Sunday, March 2, 2025

Minus 24 degrees celsius and Day 5 with the Dogs

 Another crisp cold day in Canada and we live about 40 km above the 45th parallel. I can imagine how cold it is in the Arctic above the 60th parallel. Must have a look. Yesterday we got maybe 10 to 15 cm of fresh snow. Always welcomed as the ground was pretty dry last fall. The backyard has a good amount now to tide us into spring and we will likely get more unless it rains first!

Remembering our gifting Newfoundland with Labrador in 1949 when they joined us as the 10th Province. It did make us absolutely from ocean to ocean although Nova Scotia and New Brunswick certainly sit out in that same Ocean. The Atlantic is our path back to the Old Country for many of us (that is the British Isles) but also lots of descendants of the early Colonial Americans coming from the European Continent namely France (in Quebec and along the lower New Brunswick coast as well as up into the highlands of Cape Breton Island was settled by those early French pioneers (my son in law has 30 of those early pioneers at Quebec City in his tree going all the way back to the first settlers in Quebec for sure and I have no idea if his Acadians were amongst the earliest of the first group that came to New Brunswick)). I need to do that work one of these days. My husband Edward had many colonial ancestors (American Colonies in the 1600s) from The Netherlands (the Kip family of New Amsterdam/New York was from the Netherlands along with a number of others in Edward's tree), also from Germany his Link family (Palatinates) and many of them. The breakdown for Edward was 30% German, 30% Dutch, 20% French, 10% Scandinavian, 5% English (the Mead family being from England amongst a number of Dissenters who came very early to the colonies -mostly Edward's 9th, 10th and 11th grandparents) and a small mixture of other European like Swiss, Polish and a couple of others). On the Kipp side, Edward's ancestors mostly arrived in southwestern Ontario, Canada between 1800 and 1830 from the New England Colonies/New York/Pennsylvania. And of course, my father was born in England and came as a nine year old with his parents and then my mother's grandmother was her first Canadian born ancestor, her second was her father and then herself. All the rest were from England proper although I have Scot ancestry with my first arrival the Routledge family and it was their daughter Margaret who was the mother of Sir John Carling and her sister Mary Ann was my 2x great grandmother with her daughter Grace (Gray) Pincombe being first cousin to Sir John Carling.  I haven't accomplished very much in these five days with the dogs. I did start the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter yesterday and will complete it today hopefully. 

Life has been busy though as the dogs need to be dried after they are outside and they do not apparently like hair dryers as I did try that on the very curly thick wool coat of the younger dog. The older one doesn't get as wet. Anyway managed to get them dry with towelling and they did enjoy it. I could never own a dog as I wouldn't get any work done or only in small amounts. They are time heavy dogs but good companions. Edward, if he had remained strong, would have spent time with them as well but they are large dogs and he became nervous of them knocking him over. 

 Church today and it is at St Paul's Church, Withington which is in the Diocese of Manchester and a suburb of Manchester. We did spend time in Lancashire where Manchester is located but we were mostly in the Lake District in northwest England. It was truly lovely, mystical country actually with the fresh smell of green in the air. We walked about the village of  Grasmere. This is Wordsworth Country (Poet Laureate of England) and also to get there we passed by the road to Bewcastle - the home of my Routledge family who were my first colonials to come to Canada in the late summer of 1818. 

The young dog is awake and must go to see my charges. They need a short run in the minus 24 degree backyard and then breakfast. But they are used to that; one does get used to such things. I can remember going to work some mornings at 6:30 a.m. when it was minus 30 degrees celsius. 

With all these Executive Orders coming down from President Trump we still haven't seen one eliminating Daylight Savings. He promised to do that during his election campaign. We can not move to that here in Canada unless they do in the United States; it would be too confusing. We always have to do everything like that exactly the same as the Americans to keep continuity across the continent. We are the smaller country so that makes good sense. Hopefully that Executive Order will come soon because Daylight Savings begins in another week if he doesn't and another year upset by that ridiculous movement of time one hour forward! Mind you a lot of people like it; I fail to see the advantage in it.

 The reality about Putin's war is he wants it to continue as long as he is killing Ukrainians as fast as he can - he wants their land and this is the easiest way (as he sees it) to eliminate them (interesting about the Rare earth minerals actually and how that fits into the equation). He doesn't care how many Russians die as he is sending the young men from the areas of Russia that are not White Russia - those young men have protected status; they are too good as far as Putin is concerned to use as canon fodder (and they are the children of his enablers). When he invaded Ukraine he played and toyed with it and when the world was most annoyed at this he attacked in a way that looked like the entry of Hitler into Austria knowing full well that the Ukrainians would never bow down to him and welcome him. Plus  he wasn't there because he wanted the Ukrainians to fight so that he could kill them (his sadistic and satanic murder of the people of Bucha in Ukraine shows how far his demonic mind would go to kill Ukrainians). That has always been his aim; they are the most likely to oppose him and one doesn't strike a small country like Latvia or the other Baltic States - one heads for the largest and attacks so the others will not fight but NATO is in his way there for sure. Does he want peace? will he keep the peace? or is it just a ploy to let him regroup and rearm; the arrangement/discussion between President Trump and the demonic satanic Putin and his enablers would be interesting to hear for sure. But the murder of Ukrainians will continue until Putin is dead or cornered/forced to make peace. He still  has plenty of Russian blood to spill as they outnumber the Ukrainians 3 to 1 give or take. 

Hamas is also not yet tired of war - they still have plenty of Palestinian blood to spill and they do not care. They are demonic satanic people as well hoping that they can keep this stress up on Israel until they leave which I doubt they are going to do (it is their land as an ancient peoples going back thousands and thousands of years - it is all in the Bible and there are historic texts to prove their right to the land). It is really a matter of who leaves and personally I think Hamas should leave (preferably by their own hand perhaps with a gun in their mouth like Hitler they are that same sort of people) and the Palestinians need to be moved out of there so that the children can  have a chance to a better life in clean warm  homes, schools set up by the Muslim Arab nations nearby and training schools for the parents so they learn how to take care of children, how to grow food and how to start up industries needed for a country to be productive. That way Israel can clean up Gaza, get rid of any unexploded ordinances and restore it to the state that they left it in when they were forced out and placed where they are back in 1948. The logic of the Palestinians destroying all those greenhouses plus everything else has never made any sense. 

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