I think that overall the personal care (not the funding) of the populace that PM Trudeau put into place during COVID was excellent. He also cleared away a demonstration that went on far too long in Ottawa but he could have done it earlier. There is no way people get to sit on the Hill; harass the local population and expose their children to such an event which constitutionally speaking is unlawful. The rest of the country does not live here and CBC was particularly poor in their reporting of that incident.
PM Trudeau did not do what needed to be done during his mandate which was to upgrade the military; provide incentives for military members to actually become that and personally I think they should get free education when they retire providing they put in an interval of service (I am thinking 15 to 20 years but I am not that knowledgeable on how long that service should be). Secondly he linked with the New Democratic Party and started to take us towards a welfare state; personally I am opposed to that. It shutters research eventually (free medicine does not give any incentive to private pharmaceutical research companies) and gives people little incentive to work hard, save their money and retire when they can. Thirdly he did not provide appropriate oversight to the monies gleefully handed out during COVID. That was totally unacceptable. My voting for the Liberals in 2015 was a protest against items that I did not agree with during the prior Conservative administration. Like many Canadians likely voting in 2015 we were making a point that muzzling scientists is unacceptable; destroying the Fisheries library inappropriate and seeing Canada as a one export country totally wrong - we are more than oil. It was the only time Ontario has struggled in my memory and one can lay that at the door of PM Stephen Harper.
I think that positioning PM Trudeau as the candidate for leadership of the Liberal Party was premature (he was young) but the Party gained hugely by that choice and their treatment of him now is unacceptable really but not surprising. The Liberal Party always ends up feeling entitled after a couple of years in power. The personal attacks that take place these days between the parties is useless and really does need to stop. It makes me question whether we really ever can have an efficient government here again (unless of course Premier Doug Ford of Ontario or Premier Danielle Smith of Alberta gives it a go (some of the others are equally interesting (the Premier of Nunavut P J Akeeagok a very interesting person to listen to and also Premier Wab Kinew of Manitoba) but we do not hear a lot about them)) . Where are the Brian Mulroney descendants I can only repeat. Increase the GST back up to 7% or even 10% and then you can give breaks for particularly needed good work of 5% but not eliminate it; it funds the government. There are enough non taxed items for those who are struggling. The Conservative Party is never going to stay popular for very long because they create policies and taxes to make us more efficient as a country but they do provide efficient government which is desperately needed. You do not have to always win as the opposition is also very important and that seems to be lost on politicians these days. Bringing the government to heel is also very important especially watching that waste of money being handed out during COVID when it was later revealed. One wondered if it was being well done. But when the CRA was frauded for half a billion recently one can see there are problems that need to be worked on probably throughout the entire public service (gossip blamed it on Ontario for not telling them to check which I find particularly weird).
The lack of support for Israel during their dark hour has been unforgivable. Reinstating funding to UNWRA unacceptable. PM Harper did have that right for sure. I did find that some of his work was excellent but his utter disregard for scientific research in a world that can only move forward with that was totally wrong.
History will be somewhat kind to PM Justin Trudeau I think but the Party itself will be found to be inadequate to govern until they make changes. Overall they do not appear to represent Canada with so many relatively new people to Canada. I am after all a first generation Canadian on my father's side (fourth on my mother's side) as well and I do feel that one needs to really understand Canada and not bring personal attitudes into the job which is a danger with just a few years of living here. You represent the people who voted for you and if they are overwhelmingly similar to you then perhaps you should consider that your area is much larger in your mind so that the considerations you make fit in with the Canadian outlook and pattern. My personal opinion of course but I prefer people who have deep roots in this country to be at the helm especially cabinet positions presiding over our Government Public Service. I especially dislike the NDP as is obvious from my posts and it does relate to our experience in Ontario. We are not a welfare state and most of us probably do not really want to be there nor do we want to put a huge burden on the next generation since (and I am on the way to 80) there is such a huge group approaching old age.
Cleaning day two and must get that completed. It is the basement so not as much work I am glad to say. Cleaning day for the two floors is ghastly really. Must move one of these days.
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