Sunday, January 12, 2025

Ontario Firefighters headed to California to fight the fires

 Thank you to Premier Ford for sending Ontario firefighters to help in the firefighting in Los Angeles area of California. Prayers for the repose of the souls of those who died and for this area of the country as they continue to fight these fires. The cost in structures lost is enormous. 

There are three centimetres of snow predicted for tomorrow but that is just a drop in the bucket to what is needed to provide ground cover and sufficient moisture when spring comes. 

Another Sunday in God's world and today I shall attend Church online and it is at Christ Church, Flackwell Heath, Buckinghamshire, England. This church was built in the 1920s and replaced an earlier wooden building but retained the old brick facade. I shall attend a little later. 

Yesterday most of my working time was spent on looking at new atDNA matches. A couple of interesting ones and I was working on My Heritage matches. I will continue with that today as well as pulling out FT DNA matches, Living DNA, and having a look at Gedmatch. I have not been very attentive to new matches for the last year so have a bit of catching up to do. I did check 23 and Me and have some new matches there but mostly Pincombe/Routledge/Gray where I have a lot of information already. I will also extract Ancestry as there are probably more than a dozen new matches since I last extracted them and I have four sets there. I do use them for phasing as well since some members have taken their results into Gedmatch or some of the other testing companies. It is a largish task but once I get it set in motion then I can just spend a couple of hours a day on it as I work away on the Blake and Pincombe books. 

Winter is an interesting time in Canada. As a child people did not travel very much but now pretty much people are in the same sort of travel motion year round. Many of course go to the southern United States to spend the winter in the warmth but I actually enjoy the long cold winter here. I wonder if all the money that is spent by the Canadians in the south is added into the total amount that we purchase! I suspect that there isn't a trade deficit at all really and the actual listed is 68 billion not 200 billion. I think pretty quickly one would find that we purchase more American goods and services than is currently shown just because it is pretty difficult to collect that information but judging by the long lines going into the United States especially in the winter one can see that a lot of Canadians (mostly the old) spend their winters down there and the economies of these states are also affected by that. It is an advantage to have good friends that you can rely on 100% in any emergency and at all times. 

So continuing with My Heritage match extraction today. I have one new one that descends from a younger sister of my great grandfather Edwin Denner Buller. I wrote to her, I do not often write actually, because she did not have her tree filled in so thought I would help her out since her grandparent and I would be 2nd cousins. The match is quite good for a couple of my siblings since they inherited well on the Buller side. I also wanted to let her know that the four matches which she would find were all siblings as that is helpful to know and not obvious in my tree. As it turned out she had found my work on Edwin Denner Buller but it was nice to contact a cousin!

It is minus ten degrees celsius and mostly cloudy so another cold arctic day in eastern Ontario and that is pretty usual. The only unusual part is the limited snow cover. There simply isn't enough to provide a good saturation come spring. That is the biggest danger really not having enough snow. However it doesn't snow effectively when it is cold and as we move further into winter the snows generally do get heavier with our heaviest falls in March usually. Time will tell. 

Tea drank, solitaire done and it was quick today actually. Sometimes there can be a strong challenge but today they were fairly easy actually - just start to finish mostly in under three minutes. I do love solitaire. 

There were two letters stuck together in my mailbox a week ago so told my next door neighbour as it was theirs when I pulled them apart. I finally took it over (do not go out a lot in the winter except to buy groceries) yesterday as I was taking the garbage out. My good deed for the year!

Yoga time and then breakfast; I am getting hungry.


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