Monday, August 19, 2024

Basement cleaning day

Should be interesting cleaning the basement today with the dogs. Robot running on the rugs. They  immediately got out of the way of it. So an hour and a half to write my blog and do some other items. It is going to rain again today so they have been out for quite a bit since they got up at 7:30 a.m. I got my day organized before I went down and disturbed them. Today the little one did not bark at anything yet but perhaps nothing passed by that she noticed on the street. Generally she barks around 6:30 although I am already up then so not a problem. 

The dogs were busy yesterday searching and tracking the smells in the yard. They had a great time. We washed all the windows in the house and that sort of occupied them as well watching us. Time is moving onwards to the fall and cleanup time is in our minds. The garden fence needs to come down but will wait until the dogs go home as all that mud I do not need in the house as they will want to investigate every bit of it when they are able to do so. I do wash or wipe their feet when they come in but the garden dirt still creeps in slowly but surely when they are here. 

The wind is in the trees today and rain is promised. God is ever watching His earth and pondering humankind I do believe. We need to make more of an effort to protect and improve the planet and not take it for granted by increasing the burning of fossil fuels. It is hard, of course it is, but the earth is worth that and having an earth fit for the descendants of all of us is very important. Greed and laziness stand in the way of such protective care. 

No work done yesterday but that is usual for a Sunday. I generally like to think about the world and God on Sunday although yesterday did see the windows washed but then it is easier to look out on God's earth for sure. This year all but 5% of the sky is covered now by trees out of my workroom window. When I am weeding I am pulling out likely in the hundreds through the summer of new trees trying to grow. The forest is ever trying to return and that is good. It means the earth is productive. 

One does pray for an end to the hostilities around the world. Hamas totally to blame for the grief in Gaza and all the deaths in this war. They continue to hold over 100 people hostage that were forcibly removed from Israel over ten months ago. In twenty years with Hamas there is no progress in that country - no industries to support the population (the UN reports 500 trucks a day needed to go into that country). I do not consider higher educational institutions to be a necessity when there isn't an ability to grow one's own food and make one's own needs to a certain extent. They can come when there is a productive society capable of caring for themselves as one can always go to another country for advanced education in this modern world and people certainly did even four hundred years ago so easily done. Besides Hamas is teaching lies to the children of Gaza from the moment they go to school. Israel is an ancient population with a right to their ancient lands and anything else is a lie; one cannot live in Canada and not know that the original peoples have land rights. Release the hostages immediately and unconditionally today Hamas. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the Houthis are all Satanists. 

As for Russia, get out of Ukraine. It is a sovereign country. Russia is the same as the Satanist terrorists Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the Houthis. The nazi psychopath Putin and his nazi enablers have destroyed Russia's good name around the world. How insulting to the people of Russia. The Italians knew how to deal with such treachery with the overthrow of the nazi Mussolini and his death at their hands. 

Breakfast completed, Latin around lunch time and basement cleaning in between.

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