The first set of human remains found in the Winnipeg landfill have been identified as Morgan Harris, a young first Nations woman lost to her family long before it should have happened. The closure comes to them at last but how sad for them. I do not give space for the name of her murderer best left to the dust of history; a serial killer. That it has taken so long to find and identify her body is a tragedy. Prayers for her family and community as they mourn for the loss of their loved one. We await the identification of the second set of human remains.
Cold again today, winter hangs in there as it generally does in the Ottawa Valley. It is minus 5 degrees celsius but feels like minus 13. Very cloudy today and snow is hinted at. The first day of Daylight Savings. Perhaps by next year at this time it will be an historical happening. That was something I hoped would disappear in the late days of this past January. We, in Canada, have wanted to get rid of daylights savings changeover for a few years or more now. But we can not do that unless the United States moves to abolish daylight savings. Something President Trump mentioned during his last campaign was eliminating Daylight Savings.
I see an article on the Free Trade agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada mentions that in reality the Trade deal is dead (my thoughts as well). If it isn't being followed (there has been a tariff on softwood lumber for ages now) then it is really dead. As spring comes we can start to build the pipelines and encourage startups for our lost industries due to the Free Trade Deal. In reality we were fine with the status quo prior to this reign of tariff but the threats hanging over us are detrimental to our financial standing.
Good accomplishment extracting the matches from the various databases. I am over 130 new matches now but still a lot of work to do but this week can be devoted to that task. I have a number of interesting ones where their ancestral line is known to me. The task becomes easier and easier for sure as time passes.
The little dog outdid herself barking this morning. Oh my gosh. This is probably the last time I will keep them. It is too much work for a nearly 80 year old. I love dogs and the older one never barks; she talks sometimes but she never barks (or very rarely). Just one clock left to change; most of them change automatically which is interesting as I will have to undo that when we finally get rid of daylight savings time. Fortunately it is just a couple of minutes of barking but unnecessary really. She lives in a backyard with a fence about six feet tall solid wood so can not seem out to bark at anything strange plus the windows are just that much higher up. Here she can see out on both floors and there is chain link fencing for about 170 feet on the back so lots of viewing room for sure. It is slippery out there so I can not chase her down readily like I can when there is no snow.
On to work and I shall clean the basement today in preparation for a busy week and it will be easier on the dogs if I just do one floor a day. I like the idea of new destroyers for our Navy which Prime Minister Trudeau announced but will really give a cheer when they are in the water on their christening voyage and manned by our sailors.
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