Monday, December 16, 2024

Third Sunday in Advent

 A wonderful carol service at St Jude on the Hill, Hampstead in North London. Again I did not see this particular area except perhaps from the windows of a touring bus - no ideas on that. I did try to take note of where I was most of the time with my GPS but I missed many things I am sure. For each day I had a list of what I could see that wasn't included in the actual tour but in the area where our bus stayed for the night. Edward and I enjoyed many quick walks on arrival at the hotels and after dinner when it was possible to see what was available in the area. Since neither of us was really from most of the areas that we visited we did not miss anything actually that we wanted to see. Edward's Dissenters left England very very early in the 1600s to go to the American Colonies and his ancestral list there is legendary in actuality (Rogers Williams, Hannah Feake, John Bowne, Anne Winthrop,  Obadiah Holmes and the list goes on and on - all lost over time as the families moved west in the United States and north to Canada). So much lost in his lines as people moved north to Canada at various times (mostly settlers which included his Kipp line (his surname)). His mother's line appears to have had most of the Loyalists that he did have - Link, Parlee, Folkins, Burt and a number of others. Link (from New York) and the rest from the New England States and they went to the Maritimes (New Brunswick) although some of them had gone as colonists earlier than the Revolution and were called Planters. He unearthed them all in our many trips into the New England States and New York/Pennsylvania and then further west into Indiana, Wisconsin and Utah. I would have to look all of that up again as it is long ago gone from my mind as I settled into Blake and Pincombe my parent's lines. Mine of course came much later to Canada with my Blake coming from Upper Clatford, Hampshire (my father was born at Eastleigh where his father worked for the Southern Railway) but the Blake line he descended from traces back to the mid 1700s in Upper Clatford and before that Andover, Hampshire where Joseph Blake was born in 1730 moving to Upper Clatford to marry Joanna King ( and they were distant cousins as their mothers were second cousins likely). For my mother her line came from Bishops Nympton, Devon although her grandfather was born at Molland (Lower Gatcomb) and they came to Canada November 1850 arriving at the Port of New York 7 Jan 1851 and thence to Upper Canada in the spring but stopping to visit his uncle Robert Pincombe who lived at Genesee New York for the remainder of the winter. But that is just the two surnames (my Buller and my Rawlings/? have not yet begun in book form as that is a later project to do those two books). There is also the Routledge book to revise/update that George DeKay wrote initially back in 1976 and which we talked about updating but he passed away a couple of years ago and I guess that leaves me with that project which is our mutual Routledge family my earliest emigrant to what is now Canada in the late summer/early fall of 1818. These were my 3x great grandparents and from Cumberland which we did visit and came quite close to Bewcastle where they lived actually. There hasn't been an ambition for me to actually visit these places other than going with Ivan Kent my cousin in 2008 to Upper Clatford where my Blake line last was before Eastleigh and other areas where our mutual Knight family lived in Dorset (Turnworth, Winterborne Stickland, Winterborne Clenstone, Winterborne Whitchurch, and Milton Abbas). A lovely trip through the Winterborne Valley together was greatly enjoyed and then lunch at Blandford Forum on our way to Upper Clatford. 

Interesting article this morning on the Neanderthals and Homo sapiens connection. Our mutual results (my siblings and I) have 2% Neanderthal and 3% Denisovan which is 5% of our DNA coming from these earlier human groups. No idea on the Denisovan but suspect it is from our H11 ancestors in the mtDNA who wintered at Ukraina during the Last Glacial Maximum. Then, using the Blood of the Isles Database, appear in Scotland very early on in the Argyllshire/Ayrshire area whilst the yDNA of my Blake line was also an early arrival to the British Isles known as Deer-Hunters ( so hunter gatherer) . Amazing really what DNA tells us about our migrations. This article is leaning towards the idea that Homo sapiens exists because of inter-breeding with the Neanderthals permitting the passage of protective genes which enabled us to survive diseases prevalent at the times and with our more advanced ability to survive at the time of the Ice Ages when the Neanderthals succumbed to unknown but theorized causes. Must get back to my project of re-phasing my grandparents/great-grandparents as I have not completed that project for nearly four years now. My newest set of data (over 200 results) not yet fed into my database. 

Cleaning today and it is the basement to start. That only takes up part of the day so I shall continue work on the Charting Book. I thought it might be a little faster but this stubborn mind of mine insists on going over each and every page microscopically. Always fun though especially when I find something that needs further explanation. But I keep it short. 

Just 1 cm of snow on Wednesday which may not be enough to cover the ice to let me ski unfortunately. Although I loved our ski the other day it was pretty difficult for me. I do need a smooth/not icy surface to ski on in my old age!

Teatime and I am looking forward to a hot cup of green tea for sure this minus 9 degree morning. sunrise in a bit and the day begins. Thank you God for the beautiful world. Russia as always careless in how they manage has had an oil tanker split in half in the Kerch Strait causing a possible environmental catastrophe in the Black Sea which leads through the Bosphorus Straits into the Mediterranean and then the Ocean. Fortunately there are a lot of countries there that can help to corral the floating oil and remove it hopefully. Russia really is a very careless country - attacking their neighbour Ukraine over two years ago and continuing with that war in a brutal sadistic way for no reason other than a land grab and hatred of the Ukrainian people because they represent the earliest people in that area of Eastern Europe. At least it does look like that - pure jealousy and greed on the part of the Satanic Nazi Putin and his enablers. 

On to the day.

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