Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Fence is solved and we move forward

You can see it with the fence being down just how lovely that sun would have been all year round coming in during the morning. Too bad but then I am not staying so is perhaps just as well. I might have gotten used to that and perhaps can find it somewhere else.  

The wooden supports go in tomorrow sometime in the morning. That works. I finally get to work again tomorrow morning so can just listen for their arrival and move the car. Actually I could move the car earlier and save my having to do that. Good idea. The young men were very efficient and did a great job. It was too bad I didn't look out before they put the black posts in but I was busy cleaning.

I would like to get back to Charting. The fence certainly occupied a couple of days but remedied although not actually what I wanted probably but it does make a better selling feature for the house. I need to consider painting and will do that but not in a rush; perhaps in the spring sometime I will investigate that with Home Hardware. They have all sorts of specialists lined up. Will I sell next summer (I would like it to be at the end of the summer that I vacate so we will wait on that a little). I will be almost 80 then and this is a big house to keep up plus it would be a great family home with 4 bedrooms. 

It is lovely to see the light streaming in from the east in the morning instead of being blocked by the wooden fence but time moves onward and so must I.

All this cleaning has my finger swollen up a bit as I am straining it somewhat but not enough to re-sprain it. It is good exercise for the finger for sure. One advantage I had was my godmother who was the head nurse in the Cancer section at Victoria Hospital and I learned a great deal from her. I hardly ever went to a doctor as a child or adult really. Just that short period when I was very ill a year before we moved here. The doctor we went to here when we first moved to South Ottawa was excellent although again I was seldom there. He was very encouraging to me as I recovered from my breakdown and constantly reinforced my ideas on how to make the best of my weakened health. I did hate leaving him behind actually when we moved and did consider just making the trip when I needed an appointment but it was just a bit too far away. 

Hopefully my good health continues. Doctors are lovely people of course but not exactly where I like to spend my outings if I can avoid it! It is nice to just to be home and working away on my books.

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