Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Sad but the search has been fulfilled for the two families of the young women murdered in Manitoba

I missed mentioning yesterday that the second set of remains found in Winnipeg were identified as Marcedes Myran. Premier Wab Kinew announced that the two young women Marcedes Myran and Morgan Harris have come home and that was the purpose in this search. Prayers for the families of both these young women as they can now be laid to rest with their ancestors. God bless them and keep them close to Him.

Yesterday saw the top floor cleaned and we are done for another week. It is good to do that regularly every week; never really any accumulation of dust other than recent and works well for us. The snow is rapidly melting and mostly being absorbed as the hot sun really heats up the upper part of the yard this time of year. I suspect the early spring flowers (snowdrops, crocuses, etc) are coming up and will check that out today. The backyard at the top is pretty mushy and we need to dig the dog excrement in to the soil. Great fertilizer for sure for the grasses. 

Not much work done on the matches but probably more today. I can see that it will be the beginning of April before I am back to the books - Blake and Pencombe. The Blake Newsletter is due the beginning of April but I do have a couple of new items for that. 

Renewed my ancestry subscription which again is an American company but I use that subscription daily in my work. Again it is in Canadian dollars which makes it easier for me. A lot of Canadians probably do subscribe as like me they are interested in the records - as it turns out I use mostly the British and Canadian records since I do not have any American ancestry although do have quite a few American cousins (the second cousins are known to me mostly by name although I have met a few of them). I have many many third and up cousins though and the matches abound on 23 and Me, Ancestry, FT DNA as well as Living DNA and My Heritage. It is difficult in Canada not to buy some American items during this time of the tariff war. 

Watched the news yesterday when Prime Minister Carney was in Iqaluit with the Premier (Pauloosie J. Akeeagok) and, as usual, I do find the Premier Akeeagok to be an extremely interesting and knowledgeable speaker. The future of Canada is in very good hands I think. It is perfect to see more and more of our First Peoples involved in the government of Canada. The information shared with us by the Prime Minister also very interesting. I see that Premier Akeeagok is an Independent and I think that I myself may have become an Independent - never really concentrated on that thought before but certainly my 100% Conservative voting record was shattered after I turned 60 although I continue voting Conservative in the Ontario elections. Now I wait to hear the thoughts of all the candidates although still doubt the value of the NDP on a national level - I think it is just too radical and wastes too much money (it also splits the Liberal vote allowing them to have too much input into a government that relies on their support). People need to be cautious and continue working until they can be independent in retirement. 

My eyes have taken another leap forward in terms of depth of vision; not sure exactly when that occurred as life has been pretty busy this past three to four weeks. I think what amazes me is how well I can see without glasses. I can not read small print but my ability to read 12 point and up is fabulous - never had that before. I continue taking every precaution with my eyes - it is said that you shouldn't rub your eyes for at least a couple of years after the surgery. 

So today likely working on the matches in My Heritage and likely until the end of March which will give me time to sort the entries into my database and begin the task of re-phasing my grandparents and great-grandparents DNA. I find it to be a very useful enterprise and will pass it this time to my siblings as I did forget to do that in the past. 

I do find our friendship/working relationship with Europe to be a good direction for us but the citizens of the United States are also our good friends and neighbours and we will always do our best to see them that way. One cannot share a border of thousands of miles/kilometres and not be good friends. It is not an easily workable relationship unless that is true. Many many Americans work in Canada and many many Canadians work in the United States. The Premier of Nunavut also works directly with the government of Greenland (they are very close neighbours) and that is really our shared border with the European Union and of course our long standing relationship with the United Kingdom and France as the mother countries of the colonials who came to Canada in the 1500s/1600s is very important to us. It is fascinating to think that the name Canada (Kanata, although applied incorrectly by Jacques Cartier in the 1530s during his explorations as it was the word used by the Iroquois for village) has been in use for nearly 500 years although the original name for this continent is Turtle Island as given to it by the First Peoples. 

Tea finished and will play my solitaire games. Breakfast soon but first Yoga.

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