Friday, February 28, 2025

Dogs are occupying me

 The dogs are keeping me pretty busy. They have been in and out quite a bit and with all the snow I need to clean them off each time on re-entry. They are enjoying the yard though although much smaller then their yard before the move; now it is a big place and they are enjoying it. After a few days of actual above zero degrees celsius, the snow had softened a little but it is back to being quite solid so they can run all over the yard now. Being that type of person, I have to keep an eye on them when they are outside like little children. 

I did not touch the books yesterday at all; the day simply flew by. I did make my banana bread though which is delicious. It is made with whole wheat flour and really does have a bread feel in the texture but the taste absolutely delicious. Probably I should make cookies and will think about that. When my youngest was about eight years old she started to make cookies and I haven't baked a cookie since but perhaps I could again! I do miss my oatmeal cookies for sure.

 It is minus 14 degrees celsius at 6:00 a.m. and we are promised 10 to 15 cm of snow today/tonight. The more the merrier one might say as we have a good pile now but the land was pretty dry last fall so extra works very well. Chicken stew was finished on Wednesday so last night was egg night - 2 hard boiled in case of bird flu (10 minutes) - with a tomato (fresh), slice of cheese, slice of buttered toast, 3/4 C of frozen peas cooked, and an orange. Tariffs are apparently coming though so no more oranges unless I can find European oranges. Then a slice of banana bread for dessert also buttered. I like to butter my cakes more than I like icing. I do wonder why a President would be so cruel to the voters who put him into office by putting tariffs on products coming into the United States. A much better way would be to support new industry developments in the United States and highlight them in his Social Truth Posts sort of like giving a "Royal Charter" to companies in England! But destroying the auto industry between the United States and Canada seems like a no-win for the auto-companies who know that to sell cars in Canada you need to be making them here and apparently the cars made here are sold here and we do not make enough so some are brought in from the Detroit plant to give them enough (it works) to sell (I think I got that right the other day from the interview). We are a consumer base here in Canada of 41 million plus people and cars are a big deal here. 

Today perhaps a bit of time on my work. The dogs like to lie on my bed and watch me work and they usually fall asleep. They are very well behaved and are first cousins but behave like sisters. They share just one grandparent and do not look alike other than that they are both big dogs. The one has this huge bark and I know that there is a squirrel in the tree or on the ground out front as they keep watch all around. The other dog is quieter but she is the alpha dog in charge of them. 

The dogs are awake. Must go and visit with them as it is nearly time to go outside and then breakfast. 

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