Monday, January 6, 2025

To Prorogue or not to Prorogue Parliament

 I think it is wrong to put the Governor General into the position of Proroguing Parliament although only for two months. However, the precedent is there as Prime Minister Harper did the same and it is difficult for the Governor General to refuse the standing Prime Minister in that case (Parliament has spoken in a prior time on this issue and in that case it was the Conservatives and they did lose the next election for a number of reasons including that one!). One does realize that the Governor General does have little choice as she represents the King and the King advises Parliament as asked and Parliament makes their decisions. We are a democratic monarchy and it has stood us well through the years. I think the Governor General is doing very very well. But I still disagree with the concept of asking the Governor General to prorogue Parliament and would like to see it written into law. Although I doubt, now that the precedent is set, any party will do that. It is like the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and I do not like it; it definitely needs revisions in this modern world. 

Busy cleaning but that caught my interest for sure. I shall be glued to the Television for sure over this next month but I will miss Question Period for sure. It has been interesting to just see how bogged down our Parliament can get when one party (the one that I have voted for most of my life) wants desperately to win the election but simply can not force the present government out early. 

On to the cleaning.

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