Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The new way to put out your message

It is truly amazing the internet and how  much you can do with it. Myself, I was into computers in the mid 1960s learning Fortran first and then COBOL. Although I did use both in my working life, I do not now. But the internet lets the words of anyone travel around the world and they get to set the pace in a way. My setup of four newsletters four times a year has resulted in my having many emails a week with queries. I do not mind queries; I can not always answer them particularly on American research - my husband was the expert on American research because of his Colonial ancestry in New England/New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania. On his father's side his ancestors are Patriots and came to Canada between 1800 and 1830, on his mother's side some of them are New England loyalists leaving New York to go to New Brunswick although a number of them were planters who went to Nova Scotia years earlier from the New England States. His mother's Link line were his only loyalists out of New York (Cherry Valley) into what is now Quebec. They left from Cherry Valley in the dead of winter on foot moving up to Sorel, Quebec where they found safety (mostly women and children). But he has written about all of that and spoken on it at Palatines to America group meetings which we attended for many years. With his more recent German ancestry (his great grandparents came from Germany in 1848 and 1867 to Canada) he fitted into the group very well as it is now more of a German ancestry group I believe. I always found it somewhat fascinating that the descendant of patriots would marry the descendant of loyalists here in Canada! 

But back to the internet and how amazing it really is. It provides a mechanism for revealing events as they happen and certainly the management of those events does show very clearly as you view them. I think that this was the first time I ever heard anyone mention in the moment as the event was occurring that World War III was a possibility. Mis-step can rule the day on occasion but definitely World War III would be nuclear and it would be Armageddon - we do not want to swamp God with so many returnees. I suspect he would not be happy with that.  The fires of Satan would certainly be full that day and for many days! But back to the value of the internet in getting a message out I certainly have found it to be excellent as a sounding board for my Siderfin books (although no complaints which still amazes me as I did postulate several of my own theories in those books although I had accumulated a fair amount of proof that allowed one to reach the conclusion especially with the aid of autosomal DNA match results where I was bringing Thomas back home to his family - lots of three way checks).

 As a child I heard so many stories when we visited with my Pincombe relatives and they did become somewhat blended. For instance I knew that we had cousins in Australia and than George Pincomb had gone there leaving  his wife and children at their farm just outside of London, England because his wife refused to move. Then there was a another individual who left his family and moved elsewhere in England because he had had a run away marriage but I never could remember the names for that one. Perhaps one day it will come to me. I also had a great grandfather who married a woman with an illegitimate child (not his; he was serving as a medic in the First Boer War in Africa and she was definitely in England) and he was disowned for that. But my grandmother did meet her relatives when her grandmother died as her father took her (she was the eldest child (the illegitimate child had gone to Canada by then)) with him to the funeral. There were so many tidbits that come back to me when I am working on the different lines. 

The Blake Book and the Pencombe Book are neglected for this period of time whilst the dogs are visiting me. They have been good except for the baby that barks. I have not been able to cure her although I have managed to restrain her somewhat by reminding her as she goes out the door not to bark. She stays up close to the house whilst she remembers but the desire to run overcomes her and there she is where she can see the very large dog two doors up and it panics her. Poor Little thing; so I knock on the window and in she comes - she knows that she has done the wrong thing. 

So today is cleaning day two and the first day of tariffs and the beginning of taxes on the products going to and coming from the United States - 25% tariff = 25% taxes (should be interesting as that is how I would do it). Mind you I suspect we may find it hard to buy the amount that we are going to tax as our purchase of American goods is going to be as close to zero as it can get (we do not like to do without American liquor apparently (not me, I do not drink or if I do it is just a small glass of Canadian wine) or Florida orange juice and there is more like dishwashers and other small appliances). Maybe we will walk more and save on gas until we have our new pipelines built so as to keep that low as well. Should be interesting but the people still buying Canadian goods going across the border will have to pay 25% to the wealthy tariff (is that what it is called?) so that the ultra rich can have their taxes reduced and help to pay off the trillions in debt that was created by the ultra rich being given a tax break back in this current President's first term. The American people will face higher prices apparently which really doesn't seem fair (those who are not the ultra rich although perhaps the ultra rich still buy groceries). But then with our dollar being depressed by tariff (and probably even further now that it has been put on) and threat of tariff we really can not do anything else; we need to support our people and of course recreate our industries that were destroyed by NAFTA/CUSMA if necessary). Although we were getting tired of paying a tariff on our softwood lumber which is really illegal under NAFTA/CUSMA.

The Gulf of America continues to fascinate me somewhat as it is surrounded on three sides by South America, Central America and North America. In some ways I am surprised that the name wasn't chosen originally since the continent got called America very early on when the settlers arrived (it is Turtle Island though; that is the First Nations name for this continent (Gulf of Turtle Island maybe?)). However it is also the Gulf of Mexico and probably there are portions of it that have names such as the Gulf of Cuba, etc. etc. Would have to check on that.

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