Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve Day

 A good snowfall to greet this Christmas Eve day this morning - laneway already plowed by the company and just the porch to clear. I did have them do it all the last few years but decided I would do the porch and patio myself. I appreciate their diligence when I did have them do it but it is good exercise for me and I seldom go outside in the winter unless there is an inspiration like clearing the walk or skiing when I have company. The skiing should be excellent for the next few days which is a wonderful Christmas gift from Mother Nature. 

In my mind I am wondering why so many Russian ships are running aground in different places in the world. Is it all just accidental; they after all have proven themselves to be somewhat over extended because of this war they inflicted on the Ukrainian people and Europe really as they knew that Europe would try to help them and they have (the Russian aim was to wear down European support and aid so that eventually they could assimilate Ukraine). An ancient people, the Ukrainians represent a thorn in the side of some Russians who simply can not accept that this group of people can  exist as equals. Weird really. Although the United States has supplied a great amount of equipment to Ukraine the effect on the Northern Hemisphere is really minimal other than that provision of supplies and we have taken in a number of Ukrainians but the pressure of their support and care falls mostly on the people of Ukrainian descent here although the government enabled them to be able to supply such aid. 

But why these derelict ships at the bottom of the seas here and there? One does wonder for sure at these happenings. Russia is so very careless with people's lives - so many of their youth killed in this war against the Ukrainian people (an ongoing episode really that dates back into earlier times like the 1930s when the Russians tried to starve the Ukrainian people to death). Always I will remember the Russian child that stayed with us very briefly when they returned with the Canadian children who went to the Space Camp in Russia in 1992. Her desire/her absolute demand to go to the United States is forever in my brain and the simple statement that you do not have a visa did not put an end to it. The very idea that she would ask me to lie and say she was my child absolutely unbelievable really when I think back on it. Not happening I said nor did it. We do not do that to our American neighbours. But no matter where we took her and that included the majestic Niagara Falls all she thought about; asked about was could she just go to the United States there. It was like her mind was incapable of accepting that No is an answer that doesn't change. She was apparently one of the wealthy children in the group I learned when we had the party for the children at Edward's United Church before they returned to Russia. 

Now being wealthy doesn't mean that you are incapable of understanding certainly lots of wealthy people benefit the world in many ways. One is always reminded of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as he pushed his wealthy friends to build the infrastructure that has made America the greatest marketing country in the world. A great country always needs fresh infusion of such capital to keep that greatness in newness and repair and add to that incredible ability that belongs to the United States of America. The gain for sure is that the money you invest will pay back hundred fold/thousand fold in the years that follow. That is what has made so many Americans great; they did that; they supported their country first and foremost without thinking solely of their own profit in the present. Profits are made in the future always. But what really makes America great is her people who came together to create a country of equals and all who joined in as the number of states grew came in as equals. The days of slave and non slave states lies deeply in the past. Now it is up to chance whether one is Republican or Democrat in a new area and in Canada for sure we change our political labels often enough when we feel that the party that we normally support is not doing the job that we want. But we abandon that party quickly when they fail to realize that the new supporters do not want to go down some paths that they start to create. It does make elections very exciting here for sure. 

I have stayed away from politics for a few days and will return to that. It does occupy my brain too much otherwise. What will be; will be for sure. 

Cleaning day two and must get at that soon enough. Skiing perhaps today but for sure tomorrow after Church. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ again and again year after year reminds us of this great Christian Church that He built on the places of worship that already existed from time immemorial as God has been part of our lives from the beginning of time. It was new and yet it captured that love of God that has existed for as long as mankind has walked the face of the earth and perhaps even the Neanderthals who painstakingly took care of their peoples in a way that leads us to believe that they too had a religion that formed the basis of their lives - they walked the face of this planet for more than 400,000 years. We have a ways to go to match them. 

Tea drank, solitaire next and then on to breakfast and the day.

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