Yesterday my tablet and keyboard arrived. Surprise the power adapter (the actual ability to plug it into the wall outlet! for charging) does not appear to be included just the cord from the tablet to this interesting device that to now has always been part of the purchasing package to my knowledge but I am getting old. What part of "is this complete as a package" did the salesperson not understand (I do tend to ask all sorts of questions). Ordered that online and will pick it up today. Amazing really as this has meant three trips to get one tablet. Perhaps one should only order online as the details are there in black and white; I understand now why that article on Gen-Xers appeared saying they have a problem holding down a job. I can wait for an order to come in but do like it to be complete the first time if possible. From now on I will ask to see a list of what comes with it before I purchase it (I do know that one needs a power cord and a power adapter to charge a device)! We old people have to watch constantly it would appear. I could only find a black one online although the power cord is white but not a problem; less likely to be stolen perhaps! Then of course did I pick the right one on the website; we will discover that when we pick it up as I shall take the cord and tablet with me. I really do hate shopping. This last time as I was paying for my tablet, keyboard and protection package a complete stranger came up to the desk and wanted to sit on a chair that was there for old people like me. I glared at him so he moved it away from the desk somewhat but it is rather annoying to have someone do that. What is wrong with people? If he was strong enough to move the chair away he obviously did not need to sit down at that time in that particular place. Weird really!
Starting reading what I have written thus far on the Blake book. Made a few changes; added an image which I may remove. It is not really that good but it is interesting.
It is a picture from 1913 when a trip to Stonehenge was taken by the Rawlin[g]s family just before my father and his mother traveled to Canada to join my grandfather who was already here working in London, Ontario. Perhaps my father is one of the children that can be seen (not sure). He loved spending time with all of his cousins - Blake, Knight, Taylor and Rawlin[g]s - and missed them dreadfully when he came to Canada with his parents at nine years of age. He was an only child and I would say for his whole life here the loss of those relatives was enormous in his life (although his uncle (Harry Blake), aunt and cousins did live in Toronto). I can remember how thrilled he was when his first cousin's daughter came to Canada with her husband in the 1960s. He looked so happy that day to have someone come from England to Canada that was one of his relatives. The trip to Stonehenge was a big deal for him as he lived at Eastleigh and so was quite a trip for them (his mother and himself) to get to the station in Ludgershall for their trip to Stonehenge. Perhaps one day I will enlarge sections of the picture and have a good look at it. I could perhaps repair the image and will think about that.
Other than that I am now heading forward to working on the two books and have given myself at least four years to work on them. Along with that I want to phase my grandparents and great grandparents DNA once again as I have over one hundred new matches to add to the database. The matches lead me backwards in time with proof of relationship although most times one can see it in the records people did move about even one hundred years ago and having this extra layer of information is most interesting.
The 27th of January will be soon and I assume the non-confidence motion will come forward on the first day. Will be glued to Question Period in the House of Commons for sure that day. Do I want an election? I think that we need a change in leadership - the liberal elements created by the last election which resulted in the Liberals and the NDP forging a working relationship is not taking us in the direction I would like it to. Too much money is being placed into "welfare" needs whilst the maintenance of our military is taking a back seat. It is most important that we keep our military up to date and provide incentives to be in the military. We want good people in the military and definitely not Hamas/Palestinian/Russian supporters. They have no interest in Canada except as a means to annoy the United States. I do not think we should permit any adult immigration or advancement to landed immigrant status in Canada for individuals from Gaza or Lebanon; all entries even adult asylum should be refused until the Middle East is settled once again and Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthis discarded from that picture so that these areas can prosper and not be in constant conflict. Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthis are responsible for all of the difficulties in this area as their creed itself attacks the existence of Israel. Israel continues to have the right to defend itself as do all countries that are invaded by foreign countries such as happened the 7th October 2023 when Hamas as the elected leaders of Gaza invaded Israel in a barbaric and cruel fashion attacking the babies, the children, the old and the infirm along with everyone else and taking hostages back to Gaza where they are still held underground in inhumane conditions without proper food and fresh clothing. Release the hostages Hamas as demanded by the International Court nearly a year ago now.
I do think a future look at the thirteen provinces/territories becoming part of an enlarged United States (13 new states) should be considered but it is not a rush; such items take time and consideration. We do, as a country, have a great deal to offer to a larger partnership which would make the entire continent north of Mexico one country with just water borders. Plus this requires buy in from the First Nations so a slow walk into such a relationship is a better idea as all sorts of things can be discussed and handled to create a strong formidable land mass north of Mexico. I would say that the current world situation points to such an arrangement. Canada is a wonderful wealthy country but I think the survival of this entire section of North America is more important than individual countries. We have similar attitudes and preferences and we need to proceed forward working on this similarity to produce a Greater United States of America. On the other hand Canada has existed for a long time now and with an appropriate government ensuring that the military was well equipped we could continue as we are - good cooperative friends and allies of the current United States of America.
Tea time and on to breakfast at some point. It is minus 13 degrees celsius. Another cold day and likely no snow - too cold to snow effectively!