Saturday, September 14, 2024

Another good day of work

 Working on the William and Robert lines in the fourth generation. Still thinking about the next chart for the William Line but the Robert line is pretty straightforward. This is really turning out well. 

Went shopping yesterday for groceries and that was a good trip. About the only time I wear my glasses is driving because I can not read the speedometer well enough and my license requires corrective lenses anyway. Otherwise I live my life mostly without glasses just using them for reading and the computer. It is most pleasant actually.  Groceries are expensive for sure. Clothes too but what stops me from bying new clothes is more that I just never make it to the stores except when I have company. Clothes have never been this huge item with me anyway. I tend to find something I really like and then wear that pretty much all the time for whatever purpose I bought it. When it wears out or when it is just too big as the case now I take it to Salvation Army if it has any life in it. I will miss this Metro when I move as they are very helpful when you can not locate something. Mostly I know where everything is; I have shopped at this Metro (and the earlier smaller store) since they opened here in my area. Although they have changed the store I have always quickly adjusted to the placement of the goods. It is really very logical.

Today I will vacuum the car and wash up the stand for the outdoor shoes and boots to move everything to the basement for the winter. That leaves the garage almost empty except for the lawn mower. With this warm weather I will probably have  to cut the grass once again before putting the lawn mower away. Probably towards the end of September. 

Other than that it is Saturday, so wash day and all the other usual things that I do which will include the charting book. I may take a look at the newsletter that I have not published yet. Some work needed on both of those. 

Sadly I had to turn the air conditioning on yesterday and probably it will be on for a couple of days. Usually in September and May I try not to use it. I actually had the furnace come on one night in the cool spell but I set my furnace at 19 until the cooler weather actually comes and then I keep it at 20 degrees celsius. I do not like the house to be really warm in the winter. My brain works better in the cold I always think. Edward found that too cool as I knew he liked it warmer and just left the heat alone when he was alive. But now I can have it as cool as I like. Mostly I have the air conditioner set at 25 to come on but it does dehumidify which also tends to cool the house down in the heat of the summer. But 25 is cold enough for sure when it is in the high 30s outside - it feels like a freezer coming in. 

Today more on the Charting Book as I would like to complete the rough draft this next week along with the two missing newsletters. I did find it somewhat overwhelming as my eyes healed from the cataract surgery with all those eye drops and then getting used to not wearing glasses all the time. I still reach for them when I wake up after wearing them since I was a year old probably not surprising! It is funny when I weight myself and I can actually read the scale. That and the depth of vision continue to amaze me. 

Slept in a bit today as I turned the air conditioner on in the night when I realized that the house was just too warm; maybe about two o'clock and the dehumidifier on the furnace ran for quite a while actually so I should have turned it on a day earlier actually. Will try not to make that mistake again. 

Solitaire games all played and the Expert one had a bit of a twist in it today. I do so love playing solitaire first thing in the morning. Exercises all completed (my morning wake up drill) and on to Breakfast and then Latin. The day flows forward in its usual routine which I enjoy. Although I often move the routine around quite a bit depending on what I am doing. Right now I wait for frost to kill off the plants so that I can cut them down and move into the winter cycle. 

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