or
275 ymagined to disturbe, alter, chaunge, violate, frustrate, breake or make voide, in annye respecte or pointe
276 this my last will and testament, and the contents and limitacions of the same, or of annye parte,
277 pointe, limitacion, legacie, bequeaste, gift or contents thereof, or of annye parte thereof, or shall
278 not stande to and obeye the order and iudgemente of my overseers and the longest lyver of theme
279 duringe their lyves in suche ambiguities, doubts, questions, and controversies as shall happen to
280 aryse hereafter uppon or by reasonn of this my last will and testament to all entents and purpos[e]s
281 That then in all and everie the cases laste recyted, my said sonnes and everye other person and
282 personnes shall and everie of theme to whome I have geven graunted or lymyted to have or enioye
283 annye parte of my landes gooddes or chattells aforesaide and everie of theme in so doeinge and
284 offendinge this my mynde in my last will and testament shall for ever lose the benefitt of this my
285 laste will, and Testamente, to all entents and purposes and the Legacies and devises to theme and
286 everie of theme or annye of theme by the same gevens devised or bequeathed, and whiche otherwise
287 theye or annye of them, in not so doinge or offendinge mighte have had and enioyed. As thoughe
288 no mencions at all hadd beene made in this my laste Testamente of annye suche gifte devise or
289 Legacie And that then in everie suche case as aforesayd I doe geve and bequeathe by this my last
290 will and Testament the same porcion of my sayde goods and Landes to the resydue of my sayde
291 sonnes not so offendinge and to suche others aforesaide not so offendinge to whome I have made
292 the Lymytacions of the contynuaunce and enioyinge the reside of my sayde Landes, goods and
293 chattells to be equallye and indifferentlie devided and apporcioned amongeste theme. And
294 I doe make my sayde sonne William Blake my executor of this my last will and testament
295 Provided nevertheless and this my last will is, That if the saide William shall not or doe
296 not take uppon him the execucion and executorshipp of this my last will and Testament, or that
297 he and his issue male aforesaide shall not trewlye and iustlie paye all, the Legacies of this my
298 last will and also shall not doe accomplishe and performe the same thorowlye accordinge to my
299 entente and meaninge expressed in this my last will and testamenete, in all respectes whatsoever, or
300 shall not within one monneth after my deceasse become in sufficient bond unto my overseers or
301 suche of theme as shal[l ]be lyvinge at the tyme of my decease, or if theye shall happen to be deceased
302 to the Bisshopp of the dioces for the tyme beinge to obeye and performe this my laste will and
303 Testament, That then I will my said legacie and gifte before to him and his heires males bequethed
304 and geven as well of my Landes as of my goods utterlye to surceasse and to be voyde and of none
305 effecte, And then I doe make my saide sonne John my executor of this my last will and testament
306 to see the same well and trulye performed Annye thinge before mencioned to the contrarie notw[i]th
307 standinge. And I doe by this my last will and testament appointe my verye trustie and welbeloved
308 freindes Richard Sotwell, Doctor of the Civill Lawe, and Andrewe Reade gent to be my ov[er]seers.
309 givinge willinge and grauntinge theme and the longest lyver of theme full power and Authoritie by this my last will
310 and testamente yf theye shall so please to determyn decide and ende all ambiguities, doubtes, questions or debate
311 whatsoever whiche hereafter duringe their lyves or the longest lyver of theme shall happen to fall owte
312 amongest my saide children, or annye other to whome I have geven annye of my Landes or gooddes unto
313 by this my will conc[e]rninge this my last will and Testamente or anny matter conteyned therein
314 And I doe bequeathe to eche of my saide overseers in token of my good will towardes theme for theire
315 paynes Fowrtie shillings a peece to be delyvered within one monneth uppon my deceasse. In witnes
316 whereof I have to everie paper leaffe of this my will sette my signe and marke, Geven the Seaven
317 and twentithe daie of Julye one Thousande fyve hundred eightie two. Anno Regni Regine [domine ]n[ost]re Elizabethe
318 vicesimo Quarto. And further have to theise presentes putte my mark and sette my seale. witness
319 the same those whose names are under writtenn William Stotwell, Richarde Stotwell, John
320 Sotwell, An: Reade, John Deane
321 Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum apud London. Coram venerabili viro
322 mag[ist]ro Willi[el]mi Drurye legum doctore curie prerogative Cantuarien[sis] commissario etc Decimo
323 Quarto die mensis Novembris Anno Domini mill[es]imo quingentesimo octagesimo secundo. Juramento Petri
324 Johnson notarij publici procuratoris Willi[a]m Blake filij et executoris etc Cui commissa fuit administrac[io]
325 bonorum etc De bene etc Jurat[e]
The Blake Pedigree Chart held by the Blake Museum in Bridgwater also has a reference to Nicholas Blake (Part 2 of the large family tree ).
I have cropped this picture from the 2nd file to contain information related to the last newsletter where I discussed the genealogical fabrication made by Horatio Gates Somerby. The source of Horatio Somerby’s data is not mentioned in his original notes. The origin of the Blake Family Chart held by the Bridgewater Museum is unknown although written in the same handwriting. I am suspicious that it predates Somerby’s work which is incorrect because he has linked this chart with the College of Arms Chart held by the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office inserting Nicholas into this chart which may well have given Somerby the idea of using Nicholas who is listed as having left a will dated 31 May and probated 20 Jun 1547. Who ever created this document has likely used the College of Arms Chart as William Blake son of Nicholas is listed as marrying Avice Ripley. William in his will above mentions that Elizabeth is his wife but does go to great lengths to ask that his children permit Elizabeth everything he has given her suggesting perhaps that he has an older set of children and a younger set by two different wives but no proof of that has been found to date. William I would like to discuss another time but have brought him in because he is mentioned on the two charts but in a different way.
It also means looking at Robert Blake who is named as the brother of Nicholas in his mother’s will. They are all living at Enham hence more needs to be learned about Enham. To discover Blake families who lived there. British History Online has a fairly long writeup on Enham and it is mentioned that Eltham was generally used in the 11th century, Enham Knights/Enham militis was generally used in the 13th century, Ennam militis in the 14th century, Enham in the 15th century. These days all sides of Knights Enham are bounded by Andover. In 1066 Enham was divided into two holding (assessed at one hide and a half) Knights Enham and King’s Enham. Various landowners held these two properties from the Domesday Book to the late 1400s but by the end of the 15th century the land was held by the freemen of Andover which included Nicholas Blake.
This map illustrated the area about which we are speaking – Knights Enham. It is bounded by Hungerford Road to the East and North; Saxon Way to the south and Enham Lane runs through the middle. It is possible to see a number of structures leaving one to wonder how many farms were actually at Knights Enham. The Hampshire Subsidy of 1586 shows John Blake the younger possibly the eldest son of William Blake (mentioned above and leaving his will in 1582) and Edward Blake (John Blake the Younger died before 18 Apr 1587 at Knights Enham and his eldest son was Edward Blake). That does leave the impression though that there were two farms at Enham. One can tell by Nicholas Blake’s will that one farm at Enham did go to his son William and William in his will mentions that his eldest son John is to receive his farm at Knights Enham/Kings Enham.
The last piece of information on Nicholas comes from his mother’s will which was dated 23 Mar 1527.
Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Aug 2013 (proofread 28 Sep 2021)
Source: Family Search, Film 186682, A-377, Page 163
Testator: Jone Blake, widow
Place: Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 23 Mar 1527
[Top]: copie tes[tament]
1 In dei no[min]ie Amen the yer of owre lord gode oon thowsand five hundredth xxvij the xxiij day of the mon[e]th of marche
2 I Jone Blake wddow w[i]t[h] a hoyle mynde and A goode memo[r]ye maketh my laste wyll and testi[me]nte in thys man[ner] Fyrst I
3 com[m]end my soll unto almighty gode And lady seynt mary and to all the seynts in hevyn and my body to be buryd in
4 the chyrche or the chyrche lyttyn of seynt mykell of Enahm It[em] I gyve and bequeath unto ye mother chyrche of seynt Swy
5 thnye xij d It[em] I gyff and bequeath to ye chyrche of Enahm vj s viij d It[em] I gyff and bequeath xxvjs viij d to be dystrybute
6 unto poor pepyll in peny doyle It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto my curat Syr Rychard Mersser xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath
7 to Sir John Batte xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath to mayntenyg of the morrow masse prest in Andover xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath
8 to mayntenyg of Jhsus masse in ye chyrche of Andover xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto the p[ri]ror of the Freer Augustines
9 in Wynchest[er] xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath to Syr John Whyte freer xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath to ev[er]y freer of ye
10 Sayde Augustynes th[at] ys prest iiij d and to ev[er]y novesse ij d of ye sayd place It[em] I gyff and bequeath to ye chyrche of Fosket
11 to mayntenyg of ye light before Seynte Jamys and Seynte Senday xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto my dowghter Elsabet
12 Mylne xx shepe beside thoose she hathe allredy and oon Cows th[a]t I bowght of hyr and xiij s iiij d of money and my gretst
13 pann and fowre plater It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto my son Nycolas Blake my tabyll in ye hall and oon clothe callyd ye hallyg
14 and two yryne racks It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto my son Robert Blake oon yryne broche and xviij shepe ye wheche
15 shepe he hath in kepyng It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto Thomas Iesra of Fosket oon yryne broche and the [re]seydew of
16 all my goods moveabyll and unmoveabyll above not legate I gyff unto my chyldrne Nycolas Blake
17 Robert Blake and to Thome Iesra of Fosket and ye sayd goods to be devydytt amongs them equaly ev[er]y oon of
18 them elyke weche It[em] I make my sonys Nycolas Blake and Robert Blake my trew executors and Thoms Iesra of
19 Fosket my sup[er]visor th[a]t he see my last wyll and testament cumplet and fulfylld and the foresaid executors to dyspo
20 se for the heylth of my soll as thay shall see moyst expedient these witnesses Syr Rychard Mersser Syr
21 John Batte Nycolas Blake Robert Blake w[i]t[h] other
Jone Blake in her will indicates that her children are Nycolas Blake, Robert Blake and Elsabet Mylne. Thus completing the circle from mother to children. She does not mention her husband unfortunately. She does not mention any grandchildren. Given that Nicholas’ son William leaves his will in 1582 and he had adult children it does seem like he might have been born by 1527 which would have made him at least 55 but given the times and early marriage he may not have been born by 1527. Her daughter Elizabeth is married. Nicholas may be the eldest as he is mentioned first but that isn’t necessarily the case. Unfortunately I am unable to find out any further information on Nicholas at this time. The copies of the Manor Books that I have are in Latin and I have not yet done very much work on them. I will add to the information on Nicholas when it appears.
2. Blake Surname Study – Progress
Still in the process of redoing the classification of the kits. Hopefully I will have some of this completed for the first issue of the new volume in January 2022.
3. Blake Autosomal Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
Useful on an individual basis but I can not report on matching as that would interfere in the privacy of the individual members. In some cases these are large matches and in other cases relatively small but that is the way with the inheritance of autosomal DNA. With each generation chunks of autosomal DNA can either be broken into smaller units or passed as a large chunk relatively intact. It is a purely random event. Due to privacy concerns it is not possible to produce a chart of the members who do have matches with other members of the group but each member is able to check that for themselves in their account. What would be helpful is adding a family tree to your account thus making it much more possible to find matching autosomal DNA cousins in your research.
4. Andover, Hampshire, England, Parish Registers - Baptisms
Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the baptisms for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for baptisms begin in 1588 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.
Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start publishing these transcriptions for Andover.
Number Surname Forename status Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Year Month Day Details
3900 Blake Thomas son Blake John 1661 May 3
3901 White Elizabeth daughter White Rynard 1661 June 3
3902 Drew John son Drew Thomas 1661 June 10
3903 Cooke Mary daughter Cooke Richard 1661 June 10
3904 Church Elizabeth daughter Church Phillip 1661 June 25
3905 Tredgould John son Tredgould John 1661 June 25
3906 Reade Thomas son Reade John 1661 June 30 Wildhearne
3907 Noyse Richard son Noyse Mr. Samuell 1661 July 10 of Hatherden
3908 Homes Elizabeth daughter Homes Mr. Samuell 1661 July 16
3909 Sambourn Julius son Sambourn Mr. James 1661 July 17
3910 Farr William son Farr John 1661 July 20 Charlton
3911 Beazer Beazer Tobias 1661 July 20
3912 Beard Judith daughter Beard Joseph 1661 August 2
3913 Treakell Thomas son Treakell Thomas 1661 August 6
3914 Scullard William son Scullard William 1661 August 18
3915 Reavers Mary daughter Reavers John 1661 August 25
3916 Clarke Mary daughter Clarke Richard 1661 September 2
3917 Munday John son Munday John 1661 September 8 Foxcote
3918 Juliance Richard son Juliance Richard 1661 September 11
3919 Robinson Ann daughter Robinson William 1661 September 15 Charlton
3920 Tarlton Ann daughter Tarlton Robert 1661 September 16
3921 Abbott Ellenor daughter Abbott John 1661 September 23
3922 Blanchard William son Blanchard Richard 1661 September 29 Charlton
3923 Marshall William son Marshall Thomas 1661 October 4 1661 September 25
3924 Glaziar Robert son Glaziar Robert 1661 October 8 a stranger ______
3925 Meales George son Meales Thomas 1661 October 8
3926 Whetland Sarah daughter Whetland John 1661 October 8
3927 Sanders Sanders John 1661 October
3928 Evance Evance Francis 1661 October
3929 Beard Elizabeth daughter Beard Richard 1661 October 21
3930 Burrat Mary daughter Burrat John 1661 October 25
3931 Packstone Ann daughter Packstone Christopher 1661 November 3
3932 Aysh John son Aysh Richard 1661 November 7
3933 Spanwell Elizabeth daughter Spanwell Zidrake 1661 November 10
3934 Day Thomas son Day Thomas 1661 November 17 Wildhearne
3935 Hayward Richard son Hayward John 1661 November 17
3936 Perce Katahrin daughter Perce Andrew 1661 November 17
3937 Croutch William son Croutch Michaell 1661 November 19
3938 Clitsome Ann daughter Clitsome Jethro 1661 November 26
3939 Smith Charles son Smith John 1661 December 2
3940 Juliance Nicholas son Juliance William 1661 December 3
3941 Hunnt John son Hunnt John 1661 December 10
3942 Cartor Mary daughter Cartor Gyles 1661 December 18 Charlton
3943 Bankes Charles son Bankes Allexsander 1661 December 22
3944 Woller Hanna daughter Woller Thomas 1661 December 1
3945 Medhurst Elizabeth daughter Medhurst Thomas 1661 January 2
3946 Mountaine Sarah daughter Mountaine Robert 1661 January 5
3947 Barlo Ann daughter Barlo Mr. William 1661 January 9
3948 Bottum Mary daughter Bottum John 1661 January 12
3949 Whetly Richard son Whetly Richard 1661 January 23
3950 Kingsmell John son Kingsmell Mr. John 1661 January 26
3951 Elton Thomas son Elton William 1661 January 26
3952 Cleeve John son Cleeve John 1661 January 28
3953 Doubty Ann daughter Doubty Robert 1661 January 28
3954 Goddin John son Goddin George 1661 January 31
3955 Bird Robert son Bird Roger 1661 February 1
3956 Seagrove Elias son Seagrove Richard 1661 February 10
3957 Cornelius Hennery son Cornelius George 1661 March 2
3958 Goodall Ann daughter Goodall William 1661 March 4
3959 Waight Richard son Waight Richard 1661 March 11
3960 Whatly John son Whatly Thomas 1661 March 13
3961 Sweetaple John son Sweetaple William 1661 March 21
3962 C_____ C_____ Thomas 1661 March
3963 Beavis Millesent daughter Beavis Richard 1661 March 23
3964 Symmons Robert son Symmons Elias 1662 March 29
3965 Cleeve Mary daughter Cleeve Peeter 1662 April 7
3966 Beazer Elizabeth daughter Beazer John 1662 April 11
3967 Cooke Charles son Cooke Charles 1662 April 10
3968 Miller Ann daughter Miller William 1662 April 12
3969 James Elizabeth daughter James Peeter 1662 April 28 Charlton
3970 Trollop Joane daughter Trollop John 1662 April 29
3971 Noyce Joane daughter Noyce William 1662 May 3
3972 Paine William son Paine Gilbird 1662 May 5
3973 Channell Richard son Channell Ralph 1662 May 11
3974 Savidg Robert son Savidg Robert 1662 May 19 Enham
3975 Tarlton Beniamin son Tarlton Richard 1662 May 19
3976 Jowels William son Jowels William 1662 May 21
3977 Tredgould Thomas son Tredgould William 1662 May 26 Charlton
3978 Hobgood William son Hobgood William 1662 May 28
3979 Helliar John son Helliar John 1662 May 29
3980 Chard Edward son Chard Edward 1662 May 29
3981 Stacie William son Stacie William 1662 May 31
3982 Beare Mary daughter Beare William 1662 June 2
3983 Knightly Joane daughter Knightly Thomas 1662 June 16
3984 Turner Joseph son Turner Joseph 1662 June 25
3985 Merrick Ann daughter Merrick George 1662 July 18 junior
3986 Morton John son Morton John 1662 August 14
3987 Salmon Peeter son Salmon Peeter 1662 August 14
3988 Butcher John son Butcher Thomas 1662 September 3
3989 Pitman Mary daughter Pitman John 1662 September 7
3990 Shipton Elizabeth daughter Shipton Morrice 1662 September 11
3991 Parr Mary daughter Parr Hennery 1662 September 14 Wildhearne
3992 Barnard Elizabeth daughter Barnard Phillip 1662 September 20
3993 Howse John son Howse Zekell 1662 September 22
3994 Bray John son Bray George 1662 October 12
3995 Bray William son Bray George 1662 October 12
3996 Smith Dorkis daughter Smith Thomas 1662 October 13
3997 Munday Jane daughter Munday William 1662 October 22 Charlton
3998 Noyse Gateright daughter Noyse Thomas 1662 October 28
3999 Stanniford Thomas son Stanniford John 1662 October 29
4000 Pallmor Dorathy daughter Pallmor John 1662 November 2
4001 Noyse Ann daughter Noyse Thomas 1662 November 3
4002 Hellier Ann daughter Hellier Samuell 1662 November 17
4003 Broade Ann daughter Broade William 1662 November 18
4004 Robeson William son Robeson Mr. Walter 1662 November 20
4005 Tamage Thomas son Tamage Edward 1662 November 27 Charlton
4006 Drewly Phillip son Drewly John 1662 December 1
4007 Strong Richard son Strong Richard 1662 December 3 junior
4008 Head Anthony son Head Anthony 1662 December 7
4009 Loving William son Loving William 1662 December 20 Enham
4010 Scullard Mary daughter Scullard William 1662 December 16 junior
4011 Purde Dorathy daughter Purde John 1662 December 29
4012 Wescome John son Wescome Thomas 1662 January 4
4013 Homes Christian daughter Homes Mr. Samuell 1662 January 13
4014 Abbut Mary daughter Abbut John 1662 February 7 junior
4015 Dobbs Joane daughter Dobbs John 1662 February 12 in Upper Clatford Chappelle
4016 Broade Robert bastard son Elizabeth 1662 February 16 of Foxcote
4017 White William son White William 1662 February 16
4018 Pierce Robert son Pierce Francis 1662 February 18
4019 Veare Charles son Veare James 1662 March 15
4020 Noyse Elizabeth daughter Noyse George 1662 March 16
4021 Keele William son Keele Richard 1662 March 17
4022 Knowles Thomas son Knowles widdow 1662 March 17
4023 Church Thomas son Church Phillip 1662 March 20
4024 Wimbolton William son Wimbolton William 1662 March 20
4025 Ste___ Zakayias son Ste____ Zakayias 1663 March
4026 Ge____ Martin son Ge____ 1663 March
4027 Cooke Elizabeth daughter Cooke John 1663 April 7
4028 Daumner Richard son Daumner Richard 1663 May 3
4029 Purvoir Clemmens son Purvoir alias Phillpott William 1663 May 19
4030 Munday Elizabeth daughter Munday William 1663 May 23
4031 Seaward Seaward Robert 1663 May 24
4032 Hayward Margeret daughter Hayward Thomas 1663 May 24
4033 Tredgoule Dorathy daughter Tredgoule Thomas 1663 May 31
4034 Tredgoule Mary daughter Tredgoule Thomas 1663 May 31
4035 Sanders Sarah daughter Sanders John 1663 June 4
4036 Tomes Nicholas son Tomes William 1663 June 16
4037 Deare Elizabeth daughter Deare Richard 1663 June 28 Wildhearne
4038 Feilder Christian daughter Feilder Thomas 1663 July 4
4039 Baverstock Rabecka daughter Baverstock John 1663 July 7
4040 E____ Thomas son E______ William 1663 July 12 of _____er
4041 Knightly Susanna daughter Knightly Richard 1663 July 18
4042 Juliance Francis daughter Juliance William 1663 July 20
4043 Beard Susanna daughter Beard John 1663 July 29
4044 Scullard Edward son Scullard Edward 1663 August 2
4045 Pooer Margery daughter Pooer William 1663 August 7
4046 Gouldin Mary daughter Gouldin John 1663 August 9 the younger a new house
4047 Croutch Margeret daughter Croutch Michell 1663 August 13
4048 Turner Mary daughter Turner Joseph 1663 August 24
4049 Hide Charles son Hide John 1663 September 13
4050 Hayward Richard son Hayward John 1663 September 13
4051 Hu_t Nathaniell son Hu_t Richard 1663 September 15
4052 Carpender Ann daughter Carpender John 1663 September 17 Wildhearne
4053 Sammon Elizabeth daughter Sammon John 1663 October 4
4054 Cross George son Cross Lionard 1663 October 5
4055 Dickman John son Dickman Anthony 1663 October 14
4056 James Elizabeth daughter James Hugh 1663 October 14
4057 Jellife Elizabeth daughter Jellife Richard 1663 October 15
4058 Goodall William son Goodall Richard 1663 October 20
4059 Medhurst Thomas son Medhurst Thomas 1663 October 20
4060 Meales Mary daughter Meales Thomas 1663 October 21
4061 Cooke Richard son Cooke Richard 1663 October 21
4062 Bird Ann daughter Bird Robert 1663 October 24
4063 May William son May William 1663 October 27
4064 Lively John son Lively John 1663 October 28 junior, Charlton
4065 Burrat John son Burrat John 1663 October 28 1663 October 20
4066 Palmer Ann daughter Palmer John 1663 November 12 junior
4067 Blackman William son Blackman 1663 November 12 Charlton
4068 Cartor John son Cartor Gyles 1663 November 14
4069 Popinioy William son Popinioy Mr. John 1663 November 19
4070 Merrick Robert son Merrick George 1663 November 22
4071 Martaine William son Martaine John 1663 November 23
4072 Bottum Dorathy daughter Bottum Richard 1663 November 23
4073 Browne William son Browne William 1663 December 8 Charlton
4074 Paine Gilburd son Paine Gilburd 1663 December 11
4075 Wayman Christian daughter Wayman John 1663 December 17
4076 Aysh Hennery son Aysh Robert 1663 December 20
4077 Martaine Edward son Martaine John 1663 December 23
4078 Turner John son Turner Jone 1663 January 2 bastard
4079 Douce James son Douce Charles 1663 January 4
4080 Tredgoule Joane daughter Tredgoule John 1663 January 4
4081 Stanniford John son Stanniford John 1663 January 4
4082 Percie Francis son Percie Francis 1663 January 5
4083 Philpott John 1663 January 5 a child not baptized
4084 Huniwell daughter Huniwell Richard 1663 January 21 Woodhouse
4085 Knowles William son Knowles William 1663 February 2
4086 Miller William son Miller alias Waters William 1663 February 8
4087 Peeke John son Peeke Richard 1663 February 10
4088 Orum Ann daughter Orum William 1663 February 19
4089 Barwick Samuell son Barwick Thomas 1663 February 16
4090 Manners Mary daughter Manners John 1663 February 18
4091 Figgis Thomas son Figgis Thomas 1663 February 22 Charlton
4092 Dounton Bridget daughter Dounton Thomas 1663 February 22
4093 Ratty Ratty Edward 1663 February 24 Charlton
4094 Sutton Ellin daughter Sutton William 1663 February 27
4095 Barnard Thomas son Barnard Thomas 1663 February 1
4096 Treackle Abraham son Treackle Thomas 1663 March 1
4097 Day William son Day Thomas 1663 March 6 Wildhearne
4098 Sims Mary daughter Sims Elias or Ellis 1663 March 10
4099 Stanniford Phellippia daughter Stanniford John 1663 March 19
4100 Elton John son Elton William 1663 March 18
4101 Titcome Charles son Titcome Richard 1663 March 20
4102 Drewly Susanna daughter Drewly John 1663 March 21
4103 Gouldin William son Gouldin Thomas 1663 March 21
4104 Gray Elizabeth daughter Gray Francis 1664 April 7
4105 Waight Mary daughter Waight Robert 1664 April 13
4106 Fromton Thomas son Fromton Robert 1664 April 14
4107 Umphry Robert son Umphry Robert 1664 April 15
4108 Beare William son Beare William 1664 April 18
4109 Barlo Marhu son Barlo Mr. William 1664 April 21
4110 Baverstock Ann daughter Baverstock John 1664 April 21
4111 Whetly Sarah daughter Whetly John 1664 May 3
4112 Long Martha daughter Long John 1664 May 9
4113 Bancks Elizabeth daughter Bancks Allexsander 1664 May 15
4114 Chard Joane daughter Chard Edward 1664 May 29
4115 Blake Elizabeth daughter Blake William 1664 June 6 Foxcote
4116 Kingsmell Constance daughter Kingsmell Constance 1664 June 9
4117 Minchin John son Minchin Thomas 1664 June 19
4118 Minchin Sarah daughter Minchin Thomas 1664 June 19
4119 Hunt William son Hunt John 1664 June 26
4120 Parr Susanna daughter Parr Henry 1664 June 26
4121 Penton William son Penton William 1664 June 26 Charlton
4122 Goodall Mary daughter Goodall Francis 1664 July 4
4123 Munday Margeret daughter Munday John 1664 July 12 Charlton
4124 Sweetaple Edward son Sweetaple William 1664 July 14
4125 Cannings Mary daughter Cannings Addum 1664 July 15
4126 Bunny Joseph son Bunny Robert 1664 July 19
4127 Sparkeman Dorathy daughter Sparkeman Lionard 1664 July 24
4128 Bent Thomas son Bent Thomas 1664 August 5
4129 Manfeild George son Manfeild George 1664 August 11
4130 Turner Joseph son Turner Thomas 1664 August 28
4131 Jowles Elizabeth daughter Jowles William 1664 September 4
4132 Cornelius George son Cornelius George 1664 September 11
4133 Hampsheere Ann daughter Hampsheere Lanslet 1664 September 15 junior
4134 Beare Joane daughter Beare John 1664 September 20 Charlton
4135 Huet Mary daughter Huet Nicholas 1664 October 2 of Solerton
4136 Goodall John son Goodall William 1664 October 2
4137 Harfeild Michaell son Harfeild Michaell 1664 October 5
4138 Doubty Mary daughter Doubty Robert 1664 October 5
4139 Hobbs John son Hobbs John 1664 October 6
4140 Popinioy Jacob son Popinioy Mr. John 1664 October 26
4141 Church Ann daughter Church Phillip 1664 October 26
4142 Pitman Elizabeth daughter Pitman Thomas 1664 October 30
4143 Hobgood Mary daughter Hobgood William 1664 November 1
4144 Grunsell Charles son Grunsell William 1664 November 4
4145 Frumton Robert son Frumton Peeter 1664 November 10
4146 Clitsome Sarah daughter Clitsome Jethro 1664 November 11
4147 Kinton Thomas son Kinton Richard 1664 November 16
4148 Goodall John son Goodall William 1664 November 23
4149 Drew William son Drew Thomas 1664 November 28
4150 Baverstock John son Baverstock John 1664 November 28
4151 Martaine Andrew son Martaine John 1664 December 6
4152 Cooke Margeret daughter Cooke John 1664 December 8 junior
4153 Barnard Phillip son Barnard Phillip 1664 December 8
4154 Knight Thomas son Knight James 1664 December 9 of Kingscleere
4155 Abbot Sarah daughter Abbot John 1664 December 9 the younger
4156 Martaine Martaine John 1664 December 14
4157 Homes Robert son Homes Mr. Samuell 1664 December 18
4158 Smale Robert son Smale Thomas 1664 December 18
4159 Knightly Mary daughter Knightly Tobyas 1664 December 15
4160 Seagrove Margrat daughter Seagrove John 1664 December 18
4161 Potter Richard son Potter William 1664 December 20 Inham
4162 Hunt Thomas son Hunt Edward 1664 December 20
4163 Pearce Nicholas son Pearce Thomas 1664 December 24
4164 Templer Margeret daughter Templer Richard 1664 January 4
4165 Munday Mary daughter Munday John 1664 January 6 Woodhouse
4166 Marshall Thomas son Marshall Thomas 1664 January 13 1664 Jan 11 borne 6 am in the morning
4167 Pittman William son Pittman John 1664 January 11
4168 Tamage Edward son Tamage Edward 1664 January 17 Charlton
4169 Scullard Mary daughter Scullard Zakaria 1664 January 23
4170 Hayward Mary daughter Hayward Thomas 1664 January 23
4171 Broad Thomas son Broad William 1664 January 25
4172 Croutch Christian daughter Croutch Mathew 1664 January 25 Charlton
4173 Munday Richard son Munday Richard 1664 January 27
4174 Blackman Mary daughter Blackman Jerom 1664 January 27
4175 Hobbs Ellenor daughter Hobbs Edward 1664 January 30
4176 Seagrove Jane daughter Seagrove Richard 1664 January 30
4177 Francis Abraham son Francis Peeter 1664 January 31
4178 Hobgood John son Hobgood John 1664 February 2 elder
4179 Ratty Robert son Ratty John 1664 February 2 Charlton
4180 Wimbolton Christian daughter Wimbolton William 1664 February 7
4181 Froud Thomas son Froud Thomas 1664 February 13
4182 Way Thomas son Wayman William 1664 February 19
4183 Knightly Thomas son Knightly Thomas 1664 February 19
4184 Hayward Richard son Hayward widoew 1664 March 2
4185 Head Mary daughter Head Anthony 1664 March 7
4186 Scullard William son Scullard Zakary 1664 March 12 junior
4187 Francis Susanna daughter Francis Christopher 1664 March 13 Charlton
4188 Carter Robert son Carter Gyles 1664 March 14 Charlton
4189 Miller Susanna daughter Miller alias Waters William 1664 March 14
4190 Bugly Elizabeth daughter Bugly Richard 1664 March 23
4191 Hust Richard son Hust Richard 1664 March 25 Junior
4192 Blake Ann daughter Blake William 1665 March 26
4193 Flittwood William son Flittwood William 1665 March 28
4194 Robeson Gomersall son Robeson Mr. Walter 1665 April 13
4195 More Margeret daughter More James 1665 April 14 borne at the prisson as they _____ traviling to Botham?
4196 Cooke John son Cooke Charles 1665 April 16
4197 Reade Ruth daughter Reade Richard 1665 April 17
4198 Tarlton Thomas son Tarlton Beniamin 1665 April 20
4199 Knowles Thomas son Knowles John 1665 April 22 deceased
4200 Bray Katherin daughter Bray George 1665 April 28
5. Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers - marriages
I will publish the marriages for Blake in the Parish Registers of St Marys Andover. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for marriages begin in 1587 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.
Marriage Registers commenced in 1587
Number Groom Surname Groom Forename Parish Brides Surname Brides Forename Parish Grooms Father Brides Father Year Month Day Details
600 Sweettapell John Page alias Whale Mary 1631 October 26
601 Coke Edmand Joane 1631 November 17
602 ….ge 1632 July 23
603 ….arb 1632 July 26
604 Pinkry Elizabeth 1632 July 30
605 Cottford Stronge Alce 1632 August 6
606 Sweetapell William Bould Elizabeth 1632 August 6
607 Barnes Hugh 1632 October 8
608 Stanley Twitchin Averen 1632 October 8 At Huester
609 Blak Dashford Jane 1632 October 9 married at Dorchester
610 Harfeeld Bodhum Elizabeth 1632 October 15
611 Parratt Mary 1632
612 Pennocke Mary 1632 November 6
613 Wayght Joseph Ma…. 1632 November
614 Grenttom John Ma… 1632 December 1
615 Glyman Thomas 1632 December 3
616 Bever Andrew Lonegrend 1632 December
617 Smith John Combe 1632 December 31
618 Maskall Thomas Deane Elizabeth 1632 January 21
619 Renals Richard Bath Elizabeth 1632
620 Cordray Mr. William Powlatt Brudgatt 1633 March 30
621 Poste Markes Sweettapell Elizabeth 1633 June 10
622 Ematt John 1633 June widow
623 C…. Thomas ….t Elizabeth 1633 July
624 Sweettapell Huntt Margreatt 1633 September 27
624 Blake Mary 1633 20
626 Mansake ….yatt Charlton Sop…. Elizabeth 1633 18
627 Elton Mary 1633 ….ber by license at Foxcott
628 Cooper …ary 1633 November 1
629 Rime …beth 1633 November 28
630 Hopkens 1633 January 23
631 Puances 1633 January 30
632 Miles .eey 1633 February 17
633 Arche ..en 1634 May
634 Hayward Martine Waterman Joane 1641 November 1
635 Monday Robert Locke Dorothy 1641 November 8
636 Small Robert Burnot Ann 1641 November 20
637 Drury John Cardie Susane 1641 November 22
638 Springe Richard Drew Ellen 1641 December 9
639 Whitland John Bath Prudance 1641 December 11
640 Egg Roger 1641 December
641 Deane John But Mary 1641 December 27
642 Monday Roger Whitly Susane 1641 January 3
643 Smith Richard Viashe Elizabeth 1641 January 6
644 Fegges Thomas Walter Ann 1641 January 6
645 Smith Robert Mote Amy 1641 January 10
646 James John Sweetapell Joane 1641 February 7
647 Asten William Hedges Millicent 1641 February 7
648 Perry William Williams Kathren 1641 February 13
649 Goddinge Richard Balden Mrs. Edeth 1641 February 14
650 Feelder Richard Harrell Ann 1641 February 14
651 Hatchatt Phillipp 1641 February 20
652 Livelocke William Leacke Alce 1641 February 21
653 Pewsey Thomas Milkead Sary 1641 March 24
654 Woodes William Blanchard Margreat 1642 April 18
655 …. 1642
656 Barnard Henry Julians Abgall 1642 July 4
657 Gooddall Richard Tanner Alc 1642 August 15
658 Salter Mikaell Barwicke Margreat 1642 September 12
659 Portlacke John Parker Rebecca 1642 September 19
660 Spearinge Thomas Backer Joane 1642 October
661 Smith Margreatt 1636 December 3 By license at ….isten
662 Scullard William Mericke Elizabeth 1636 December 8
663 Cobbe Nicolas Bishopp Frances 1636 December 22 by lycense
664 Sweettapell Peetter Sutton Alce 1636 February 10 at Foxcott
665 Williams Thomas Purdue Jane 1637 May 8
666 Longe Thomas Bray Elizabeth 1637 June 20
667 Bonny Richard Walker Elizabeth 1637 July 10
668 Livly William Tomes Greta. 1637 July 10
669 Gooddall John Lovegrove Julian 1637 July 27
670 Deane William Bute Elizabeth 1637 August 21
671 Stone Peetter Henchen Mary 1637 September 21
672 Crab .enrye Blake Ann 1637 October 7
673 Chubb Richard Hunniwell Mary 1637 October 9
674 Hathwell John .iltor … 1637 October 9
675 Batt Richard Henxman Thomsen 1637 October 16
676 Addoms Thomas Palmer Mary 1637 October 23
677 Hunton Thomas Cooke Dorothy 1637 February 5
678 Watterman Richard Livelocke Sary 1638 July 12
679 Beelie John Weebe Mary 1638 October 11
680 Smith Richard Bath Mary 1638 October 29
681 Iermonger Richarde Payne Elizabeth 1638 December 1
682 Veare Barnard Presley Mykell 1638 December 17
683 .tt Barwicke Mary 1638 January
684 C… Richard … Joyce 1638 January 17
685 Noyes Samuell Henxman Jane 1638 February 25 both of the parish
686 Perry William Se…. Dorothy 1639 April 16 both of the parish
687 Foster John Grove Elen 1639 April 20
688 Thomas Canens Elen 1639 May 20
689 L Jonathen .ena.. Jane 1639 May 30
690 Scullard William Digweed Mary 1639 June 10
691 Joyce John Blake Elizabeth 1639 June 13
692 L Richard Elizabeth 1639
693 Hayden James Margreat 1639 July 8
694 Pearse Luke Kathren 1639 September
695 Gardner Mykell Goddyn Annes 1639 November 18
696 Knowles Edward Cordray Elizabeth 1639 November 28
697 Gellope Roger Elizabeth 1639 February 5
698 Cooper John Mary 1641 June 24
699 Naper George Whitly Elizabeth 1641 June 28
700 Henxman Thomas Horne Mary 1641 July 5
701 Maskall Thomas Cleffeve Elener 1641 July 12
702 Marven Thomas Tomes Mary 1641 July 13
703 Pearse Mathew Dennet Mercy 1641 July 19
704 Waterman Selvester Frier Sesey 1641 August 21
705 Blake John Trollop Jone 1641 October 11
706 Backer Richard Hould Kathren 1641 October 15
707 Hopgood Thomas Scullard Joane 1641 October 25
708 Hickes John Tanner Sisly 1641 October 25
709 Russell Thomas Note Martha 1641 October 28
710 John Moringg Elset 1634 April
711 Gelbord John Kinge Margery 1634 April 10
712 John Brudgatt 1634 May 1
713 Elton Mr. John Cooper Joane 1634 May 29
714 Coffly Edward Monday Kathren 1634 June 16
715 Thurman Edward Strouder Elizabeth 1634 June 17
716 …st..w Thomas Frances 1634 June
717 Ball Thomas Whitinge Margery 1634 August 7
718 Cooper Richard Bath Frances 1634 August 10 Bride of Inham
719 Buttler Henry Deane Joane 1634 August 11
720 Lewse Thomas Dowlinge Mary 1634 November 6
721 Fleetwood Lovegrove Joane 1634 December 22
722 Wheatly Nue Emblin 1634 January 1
723 Mansack George Bartlat Annes 1634 January 5
724 Foster John Batchler Elizabeth 1634 January 8
725 Richard Fedges Alce 1634 October 1
726 Perdue John Gray Marie 1635 October 30
727 Blanchard Richard Best Joane 1635 December 21 both of the parish
728 Sedgwicke Roberte Blake Joane Blake, Mr. William 1635 January 6
729 Gooddall John Fiveash 1635 January 23
730 Game Thomas Barwicke Sary 1635 February 22
731 Spring ….on A… 1636 April 26 by license
732 Palmer John Totwood Joan 1636 May 22
733 Clitsone Richard Russell 1636 May 22
734 Blanchard John 1636 May 3
735 Livington Thomas Lewse Marie 1636 July 27
736 Elton Mr. John Blake Ann 1636 October 20 Ann blake is a widow
737 Tredgoulde Thomas Breckson Kathren 1636 October 20
738 Come.. Edward Elderwell Frances 1636 October 29
739 Raty Thomas Fedges Joane 1636 November 7
740 Barratt Richard Hulatt Mary 1636 November 7 both of Amportt?
741 Woodes William Blanchard Margreat 1642 April 18
742 Barnard Henry Juliand Abgall 1642 July 4
743 Gooddall Richard Tanner Alc 1642 August 15
744 Salter Barwicke Margreat 1642 September 12
745 Portlacke John Parker Rebecca 1642 September 19
746 Spearinge Thomas Barker Joan 1642 October 3
747 Wallenford James Piddin Alce 1642 October 17
748 Prickto Thomas Harden Jane 1642 November 28
749 Paige John King Elizabeth 1642 February 9
750 Wollenford John Bare Sibbell 1643 April 9
751 Manfeilde Robert Trulove Judeth 1643 May 28
752 Smith George Godwin Margery 1643 August 13
753 Beckly Niccolas Thornton Joane 1643 March 2
754 Speering John Barneby Cathrin 1643 March 3
755 Purdu George Watterman Elizabeth 1643 March 3
756 Francis Oswell Bond Joane 1644 April 1
757 Tredgould Thomas Daby Christian 1644 April 29
758 Grunsell William Sha_cam Mary 1644 May 5
759 Barstall William Twichin Dorathy 1644 May
760 Gray Francis Beckly Joane Beckly, Nicolas 1644 June 20
761 Paine Oswell Paine Juda 1644 July 21
762 Blake William Hellier Ann 1644 September 5
763 Beckly Nicklas Abbott Ann 1644 October 24
764 Cooke Peter Noyce Alce 1644 January 19
765 Fuller Francis Wyat Ann 1644 February 18
766 Floyd Richard Jacson Ann 1645 September 26
767 Seagrove Richard Symons Pheby 1646 October 1
768 Lumbard William Hanes, Surrey Burd Ellenor Burd, Roger 1646 November 15
769 Houldway William St Mary Bourne Carter Alse St Mary Bourne 1653 May 7
770 Knowles John Jeliance Mary 1648 November 26
771 Pyle Semor Moore Elizabeth 1648 October 2
772 Smith Thomas Burrat Elizabeth 1653 November 8
773 Cable Thomas Cooke Dorathy Cooke, John 1653 December 6
774 Houldway William Carter Alse 1653 May 7
775 Hacke Rober Tohincken Elizabeth 1653 February 1
776 Houldway John Limster An Houldway, Hennery Limster, Ann 1654 March 27
777 Gayge John Smith Mary 1654 April 14
778 Spanwell Zirzck Rennalls Hester 1654 April 16
779 Clarke John Roberts Mary 1654 April 27
780 Carter Gyles Pinchin Mary 1654 May 30
781 Farr William Snow Ann 1654 June 26
782 Seagrove John Cornelius Mary Cornelius, William 1654 July 6
783 Sackler Edward Whitechurch Acres Joane 1654 June 13
784 Smith Thomas Wherwill Hearth Joane Wherwill 1654 July 20
785 Cufly William Asten Elizabeth 1654 July 11
786 Hunniwell Richard Bedford Bridgat 1654 December 3
787 Whitlock George Samwell Jeane 1654 December 6
788 Bond Edward Sweetaple Mary 1654 December
789 Lydiard Nicholas Philpott Dorkas 1654 January 3
790 Hunton Jonathan Stanniford Dorathy 1654 January 26
791 Burnett John Summersett Mary 1654 February 24
792 Reade William Poyle Mary 1654 February 28
793 Trollop John Knowles Mary 1654 March 23
794 Froud Thomas Sutton Joane 1655 March 29
795 Hakince John Dixson Elizabeth 1655 April 12
796 Calye Abraham Brodborne Ussely 1655 April 24
797 Bevice Richard Wollinford Elizabeth 1655 April 26
798 Hailestone William Littleton, Kimpton Winter Mary Applesheew, Amporte 1655 April 22
799 Harding Robert Ashmensworth Potter Francis Ashmensworth 1655 April 30
800 Hatchatt Allickzander Kingsomborne Bourne ANN Abbots Ann 1655 May 8
801 Waters William Luenton Susanna 1655 May 4
802 Hayward Allexzander Locke Dorathy 1655 June 6
803 Bristow Robert __ulorne Batcheler Sarah Shmancy 1655 June 30
804 Hitchman William Shalborne Hayes Elizabeth __an, Wiltshire 1655 June 3
805 Dalbye William Hust Margery Abatsham 1655 July 15
806 Thurman Thomas East Wood Ellise Dina East Wood 1655 July 14
807 Miller Richard Peecke Elizabeth 1655 July 21
808 Steres John Hunt Dorathy 1655 July 22
809 Hayward John Barnat Katherina 1655 August 2
810 Heart Robert Cobb Annice 1655 August 4
811 Gylbert John Parish of St Edmons, New Sarum Williams Alce Amport, Hampshire 1655 July 12
812 Bigwood John Payge Rose 1655 October 22
813 Samuell William Cobb Ann 1655 October 28
814 Williams Richard Hunt Ann 1655 December 3
815 King Robert Fielder Francis 1655 December 8
816 Davice Mareddeth Fuller Martha 1655 December 29
817 Cherry Ambrose Actsminster, East Woodhay Ovett Abbigale Actsminster, East Woodhay Cherry, Samuell Ovett, John (London merchant) 1655 October 23
818 Thurman William Hopkince Sarah 1655 December 4
819 Goddin Michall Abbots Ann Bedford Alce 1655 November 26
820 Church Thomas Pyerce Christian 1655 November 5
821 Savidg Robert Hellier Ellenor 1655 November 15
822 Hayes Thomas Kingscleere Burnet Joane 1655 December 11
823 Blake Edmon Ludgershall, Wiltshire Kite Annis Wayber 1655 November 10
824 Knowles Hennery Penton Mewsey Meales Elizabeth Knights Enham 1655 November 16
825 Dixson Nicholas Mountane Mary 1655 November 26
826 Hayle Christophar East Wodhay Cox Joane East Woodhay 1655 December 1
827 Maillen Samuell East Woodhay Waters Elizabeth East Woodhay 1655 December 1
828 Tredgoule Thomas Barlie Elizabeth 1655 December 3
829 Joanes Walter Kidly Margeret 1655 December 17
830 George John Ginkin Martha 1655 March 2
831 Gale Hugh Flouty House Bedford Sarah Wayhill 1655 February 23
832 Helliar John Tarrant Edith 1656 March 31
833 Dyeper Beniamin Berry Alce 1655 March 17
834 Dounton Thomas Bath Jane 1656 March 25
835 Percie James Grace Mary 1656 March 30
836 Clarke Richard Symons Ann 1656 May 11
837 Edmons Thomas Hicksclere Holdway Dorathy Cumeboat 1656 May 12
838 Casselman Robert Upper Wallop Gearle Alce Upper Wallop 1656 July 7
839 Osgood Richard Upper Wollop Bunny Elizabeth 1656 July 17
840 Cunningham Rubin Tidworth Carde Jane Tidworth 1656 July 7
841 Parry William Leckfield Mason Margeret 1656 August 6
842 Thomas Andrew King Mary 1656 October 12
843 Rayman Thomas Kimpton Miller Alce Kimpton 1656 September 21
844 Horne Richard Hatherdene Quill Joane Hatherdene 1656 October 4
845 Complin William Miles Mary 1656 October 28
846 Judd Richard Barrat Mary 1656 October 27
847 Limster John Beare Mary 1656 October 29
848 Styles Richard Burkeseere Seeres Elizabeth Newtowne 1656 November 3
849 Mills John East Woodhay Nickolson Ellenor East Woodhay 1656 November 4
850 Munke John Penton Mewsey Knight Ollife Thornyton 1656 November 5
851 Tarlton Robert Fay Edeth 1656 November 23
852 Bottum Richard Courtney Dorathy 1656 November 23
853 Pickernell William Haybourne Quil Heart Ann Husbourne Tarrant 1656 November 15
854 Helliar George Long Parish Crockford Dorathy Overton 1657 May 9
855 Elton William Minkezowle Morrunt Marery Abbots Ann 1656 November 15
856 Smith Richard Upper Clatford Cooke Margery Monxton 1656 December 2
857 Frompton Robert Tanner Katherin 1656 January 1
858 Purde John Scullard Ann Purde, John 1657 March 27
859 Dowling Robert Vidler Elizabeth 1656 December 21
860 Stacie William Abbots Ann Douce Katherin Abbots Ann 1656 December 24
861 Berry Hennery Tuste, Wiltshire Miles Dorathy Tuste, Wiltshire 1656 February 1
862 Baverstock Danniell Munday Ellenor 1656 February 8
863 Plimpton Robert Smith Judah April 7
864 Dracutt Francis Rabery, Berkshire Jackwayes Susanna 1656 February 9
865 Hoton John Wherwell Kidly Mary 1656 March 15
866 Bunny Robert Horne Elizabeth 1657 April 1
867 Wilkince Francis Martin Dorathy 1657 May 2
868 Baverstock Edward Wallop Barnes Sarah S___man 1657 May 1
869 Heddin Robert Kimpton Shorier Mary Kimpton 1657 May 2
870 Foster Richard Purde Mary 1657 May 29
871 Scullard Zakaria Browne Ann 1657 June 3
872 Browne William Charlton Noyce Joyce Charlton 1657 June 7
873 Fellow William Bray Elizabeth 1657 May 10
874 Ratty Symon Charlton Ironmonger Ellin Charlton 1657 May 23
875 Hampsheere Lance Brunton Joane 1657 May 27
876 Salmon Peeter Reeves Ann 1657 June 2
877 Brooker John Embourne, Berkshire Watterman Susanna Husborne Tarrant 1657 June 9
878 Channell Edward Lemmon Katherin 1657 June 29
879 Kidgell Thomas Tanner Mary 1657 June 28
880 Whetly John Whetland Sarah 1657 June 22
881 Strong John Bourder Alce 1657 July 11
882 Annatts John Thrapson Collince Elizabeth Thrapson 1657 August 22
883 Payne Gilberd Reane Alce 1658 May 24
884 Pascall William Amport Tanedg Elizabeth Amport, Hampshire 1657 August 8
885 Parring James Waltredg Annice 1657 September 12
886 Tanner Edward Head Margery 1657 September 19
887 Parr Hennery Watterman Alce 1657 September 30
888 Banton William Kilbery Alce 1657 August 4
889 Barnes Thomas Tule Spencer Dorathy 1657 October 12
890 Lively Thomas Tarlton Gressian 1657 October 29 widow
891 Tredgoule John Spyre Mary 1657 October 27
892 Broadway Robert Phip Drussella 1657 November 8
893 Hayse Jeram Monxton Deare Ann Monxton 1657 November 12
894 Jesper Gyles Bedford Ann 1657 November 21
895 Hayward Thomas Camer Margeret 1657 January 24
896 Weslie William Joy Dorathy 1657 February 6
897 Keele Richard Cooke Abbigall 1657 February 12
898 Huatt John Thurman Ann 1657 March 3
899 Winkeworth Richard Smith Mary 1657 February 4
Any submissions, queries for the journal please submit to Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp for the 1st January 2022 issue by the middle of December 2021.
Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe
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