Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The wierdest thing with my eyes

Every couple of weeks or so my eyes feel strained and then suddenly I am seeing even more tiny little things in these paintings I have. It is like I am gradually having even more depth of vision. Perhaps I notice it because I never really had any depth of vision much until the cataracts were removed. It started doing its own thing a few days back and then eye strain for a day or two and then more depth of vision. Weird really. Somewhat different to see so much in my old age that I couldn't see when I was younger. I wore glasses since I was a one year old so life has been always been through glass until last early summer. Now I just wear them for close work. It is amazing how the brain develops skills really; as an infant you just wouldn't notice it. I must say it does slow down my work somewhat though. 

Cleaning all accomplished and I am amazed that I can still keep up with it week in and week out. It is probably healthy to do that but at the end of the day I am usually rather tired. I did think about the Blake wills that I still have not yet transcribed and will consider doing a small project pulling out the family details from the wills that I have not yet done. I can go back through my blogs and easily find that material as I blogged it and my legend in the blog lets me capture just the particular counties' wills quite readily. Over time I hope to transcribe all of them and it is another one of those tasks I want to set myself to on a daily basis perhaps accomplishing one a day is realistic. We will see. I barely have time for anything as I have so many items that I want to put time into each day. But multi-tasking was always one of my strong points and so I probably, now that I am into my new books, need to draw up a schedule once again so that I accomplish the greatest amount in each day. And why do I do this? Well my grandparents and my mother would certainly like me to do it and so I do. I am not a people person but do answer emails that give me thoughts to pursue on a subject that I am working on. Other emails I always mean to answer them but I notice maybe a year later when I sort my emails into the archive that I actually didn't answer the email. Sometimes I do it then but mostly I just think those people are probably busy too and would have written a second time if they really needed an answer! There you go justification for my hermit tendencies although one doesn't need to justify it when one is nearly 80. People expect you to be somewhat strange perhaps! 

Tea is drank. Yoga and breakfast are next. Today is a work day and I continue with the le Blak family of Normandy and Wargrave, Berkshire. Of course there is the question is this the same person? I am going with it is just because I did not find a lot of le Blak in Normandy and one can see the name changing over to le Blake and then Blake so it makes sense and someone can always correct me in the future if they happen to read my book. I am very prepared for that as I am sure James Sanders would very much like it that I revised his book and produced a charting book as well. Must get them put into the various archives; time escaped me and having published them with a Creative Commons License anyone could put them in likely; no ideas on that. 

NASA is on the alert for this "city-killer" asteroid (named Asteroid 2024 YR4) headed towards earth in 2032.  It is large, 100 metres across which is pretty substantial. Impossible to tell where it will land I suspect at this moment in time. Newly noted in December 2024. 

I also think that as we turn inward as a country, build the pipelines and not have to purchase our own oil back to run our cars etc we will do well (the oil we sell is sold back to us at 3x what we get for selling it!). This was a great co-operative effort to make the north american continent very prosperous and it worked beautifully. But no matter we will work together in Canada and keep Canada out of a recession and employ our youth in good fields like the trades because that is what we need (no more buying dishwashers etc etc from outside the country and as an idea it did work but tariffs destroy good commerce). We will keep our friendship because that is a good thing. We will rebuild the industries that were lost during competition because we were the smaller country and our businesses could not survive the competition (and hopefully people will not sell these new companies to outsiders so they can lie on the beaches in Florida the rest of their days). I think we all went into NAFTA with our eyes open and it worked as all three countries became very prosperous. We all are still compared to so many places in the world. But we have a good sized population of youth and they can do this. The youth need to do this for themselves as office work is not like working with your hands and on your feet most of the day creating tangible and needed items. That life style of active work and not sitting is so much healthier.

We especially do not need more philosophers like the ones who dreamed about a people who really were not what they were dreaming - namely the Palestinians. Any people that could knowingly support what was done to Israel do not deserve that dreaming. They had three to four generations to create a prosperous country and Gaza will be prosperous eventually but I would say no more trucks of food into Gaza (we should not support that) - they can spend their time growing food and not hating their next door neighbour. It was the United Nations (the world group) that assigned land and no one else. It was at the call of the world and it was a good call. Too bad the Palestinians didn't shape up in that generation from 1948 on and build a country. They chose their fate.







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