Monday, March 3, 2025

Minus 28 degrees celsius and it is cleaning day

 Another cold night and minus 28 degrees celsius at 6:00 a.m. It is supposed to warm up to minus 5 though today and a warming trend. Time will tell. Generally March is a warmer month than January and February but the Arctic Vortex controls the weather not anything else. Another day in cold snowy covered Canada but I do love the winter. I can manage quite a bit of cold but the house is heated which makes a big difference. I always remember one summer's day not long after one of the students came from Africa and said in his liberal fashion Canada should really accept far more people to come and live here. That was way back in the mid 1990s and we have always had controlled migration because it is a lot of work to immigrate into this land and establish yourself. By mid January following that comment, he said he had no idea how people could live in this country so I suggested he might want to invest in heavy clothing because it has just begun still another couple of months to go before that warm sunshine would heat up our world here and melt away the snows. It continues being a great truth. That is the paradox of Canada really - beautiful in the warm summer months but really cold in the winter and the further north you go the colder it is. 

Cleaning day and it is the top floor; I have moved to my new methodology of cleaning with my combining the basement with the main floor rather than the two floors above the basement together. It was too much for this old woman for sure as I approach 80 years. Should have done that a few years ago but I am stubborn and just kept doing it but the past couple of weeks have been much better and less exhausting. Everyone has to learn logic in their lives; no one is exempt really. The path forward should always be the path that best suits you. 

The Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter is published on the website and it is up to Volume 10 Issue 2 2025. The newsletters are shrinking and will continue to do that as I concentrate on the books. This interval is not going to be a lot of accomplishment but I will get back to it soon enough. A good break for me and the dogs are a lot of fun. The youngest one woke early but I think I forget to push the couch against the window so that she couldn't look outside and the world is waking up now and some people walk their dogs early although it is a cold one today!

The discussion in the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter is looking at the first and second generation of the Pencombe family at North Molton. The Devon Lay Subsidy 1524-1527 was most helpful in that regard and actually identifies John Pencombe as being the individual who accompanied John Lord Zouch to North Molton. I am becoming more and more convinced that likely this was an accompaniment which the King (Henry VII) requested as John Lord Zouch was attainted following the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1483 (John Lord Zouch supported Richard III against Henry VIII and paid the price for that for a short period - the attainment was lifted less than ten years later and he returned to his somewhat diminished properties to live out the rest of his life. But the Pencombe family arrived in North Molton and there they stayed in the North Devon area into the present day although my line came to Upper Canada in March 1851 having arrived on the North American continent at the Port of New York on the 7th January 1851. They traveled to Genesee New York where his older brother was living (he had gone to the United States prior to 1835 then returning to England to marry and the two of them returned to New York in 1835 where their two sons were born. Eventually that family ended up in the mid-West and I have corresponded with them. But my ancestor John Pincomb decided to make his home in the now London area of Southwestern Ontario. Land was definitely cheaper in Ontario and was perhaps the draw no ideas on that. No one ever said that I recall. 

Probably not much work done on Richard Blake's will today but we will see. I can sort of see that the gist of it that I acquired twelve years ago is pretty close but I would like to untangle the latin that is somewhat difficult to read so might work away at that. 

Already the 3rd of March 2025 and this year has been a rather astronomical one already; one never knows what the next day will bring.

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