Monday, March 24, 2025

Over 200 new matches now

The Church Service yesterday was quite lovely in Bishopthorpe. It was a review of the past few years since the online service was streamed to the world. The hymns so many of my favourites and the words rang so true from the various prayers and homilies. It was truly a memorable service. Thank you for that. 

The writ was dropped yesterday and we are having the election on the 28th of April. I will likely go to the Advance Polling as I did the Ontario Election. It is easy for me to just catch the bus and go to the Plaza and then return on the bus. I could drive but I probably will not. All of the candidates gave a good first day discussion on their aims. I still remain committed to the idea that the NDP nationally should really just be part of the Liberal Party. They split the vote in an unpleasant way actually. I still like the Conservative message the best although have deep respect for Mark Carney. He has served his country very well during his years as Governor of the Bank of Canada and his experience as Governor of the Bank of England brings a very strong world view to the campaign. 

Working on the fourth sibling I continued collecting new matches yesterday.  I still have another couple of pages of matches to go through before I complete this sibling and then just one left although I will have to go back to my own and the second sibling that I worked on as I did not do the proper sort when I was collecting for the first two. Just to make sure I did not miss anyone that is an outlier - most matches have more than one sibling but there are a few where I in particular and my most different sibling to me have stand alone matches simply because we inherited differently than the group of five in general on some chromosomes. The matches continue falling into a particular grandparent line fairly readily - having five results makes a big difference. 

I reviewed my taxes and will submit them later this week. I like to have that done by the end of March since I am always paying the government - I do like to be paying them rather than receiving a payment back from them. I do think that these ugly fraudsters sit at the gate watching to see who is getting a refund and then the inundation begins of fraudulent emails trying to lure you into replying. I do believe these people are all terrorists and should be locked up forever for trying to fraud people and succeeding since they wouldn't be doing it if they were not successful. It is truly disgusting. 

Snow is promised today as much as 8 centimetres which is more than enough for skiing so time will tell on that. Perhaps skiing this afternoon. Would be lovely. It is minus 4 degrees celsius at 6:40 am so a perfect day temperature wise.

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