Thursday, September 26, 2024

Contemplating where to move next with the charting

 Yesterday was busy. A little work left on the fence was completed. I had a telephone call to mention that the roof repairs would be next Tuesday afternoon. I really prefer to have appointments sent to me in writing. So I did email the company to just verify that appointment as I asked to have pictures taken of the repair work as well since the present roof went on in 2009 (that company now defunct as far as I can tell) and I did not want to add to the landfill perfectly good roof tiles but I would need to explain what had been repaired. Email is a wonderful tool. 

I completed the Pincombe Newsletter and sent it out. I worked on the Blake Newsletter and that is pretty much ready for the 1st of October. I then went on to the Companion Book for the Siderfin Family. I need to decide now how to do the last Generation of Charts. I will not provide the research detail as some of it stretches past my decided year limit which was 1920 plus it is readily available on Find My Past or Ancestry. So just a block of charts for the 11th Generation which includes the 12th Generation. It is just working out how to display this information and there is a lot of it. I really do not want to go much past 100 pages with this book. So more thinking and experimenting to do on this book. 

Invocation of the Emergency Act which I still believe was needed at the time it was used and well done did point out to Canada that that was at least in place if needed.  Now we need to mobilize the defense industry so that that too is ready for conventional warfare. And our mindset needs to return to the days of my childhood when we were a mobilized country marching with our military remembering the war dead of the Second World War and ready for anything. The last thirty years have been a quiet time whilst various areas of the globe did flare up a conflagration did not occur that involved more than a small area and that is still true with one exception the threats by both Russia and Iran against those who oppose them. They are Nazi dictators, brutal unthinking irresponsible Nazi dictators mouthing their demands at the world as they commit genocide against the Ukrainian peoples and attempt to do so against the people of Israel. Iran, in particular, has come up with these interesting scenarios which their "foot hooligans (Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis)" commit by hiding amongst civilians who appear willing to die for this cause of Iran to eliminate Israel (and in the long run all non-Muslims). The scenarios consist of Israel fighting back which is their right and civilian deaths occuring because the foot hooligans hide amongst the civilians; Israel was the invaded country. Gaza claims to be a country and they have committed this atrocious crime against the Israeli people for which no one has yet to be arrested by the International Criminal Court for crimes against Israel. A country that is attacked has the right of defending themselves and taking the battle to the enemy. We should not be drawn in by the whining of people who allow these "foot hooligans" to live amongst them with their armaments and bomb Israel. But the children of these attacking countries should be protected if possible and personally I see that as very possible. Just because a country can defend itself does not mean that they should be condemned for trying to bring back their hostages held for nearly a year now in horrible conditions by a sick in the mind set of hooligans who murder hostages about to be rescued by shooting them dead. How disgusting.

Personally I will never forget the sight on the television of the Palestinian people dancing and cheering in the streets of Gaza the day that the Twin Towers in New York City were attacked on 9/11. That does appear to be the sort of people that they are as here in Canada these same type of peoples, presumably Palestinians, cheered Hamas on our streets when they brutally assaulted the Israeli people on the 7th October last. So yes we need to move forward to mobilizing our defense industries because Russia and Iran are incapable of standing down. 

Breakfast next then Latin and returning to the Companion Book for the Siderfin Family. It does not look like a good day to work outside.

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