Monday, June 10, 2024

Two weeks since the first Cataract Surgery

 The two week mark seems to be a time when one can now really think about more exercise it would appear although will not overdo that like I generally do. I want to be well rested and fit for my next cataract surgery just days away. In all the improvement in my first eye is quite remarkable to me in that my depth of vision was, as I now see it, basically not there as the tester said when my eyes were tested for my driver's license 58 years ago so that is a bit amazing and rather distracting and interesting to be honest. Even faces can look somewhat different now. I have never been particularly good with faces; tend to notice other significant items about a person to whom I am introduced. However, I can now see all these facial features that have been talked about on "police" type shows on the television. Absolutely fascinating actually.

Today is the small cleaning day and up at 6:00 a.m. as usual with the vacuum already combing its way across the rug in the basement. I am definitely an early morning person and it does show by late afternoon when I am dwindling. Not significantly but avoid going out too much as my day winds down. Absolutely me all my life actually. My husband was more of a night person staying up until midnight but we fitted together well as it turned out. I managed those early mornings that he did not like including waking him up after I had already done my morning exercise routine with breakfast ready and everything lined up for the day in terms of leaving the house and going to work. In the evening, particularly after children, if they were too old to go to bed when I did about 8:30 or 9:00 then he had a lovely couple of hours with them and they loved that solitary attention. Going out in the evenings generally resulted in my falling asleep in the car on the way home and then quickly putting myself to bed because I was exhausted as I do tend to live life to the full in terms of my physical ability. 

The 6th of November was especially a "Peace in Our Time" moment as that was the desire of all those young men who stormed the beaches of Normandy to free Fortress Europe. The end of the war saw a concerted effort on the part of all of the Allied nations to have peace (except Russia as they were greedily swallowing up Eastern Europe and destroying the good name that they had acquired helping to defeat the Nazis). The allies were rebuilding Europe under the Marshall Plan and unfortunately to contain the Soviet Union which tried to take over all of Berlin by 1948 along with anything else they could grab. But the Great Airlift put an end to their stealing of all of Berlin and gradually the borders were rolled back (the Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan and went bankrupt which resulted in freedom for Eastern Europe). Suddenly after COVID Russia attacked the sovereign State of Ukraine and there we are back at square one with a new Hitler named Putin and making up all sorts of stories to justify what he does just like his nemesis. Time for Putin to crawl back into the hole he belongs in for sure; he is disgusting. His treatment of the Ukrainian people is the continuing genocide directed against them since the days of Stalin and the Soviet Union. Putin's claim that the Ukrainian people have foreign arms and foreign technologists and that isn't fair is a laugh given the presence in Russia of Iranian drones and technicians since the early days of his attack on Ukraine. Too bad it has to turn into the playground bully tactics; people should really be adult and realize the world has much bigger problems like Climate Change and terrorists like Russia has become and Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and Iran itself are just destroying the world. The countries that will suffer the most are those in the polar regions during Climate Change. Perhaps that is why Putin is trying to steal land; Russia will slowly be swallowed up by the melting glaciers! 

On to the day. Breakfast and Latin.

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