Monday, January 27, 2025

Cleaning day and two newsletters to plan

This is basement cleaning day and I have two newsletters to plan for the 1st of February. Is it even possible that the 1st of February is arriving. One month into 2025 already.

The first is for H11 Newsletter and we have a new Version of the mtDNA tree - Version 17 to review. However, there are virtually no changes in H11. It is an ancient mtDNA grouping stretching back to the Ukraina Ice Refuge during the Last Glacial Maximum when Homo sapiens retreated from the advancing ice sheets to relative safety in a number of Ice Refuges. My line of H11a2a2 appears to have advanced early on out of the Ice Refuge towards Doggerland and into what is now the Argyllshire/Ayrshire area of Scotland. Our closest relatives (with the 16265G mutation) are the larger part of this mtDNA haplogroup subclade. Primarily this particular subclade is located in the British Isles with the larger group having crossed through Europe with groups staying in various locations all over Europe actually and then some groups moving on to England, Scotland and Ireland as both sets of data can be found in the Blood of the Isles Database. This newsletter will be the yearly roundup of numbers in particular subclades that I have prepared from the accumulated members of the group. But in reality this grouping represents only about 10% of FT DNAs database of H11. Is it a good cross section? I have no idea actually but they will be coming out with a similar charting of all their members I believe. 

The second is for the Kip-Kipp Newsletter and this time I really must look at the data and see what I can come up with in regards to the deep ancestry of this line. The distinct signal of this family that settled in New Amsterdam in the late 1630s is remarkable in that there are few close matches to them - they generally stand out very well in the results as being descendant of this Kip family of New Amsterdam headed up by Hendrick Hendricksen Kip whose demographic information from Amsterdam appears to be quite complete pointing out his likely birth area in The Netherlands. At the time he was born, it is likely that the area was part of this country at that time as it is to this present day. But it is a sort of bulge in the map into Germany and I have written about that history in an earlier newsletter. All newsletters are available on the website of this project. 

Other than that I am working away on various projects as time passes quickly and I would like to keep to my schedule. There is still the thesis being scanned. My grandparents and great grandparents DNA being phased on the basis of five siblings/grandchildren/great grandchildren results in DNA over several testing companies with at least four at each of them. The number of matches is large and I am slowly getting them entered into my database. One new Buller result with a known third cousin has proven to be very interesting and helpful as I was missing information on that line to a certain extent. In reality between the five of us we all received some DNA on every chromosome from each of the four grandparents - there are no gaps which is amazing really. That has allowed me to go back to the great grandparents although that is pretty experimental at this time. But I do have quite a few third cousins which I find very helpful. In that I do not have any first cousins and very few second cousins (so many have tested), having the third cousins has worked extremely well for me especially as the five of us have inherited differently in many cases and the difference between the two that match the least - my second oldest brother and myself being the outliers is quite large actually for a full sibling. It is those differences that make it easier to do the phasing. 

I must get back to the building powerpoint presentation for Orleans United Church as I had moved away from working on that - time escaped me. But their 50th anniversary does not occur until 2028 I think - would have to look that up but Edward would have liked me to do it and offer it to them as he loved being part of that building process. They actually went in and did some of the work building including my older daughter. She was up on the roof helping to shingle when she was just thirteen years of age. She used to manage the sound room at the 11 o'clock service in her later teens until life at university became too busy. But I was a little shocked to see my baby up on the roof for sure but I never said anything as she wanted to do that. 

Well the morning is moving quickly and so must I. Yoga and then breakfast, tea finished.

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