Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Whoosh, August nearly over

 This was a very fast moving month. The dogs being here for twelve days was certainly part of that. They kept me busy and the baby was especially busy and had her trial with the large dog just two doors up. She went from fear to being preemptive and then it was time to go home. She is a character. I got very little done with the dogs here although one day I did do four hours work which was surprising. It was raining and they were especially missing their family and the combination meant two sad dogs sleeping on the red blanket on my bed on and off for that part of the day when I worked. 

Another load off to Salvation Army although my neighbours and passerbys did take quite a bit as well. That was great news. It is getting down now all this stuff that I have; just various things like four lengths of quarter round never used. A platform for painting, a workbench (Edward had at least four portable work benches) and other items now in new homes. When does it end? I could never accumulate this amount of stuff on my own but then I am not a shopper. Edward was a great helper for the economy for sure. But he liked to have everything that he could. Just never did find a house that satisfied him mostly because of the yard and of course some things are too expensive!

Slowly I am getting back to work; to thinking about all of the items that I want to concentrate on. I am a multi-tasker so working on more than one thing is not a problem for me. I do have a couple of projects now in process and will continue with them. It does look like October before I am into the Blake and Pincombe books to any degree though. 

Working outside will be a priority as I clear away more of the weeds and the plants that are finished. I am mostly just going to chop them down and let them lie on the ground to rot through the fall back into the earth. Regenerative gardening does work I think but takes a lot of time. But overall I would rather not garden a great amount so grass goes in instead. 

Breakfast completed and I may do my Latin once again early. I like to do it early as it generally means that I can get in two work periods a day then on Latin. This past month has been a disaster for my Latin and I missed my first day in 225 days since I restarted my Latin learning. Just couldn't manage it that day. 

Having my daughter looking after me during her summer research break after my cataract surgery was wonderful and so easy for me. I have greatly appreciated her taking the time to do so out of her busy research schedule. My eyes have only ever been my consistent weakness throughout my life and amazingly I can now see without glasses and read the road signs. Not having to wear glasses except when I am driving (my bifocals) or working on the computer or reading is really interesting. The depth of vision most interesting of all perhaps although I have gotten very used to that very quickly I must admit. When I look at the depth of the yard I realize the change but otherwise I have really adjusted remarkably to the upgrade on the eyes! Thanks to the surgeon who did the work. I met him just once in his office and then two times for surgery; I would have loved to discuss some of the changes but was it really needed by me; no, it would have been an extraneous appointment and the new optometrist I do quite like. He is quick and efficient. As a process it worked very well with just a few hiccups at the beginning due to my need to have a surgery within a narrow timeframe. That would not likely be the case for very many people but my good eye being operated on did indeed necessitate my needing to have 100% care for about one week in total and even the weaker eye I did really need a number of days of 100% care (perhaps five). The rest of the time was just lucky for me to have my daughter doing her research break here as it let me gradually recover and at nearly 79 that was a more necessary part really in retrospect. I am back to driving and it is nice to be able to read the road signs readily.

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