Tuesday, December 21, 2021

FitBit wearing out

 My two year old FitBit is gradually wearing out. It still charges well but the strap is going although I think I can purchase another strap for it. I would like to get the next stepup in FitBit but will maybe wait until next Christmas. Time will tell. I do live my life by that FitBit. It governs my every hour keeping me on my feet for at least ten minutes every hour except when sleeping. It has also shown me how to work with my Sleep Apnea. It is an amazing tool really especially for an older person. 

Chromosome 1 is in the works and perhaps I will finish it today. It is nice to have almost completed a task I set myself to nearly two years ago. So much has transpired in these nearly two years of COVID-19. We have a vaccine which is an enormous plus. We have lost Edward which is a minus. He was very much the central figure in our lives. Our world revolved around him as we did what he wanted and generally listened to everything that he said. He didn't want to leave us really and would have liked to have lived to be 90 but God, in His Mercy, took him home to be with Him. I am sure of that; more sure as the days pass. His illness completely filled his days by the end of his life; he did not have time for anything but handling his illness. 

As we move into 2022 I must start to function more at 100% instead of just hanging on and keeping things going. There must be more of a forward motion to my life where my accomplishments (totally personal) actually get accomplished.  

I have produced thus far 402 pages in a word document this year of my thoughts through the year. Just ten more days and probably another five pages or so. I never intended to write daily when I first began my life story but the last couple of years have been strange; the strangest of my life.

I notice that my heart rate is still elevated so must be producing lots of antibodies. I will still avoid people as much as possible.

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