Monday, July 1, 2024

Canada Day

157 years since Confederation.  Canada with its huge land mass and small population is in a unique position in the world. We fought two World Wars in the last century which put us on the world stage as a country. One of the founding nations of the United Nations we wanted peace for the world and have never been an aggressor nation. We have waited a long time for peace but we need to be always ready for war because of countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea who attack other countries. As we enter into year 158 since confederation one could wish for an end to all wars and a better life for all. A world where hatred would disappear and the children in a country like Israel or Ukraine or Sudan or Gaza could sleep at night without fear. God bless the world and remove those who would shatter its peace from our midst (perhaps if they all lived together on a desert island in the middle of the ocean they could learn to be good citizens of the world). They would tire of their ignorant attacks on other people; one could dream. 

Yesterday I spent a little time reviewing some of the old Latin material that I want to start working on towards the end of the summer. Very legible with my new eyes so to speak. Mine you I could read them before as well but I think they are somewhat brighter as it was the dullness that I now realize was there and would eventually lead to blindness if one doesn't remove the cataracts. Still some swelling in the last operated eye and I am still getting used to the bright lights in both eyes but more so in the newly operated eye. My appointment with the optometrist is at the end of July though as I managed to find someone who could take me earlier and was closer to where I live. Certainly my distance glasses now prove to be my reading glasses which is somewhat fascinating. The reading glasses are now much too strong to be useful to me. I wander about without glasses looking out the windows and clearly seeing the fine leaves on the trees and the birds flying in the sky. The squirrels are clearly visible and distinguishable and even the chipmunks as they returned yesterday to feed at the swinging feeder. Even the black squirrel finally managed to get into the feeder but his gymnastics that finally enabled it to move from the solid fence to the swinging feeder were something to behold. This morning all is quiet out there; no sign of mice/rats but we just put out a small amount of feed. Perhaps the birds will now return - time will tell.

Today is cleaning day and I will watch the Canada Day celebrations on the television. We always used to go downtown to the events but I am a watcher rather than a "being" there person. YouTube, television were meant for me for sure. But sometimes I do go. 

Breakfast and on to the day. I do think my astigmatism correction is not quite right in these glasses but I am still not using them very much and it is not very long until my appointment. This is another downsizing time as we will have 1-800-got-junk to remove seven large items which will hopefully not just end up in the landfill.

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