Monday, July 22, 2024

The circle is complete as it is Cleaning Day once again

Top and main floors of my little house to clean today. I have been downsizing once again and today the closet that has housed so many things will be emptied, washed and reloaded but with considerably less in it. When Edward had filled all the closets in the other three bedrooms he started to fill the last one and I have never been through all of that but today will see that happen and rearrangement occur so that everything is in one room where I can easily work on various items to see that no original documents are lost and gradual downsizing of the remainder that will be kept for a while anyways. 

I am trying to get back into my usual work routine with my research but will not begin the books before September. However, there is lots to do otherwise to get ready for the book writing spree once again. Two big bags of weeds are ready for this week's garbage collection on Friday and that has eliminated a little of the weeds here and there. Still a lot to do but will get done through the Fall as I write - a nice distraction. 

I have enjoyed all of our lovely meals through the summer with the fresh produce from the garden but definitely looking forward to my chicken stew once again which tends to be my staple in the fall and winter. Lovely hot stew is nice on cold days for sure. Gradually we are coming to the dog days of August; just nine days left in July now and it has been an unusual one for us here. The last couple of Julys have been very very hot but this year a lot of rain and not so much heat with the nights below 20 celsius most times. However, it is apparently very humid today but just 12 degrees celsius at 5:30 a.m.  The weeds have definitely flourished!

On to the day, breakfast first and then Latin. 

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