Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The President of Finland

 The President of Finland (Alexander Stubb) has come up with a brilliant idea. If Russia breaks a ceasefire to come then Ukraine automatically becomes a member of NATO. 

It is interesting to be grouped with China as references to us lately have us listed as China, Mexico and Canada (the largest trading partners of the United States currently under tariff by the United States). Because Canada (and perhaps Mexico too) is so entwined with the United States (in our case the Auto Pact goes back to 1965) that to disengage would be a loss for that company here and would they gain enough by being solely American trying to sell cars in Canada. Whenever that is attempted it does not work as we do not buy the cars. I do believe in Free Enterprise and when you have set up a system that works government should follow the preferences of the company whose future is on the line rather than pursuing a 100% practise that can work for some industries to protect them whilst they grow but not for others that have an established pattern that has existed for several generations. Private companies do their own shake-ups when the system isn't working for them; they do not need government help and it is injurious to them for government to interfere. Time will tell; it always does. I am happy to see Taiwan bringing the chip business to the United States in such a big way - the entire American continent will benefit from this huge addition. 

China has said it intends to pursue union with Taiwan by extending the hand of friendship and good trade.

I often comment that pursuing education for education itself is a good goal for youth and that includes a university education as it broadens the mind. I have a personal experience in that regard in that my father's parents wanted him to go into banking and encouraged him to go to Westervelt (a college which specialized in those days (the 20-30s) in a solid business education for those planning to go on into banking, commerce and other such careers. My father did do that; studied and completed the entire course at Westervelt but at the end of it all after completion he apprenticed to a master electrician because that was what he really wanted to do - a new and exciting field and he wanted to be there. His parents were probably disappointed but they stayed with him as he then entered into that apprenticeship. He never regretted it in any way I would say as he loved electricity. And the plus, he did use his business training running his own business. We need to let the youth discover, follow education to its fullest and then move on to what really tugs at their brain. 

Fentanyl is a curse on the North American continent as so many youth have succumbed to its evil. Ridding ourselves of it would perhaps entail having the entire water borders controlled on both sides of the continent and as the melting continues in the north up there as well. How it enters is a mystery in some ways (the land borders are becoming secure so they will move to the place of least resistance. When there is money to be made  you can be sure that the blood suckers are out there doing anything and everything to make it. When money is no longer the centerpiece of our society but rather achievement and purpose then the fentanyl will disappear. Wish it could be sooner as it is evil taking away young lives on a daily basis but time is on our side as we move to that upper plain of peace if Russia, North Korea and Iran will let that happen. Their forays into evil are the malicious undercurrents of our world at this time. They will seek any path that they find in order to perpetrate their satanic devastation. 

Still no work yesterday but the dogs are happy and I am into day 9 now. The baby is barking as the world wakes up and people take their dogs for a walk. It is warmer today 0 degrees celsius and we will get either rain or snow today; yesterday was pretty much all snow and there is accumulation again as the soft moist snow filled in the cracks and the crevices that are created by the minus 20+ degrees celsius temperatures of the last few days. 

I shall think about the books whilst caring for the dogs today. It will be a chore drying them off when they come in and takes a little while as the young one has thick curly hair. As I rub them down I am reminded of my children and caring for them when they were young. I would do my proofreading in between and at nap times and the evenings in those days. On the warm days I would sit outside and watch them play as I proofread. I love proofreading/copyediting; there is a quiet satisfaction as the eyes run along the lines in the page finding and correcting any errors. It consumes the mind when you are working at it and the completion is a fulfilling moment in time. 

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