Sunday and the prayers from around the world for the Pope will be many. He has been a great Pope of the Church. For me, he is the Pope of the Christian Church to which I belong; the Anglican Church was excommunicated centuries ago for choosing Queen Elizabeth I over the edicts of the Pope at that time. She was excommunicated along with the entire Church of England. It was a sad day in England for many who made that choice I gather because my grandfather was still talking about it three centuries later. He was definitely High Church Anglican and definitely a supporter of the Pope but his absolute loyalty was to the legacy of Queen Elizabeth I. Prayers for the Pope for recovery if that is possible.
I was thinking about the plight of the children of Gaza a lot yesterday. Keeping them where they are with all that destruction (Hamas is responsible for everything that was destroyed, for all the lives lost in Gaza) and the constant presence of the Satanic Hamas how can they ever fulfill their potential as educated trained people of the world. Their best chance is somewhere else where there aren't bombed out buildings, where they can go to school and learn the truth about Israel (not the lies that Hamas doles out), where they can grow up and become the adults they need to be to create a nation for themselves if that is their path. How evil that transfer was yesterday. They treated the hostages like they were animals labeled and led off to wherever they wanted them to go. It took three people for each hostage - these young men were strong and now frail but their strength still showed as they smiled knowing that their release was near. How sick all of those people gawking at them having kept them in captivity for more than a year and a half. Are any of them human - the adults in Gaza? One wonders. For more than three generations they have whined and used up the resources of the world without adding anything to those resources. The function of the human is to receive the goodness of the earth, increase the goodness of the earth in their time and then enrich the earth at the end of life. The barbarism of Hamas will go down in history for the ignorance and lack of humanity that it shows.
Church today online and I look forward to it as always. The theme especially interesting as we will explore how Jesus is "God with us." God is always with us I believe but He does not interfere in the lives of humanity. We are on our own and what we do in this time that belongs to us will shape the destiny of the human race. Jesus taught us the way forward and we must follow it. The ultra rich are in these times unwilling, many of them, to support a better life for the world; they care only for themselves and they will attempt to seek a level where the human race can be their slaves into time (lowest pay; minimum support). It is sad really. The workers of the world are how they earned their money not themselves.
I shall spend the day thinking about/praying for the Pope and the fate of the children of Gaza. Gaza could become a no mans land managed by Israel (they bought it with their blood; the blood of the Innocents those two little ones strangled and why were they strangled that is the question) and brought to its potential as a fruitful field which is what God wants and expects of His people. That they will till the soil and beautify the world not sit around whining and complaining for three generations and then attacking their neighbour barbarically in a satanic fashion and then cheering it. How disgusting that was and still is. The children of Gaza deserve homes, decent schools where they are taught truth, and a chance to become effective people not terrorists like the Satanic Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis - useless people.
God Bless.
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