Table of Contents
1. Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset
2. Blake Surname Study - Progress
3. Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA
4. Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers
5. yDNA study FT DNA
6. The Future
1. Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset was brought to my attention by one of the members of our DNA group. This is a recent addition to the website:
On the left hand side of the website under the caption “New” there are 10 *.pdf documents which contain scans of this particular Blake Family Tree. I am just in the process of reproducing the original chart in order to examine it in detail readily. I will also put it into my genealogy program (I use Legacy) in order to compare it with other Blake Pedigree Charts that are available. The date of production for this chart is not given particularly but it does refer to similar documents mentioned on the Blake Pedigree Chart held by the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office but is considerably more complete. I will attempt to learn more about the history of this particular chart. It is written primarily by one individual with additions. The handwriting is different from that found on the Blake Pedigree Chart at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office.

*Used with permission
Perhaps most interesting to me was the individual at the top of the Pedigree Chart – Robert le Blake of Quemberford, Wiltshire. I had postulated that Richard Blake might be Richard le Blak a merchant from Rouen Normandy. I need to now look at this Chart from the viewpoint of finding possible records for the descendants of Robert le Blake and putting these individuals into some sort of timeline. Records on the Blake family in this time frame are now available on line making the pursuit of this early history of the Blake family in England more accessible. I also found it interesting that the author of this particular pedigree has used a broken line to link the Blake family at Andover to this chart. Of that I am in great agreement as I do not think that the Blake family at Andover (my line) in the male line descends from the male line of this chart. This may prove to be one of the most fascinating additions to the Blake One-Name Study in 2017! Although within this newsletter (section 5) can be found an equally fascinating piece of research very much challenging this item for first place! Working on the Blake family is really a full time job and at 72 years of age I am finding myself less and less able to keep up with all the new and fascinating information. However, I do intend to try to keep this newsletter going for another eight years. The idea of a Blake Family Research Group has been part of many Blake researchers’ dreams and perhaps with this yDNA study (and autosomal as it grows) we will see fruition of such a group which can continue well past my activity in it. Although mitochondrial Blake DNA is of interest to many the loss of the Blake surname upon marriage in many cultures has made such a study very limited (and that includes myself!).
2. Blake Surname Study – Progress: One Name Blake Study at the Guild of One-name Studies was originally undertaken by another researcher. I took it on as a project in 2011 when my husband was ill and we were spending all of our time at home while he convalesced. Fortunately, following surgery, he was able to again take on commitments that he enjoyed and my time to work on the Blake study diminished. Hopefully, as he steps back from some of his commitments, I will once again be able to become more fully engaged with my study. In that frame of mind, I say once again that I hope to soon return to blogging the Blake wills from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and other Registry Offices. Thanks to an email from a reader I have now corrected several “interpretations” that I have made about individuals mentioned in wills. As always my blogs are an ongoing memory of what I thought on any particular day with regard to my studies. As the study grew my ability to retain all of those thoughts diminished rapidly!
3. Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA
The Blake autosomal DNA study continues to attract new members but does need to grow considerably larger before it will benefit the members of the study. I will try to write up the results of this study in a way that protects everyone’s anonymity but does make some use of the interesting results that are arising.
I do need to have a family tree to go with new members and would mention that here. I will not share your trees with others unless you specifically give me such consent. The autosomal DNA studies work best amongst cousins stretching all the way out to 4th and 5th cousins particularly if your family tree has traced down all of the siblings of your parents/grandparents/great grandparents etc. Thus far I have reached back to my Blake 2x great grandparents and their ten children. This couple had 49 grandchildren and several of these grandchildren had themselves more than 40 grandchildren. I am, at the moment, tracing down these children who, fortunately for the most part for me, remained in England making the task a good deal easier. I have thus far reached the third child although do have my line (their eighth child) complete to the present in as far as I know it. A match with one of the descendants of John Blake and Ann Farmer a couple of years ago (this set of my 2x great grandparents) proved that our mutual research is accurate. I continue to hope that more of my Blake family will test their autosomal DNA and to date I have several more distant cousin matches in this Blake line. My father was an only child and my mother’s only brother did not have any children so we do not have any first cousins and as it turns out we have very few second cousins since my mother’s father was, as an adult, the only one in his direct family line to have children. My father had a number of first cousins but not as many as one might expect given that his father was one of twelve children. World War I and World War II were hard on this Blake family and that is likely true for many families in the British Isles.
4. Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers
Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the marriages for Blake in the Parish Registers (grooms first and brides second). These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for marriage begin in 1588 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.
Groom Surname Groom Forename Parish Brides Surname Brides Forename Parish Grooms Father Brides Father Year Month Day Details
Blake Roberd Stronge Margerrye 1588 July 9 widow
Blake John Glour Joan 1590 February 25
Blake John Borne alias Apnre Joan 1595 October 13
Blake William Magick Dorothye 1605 February 6
Blake John Cooper Joane 1611 June 17
Blake Robert Syms Christian 1618 November
Blake Nicholas Smith Rebecka 1628 April 2
Blak Dashford Jane 1632 October 9 married at Dorchester
Blake John Trollop Jone 1641 October 11
Blake William Hellier Ann 1644 September 5
Blake Edmon Ludgershall, Wiltshire Kite Annis Wayber 1655 November 10
Blake Charles Framtan Jane 1687 September 2
Blake Robert Russell Elizabeth 1694 July 15
Blake Thomas Spring Mary 1708 November 6
Blake John Kent Margaret 1723 June 1
Blake John Clerk Mary 1725 June 6
Blake John Rumball Mary 1729 January 4
Blake John Miller Frances 1733 April 16
Blake William Bounds Ann 1734 June 10
Blake William Green Mary 1738 September 26
Blake Edward Wooll Ann 1740 April 7
Blake William Smith Mary 1744 December 26
Blake John Dowling Mary 1747 June 9
Blake thomas Stephens Hester 1752 February 9
Baylie Richard Blake Joane 1605 May 6
Hopgood John Blake Elsabeth 1605 June 18
Burmingham Peter Blake Dorothy 1608 April 25
Hinxman Joseph Blake Elenor 1610 December 10
Daniell Richard Blake Anne 1612
Savage ….hard Blake Margaret 1616 April 7
John Wallop Blake Margaret 1629
____________ Blake Mary 1633 20
Sedgwicke Roberte Blake Joane Blake, Mr. William 1635 January 6
Elton Mr. John Blake Ann 1636 October 20 Ann blake is a widow
Crab _enrye Blake Ann 1637 October 7
Joyce John Blake Elizabeth 1639 June 13
Genene Richard Blake Marget 1678 August 27 widower,widow
Standen John New Alresford Blake Lucy Eastontowne 1679 February 9
Bishop John Blake Elizabeth 1688 October 2
Lambert Edward Boyton, WIL Blake Mrs. Sarah 1688 September 11 married at Foxcott
Hartland Abraham Blake Mary 1699 July 9
Frances John Blake Margery 1705 May 13
Hunt Lawrence Ham, Wilts Blake Sarah Coomb 1706 July 27
Bandye Garvis Almsbery, Wilts Blake Ann 1707 October 5
Hardiman John Blake Elizabeth East Titherly 1708 May 21
Holdup James Blake Margarett 1717 November 17
Knowles John Blake Sarah 1720 February 16
Osborne Thomas Blake Lydia 1721 June 18
Leach Abraham Lower Wallop Blake Ann Edmunston, Wiltshire 1723 January 14
North John Blake Lucy 1723 May 1
Baker Robert Abbots Ann Blake Elizabeth 1725 September 29
Temple John Winnal Blake Mary 1726 November 2
Chitty Thomas Blake Elizabeth 1729 September 15
Spratt William Blake Margarett 1734 December 24
Elcock John Blake Hannah 1739 July 1
5. Blake Surname yDNA Project
yDNA studies are proving to be a very successful method of connecting back to your ancestral Blake line. Movement of people in particular emigrations has broken that connection for many Blake family lines.
A British Isles Ancestry
This group belongs to a haplogroup which is quite ancient to the British Isles. The haplogroup is found most commonly in the west side of the Irish Republic but also is represented all across the British Isles. The branch of the author is found in the Andover area dating back to the early to mid 1400s. Within this group there are at least two distinct lines known to the editor with the one being at Andover and the second being in the Romsey area also in Hampshire. Two members of this group trace their ancestry back to Ireland. A fifth member of the group traces their line back to England with no particular area mentioned.
B English Ancestry (1)
This group belongs to the I-M253 haplogroup with a few members having tested to a deeper level. This group was originally put together by another researcher and I have not done very much work on it. There are some strong similarities between all the members but any relationship is probably far in the past. A few believe they are descendant of the Blake Family at Calne.
C1 English Ancestry (2)
This group belongs to the I-M223 haplogroup with one member having done further testing. The members of this group share common ancestry back to Theophilus Blake who first came to the Americas in the 1700s into Pennsylvania moving later into the West Virginia area. The members of this group are a good match for each other and appear to have a common ancestor in the last three hundred years.
C2 English Ancestry (5)
The single member in this group belongs to the M-M223 haplogroup but is not a match for the above group.
D English Ancestry (3)
70% of British males belong to R1b and this particular group has one member who believes he is descendant of the Somerset Blake family at Plainfield (this was the family of Admiral Robert Blake). No one has tested with a known line back to this family so it remains a mystery in that respect. In that it is generally believed that the Somerset Blake family is descendant of the Calne Blake family it remains to be proven as no one with a proven paper trail back to the Calne Blake family has come forward to be tested.
E1 English Ancestry (4)
A second R1b group with English ancestry and several members are involved in a research project dealing with this group. They are all a fairly good match with each other although between the two members who have tested beyond 12 markers there is a genetic distance of 4 on 37 markers. This is still considered to be within the range for relatedness.
E2 English Ancestry – Somerset Blake Family
The single member of this group belongs to E haplogroup and does have a proven trail back several generations in Somerset. The E haplogroup is found in the British Isles around 2% and considered as part of the Neolithic movement.
More people testing with a proven line would be handy in the Blake Somerset family.
F1 English East Anglia (possibly descended from Peter and Elizabeth Blake)
All the members of this group belong to R1a and all the members are a good fit and likely related within the past 300 or so years. Most believe they are descendant of the Blake family at Swaffham Market but all members are from the United States and tracing back to Jasper Blake of New Hampshire.
One member has tested to YP5320 and information on this particular subclade places it in the North Sea area which does help with the thought that these members do descend from the East Anglia Blake family. A match with a known descendant of this family would be most helpful.
F2 English East Anglia (Suffolk)
The single member of this group does trace with a paper trail back to the Blake family in Suffolk.
G Irish Ancestry (Galway-Towerhill, Kiltolla)
The members of this group have successfully traced back to the Galway Blake family. They carry the significant SNP FGC39971 which links them altogether (those who have tested). They descend from several different Galway Blake lines and are a very good match with each other.
Several members have tested to R-FGC39971 and has listed two of these members under a long series of snp results: (search on Blake)
H Irish Ancestry (descendant of Sir Thomas Blake)
This is a group that was prepared by another researcher. In general they are a reasonable match with each other but do have rather distinctive differences. They would not be related in hundreds of years in some cases. Where known they do trace back to Ireland although one member believes his ancestry is back to Scotland. This member along with the member below him in the chart are interesting and could be a group on their own but do have some resemblance to this group.
R-M269 dominates European R1b and represents 92% of males in Wales, 82% in Ireland, and 70% in Scotland. The members of this group do not likely belong together and I hope to find someone who can look at them and make such decisions. I have tried to become more knowledgeable on the Blake family in Ireland but I do not feel skilled enough to look at this group and make that decision. I do know that L193 generally points to the Argyll/Ayrshire area of Scotland and the area north of that. But with the constant back and forth between that area and Northern Ireland it becomes much more difficult to predict.
I British Isles Ancestry
This is a diverse group with some members matching each other. Most believe their ancestry is from Ireland although for some unknown or Wales or England is also stated. They belong to R-M269. Again I need assistance looking at this particular group.
J T-M70
This is a haplogroup from West Asia, Africa but also Europe. There is only one member of this group.
K German Ancestry
Possibly this group has undergone a name change on emigrating to the United States. They are not a cohesive group and have been put together solely on their stated German ancestry.
L G haplogroup
On the website, I mention that this is perhaps a descendant of a Roman Auxiliary given the G haplogroup. There is just the one member of this group. He does not belong to any of the other groups as far as I can tell.
M E haplogroup
A second member of the E haplogroup but these two men are not related.
6. The Future
I hope to continue with the newsletter for quite a while. At 72 years of age I realize that my time doing the Blake Study is limited so I would like to be able in the next ten years to hand it off to someone interested in continuing and keeping research ongoing into this ancient family. Although some believe that there is common ancestry for this family back to a singleton individual, that is simply not possible given the various haplogroups. The surname Blak[e] can be seen to have arisen spontaneously on the continent considering the number of males with the Blake surname who came to England between 1330 and 1550 from areas outside of England including various places in Europe and also Ireland.
The new chart on the Blake Museum website (Bridgwater, Somerset) has got me thinking about this family once again and hopefully in the next issue I will be able to discuss the chart and its possibilities
Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe
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