Not much accomplished yesterday; a little more on the will. Must go back to the original and check the latin transcription and will likely work at that today. It is snowing and minus 5 degrees celsius. We are coming into our heaviest snow time often enough.
The world has changed and entered into a new era. I look at my own country Canada (or Turtle Island its original name) and when one looks back in time we have only ever been invaded by the Americans which ended with the War of 1812-1814 unless you count the Fenian Raids in the 1880s which the United States put an end to themselves possibly because they were protecting their foolish citizens who thought they could take over Quebec mostly (the British garrisons had withdrawn from Canada following Confederation (1867) during the 1870s for the most part). During those wars between the British Colonies at that time (before 1867) and the United States it was the First Nations, the militias in Lower Canada (Quebec) and the loyalist militias in Upper Canada who defended the territorial integrity of this land along with British regulars. Interesting really given the current discussion. As we move forward becoming more diversified in our trade across the country and around the world one wonders looking back what other routes are really open to a country like ours with vast land areas and a polar region and a huge shared border with the United States than being the country we are today. We have coddled and promoted friendship with the United States because we share such a long border; it is practical for both of us to be friends (and it has paid off many times in the past which I have recounted). We built the St Lawrence Seaway at our expense but it is useful to everyone along the path. We have many Water treaties that give great advantages to our neighbours to the south. I continue to say as I have for many years that we need to maintain our military and our military outposts (the Liberal governments have been the biggest problem in that regard but if one looks back on the Federation Liberation Quebec (FLQ) during the late 60s and 70s there was perhaps a certain concern at militarizing Canada which affected the Liberal Party more than the Conservative). I did think Prime Minister Harper was going to do more for the military but the crash of 2008 affected the rest of his time in government. But did we ever really count on the United States itself to defend us (we saw NATO in that capacity as that was its goal and we were ready to do our part as we have and are doing in Latvia at the moment and all of our support for Ukraine itself)? I actually did not particularly think of the Americans defending us as our military is always up to a good fight and anyone wanting to fight a war in the frozen north better be ready; the people that live there know that country. Plus the reality is that anyone attacking Canada is also going to want the United States (evil people are not going to want to share such a huge border) and they are more likely to attack them first since they appear the strongest! Pearl Harbor is a good example of that. Also to be remembered we declared war (independently) on the Nazis in 1939 knowing full well they could invade us and we would have to defend ourselves if the United Kingdom had fallen and their fallback would have been Canada. Many many Americans joined the Canadian Forces at that time (Winston Churchill certainly pushed to bring the United States into the war when Britain was standing alone with the Commonwealth behind it but it was Pearl Harbor and the Nazis declaring war on the United States that brought them in nothing else). Many many of our industries quickly switched over to the production of war materials in 1939 - unfortunately war is always good for business unless you are being bombed! We did realize that Alaska (one of the American States) was really the first line of defense during the Cold War in the Arctic but they are the closest approach to Russia. But during these many years we continue to maintain an active protection in the north which does need to be upgraded and that will happen with a Conservative government. We thought perhaps peace had come but with our huge Ukrainian population we learned quickly that Russia is greedy and always wants what isn't theirs to have. They do not seem to know how to live. A pity really. My thoughts for the day.
Certainly meeting the Russian girl that came during the joint Canadian-Russian Space Camp did leave a lasting impression on me of just how selfish people can be and not even realize it (I did often wonder if it was the only reason she came on the trip but getting a Visa on a moments notice to go to the United States doesn't generally work especially on a weekend!).
Too bad as peace is such a beautiful word. Canada and the United States have been at peace for over two hundred years sharing the goodness of this continent with which we are blessed by the kindness of the First Nations to whom much of the Canadian land belongs and we live on their unceded lands. God bless the North American Continent and all who live therein.
The snow is quite heavy now. March could be very very interesting. The dogs are resting after their runs outside - not too far as there is so much snow. It is wonderful. Lots of moisture for the spring. One can just imagine what the fields will be like all across Canada - pretty mushy! Good for the crops for sure.
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