Monday, January 13, 2025

I am somewhat amazed

I am expecting my passport to be delivered; I checked on Friday and it was supposed to be out for delivery but around 5 in the afternoon the website said it would be delivered on Monday. Today I went in after 8 am and checked the tracking and there was a Check Delivery Progress in the middle with a question mark and then delivery by the end of the day. 

There was a chat window so I asked why the Check Delivery Progress (was it something I needed to do) and went through the entire process on there and I then received in my email a ticket number and it said "request to verify address" but all I want to know is my passport coming why the Check Deliver Progress on the tracking. I went on again and this time the agent (an actual person) said it was coming and they deliver to 8 pm today.  So I am happy about that. It is not a problem I am not going anywhere; I am writing my book!

I do wonder about these chat windows. Sometimes they work well just for direction but why send me a request to verify address as that wasn't what I asked at all. Strange really. Back to cleaning and then some extraction of data and perhaps more writing. 

I actually do not plan to go anywhere at this moment just thought I would renew it. Not in a rush at all. I suppose I should have picked it up but that entails driving out into the mess that the highway has become. Hopefully this will just flow easily. Strange really why it read properly on Friday saying it was out for delivery and today it says Check Delivery Progress. 

My passport did arrive today at 6:30 p.m. The postman was having to come through a heavy snowstorm to do that and I said thank you. I think though if we are going to rely on webpages that they need to be accurate and not confusing. It was absolutely on time although I said I am not in a rush; I am renewing well ahead of the renewal date so it can come when it comes. Thank you to Canada Post for a job well done.

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