Are they paying as much attention to the oceans that lap up against their land from top to bottom? I still think it is easy for people to arrive at a country's shore, enter, transfer things and leave without anyone being the wiser (the coasts are very long). How much fentanyl do they actually have? Is it home grown in the United States? We also have fentanyl deaths here in Canada - far too many. So many questions.
Well the week of expectation will soon be over in terms of the new Leader of the Liberal Party here in Canada. The people have spoken and Justin Trudeau has resigned but agreed to stay on until the new leader is selected and a new leader is to be announced very shortly. He/she will be Prime Minister until the next election which could be anytime in the next year and a half. That will surely be tested in the House of Commons soon enough unless the Liberals move straight to an election - time will tell. I do like it that when a leader becomes unacceptable it is very easy to have a new leader - the Westminster Model of governance has stood us in good stead all these years and indeed in my case since the Magna Carta at Runnymede in 1216 when the rule of the people was declared since I am of English ancestry going back a very very long way.
Yesterday I accomplished very little on the books but it was a busy day with the dogs. It rained so cleaning up the dogs after their runs took a lot of time. But they are happy and at day 10 (must check that) I am more than half way through looking after them. They have boundless energy (which I actually have as well but I am noticing that caring for two for ten days is a lot of work). They truly are a perfectly matched/bonded set of dogs. But they are half first cousins and perhaps that helps. Plus the older one is also the largest - the bully factor perhaps although she doesn't very often show that. They just get along very well. The younger one seems less barky as the days go by or I am just getting used to that.
Today I wonder what I will accomplish - rain and snow mix again today and this milder weather probably lets some of the melting start at ground level instead of just running off. I did renew my Solitaire Subscription (Microsoft) just because it is good brain exercise and they politely inform me of the price in Canadian dollars and considering our dollar at the moment is a bargain compared to the American dollar. We didn't do that it just rises and falls depending on how we are regarded - at the moment we are under tariffs so look less interesting although not entirely it would appear after all we are a consumer base of 41 million plus people. That is a good sized consumer base for sure. Plus we live in a northern climate so buy more stuff externally with the United States being our usual place of purchase but they decided to tariff us so we are looking elsewhere for both our purchases and our sales. Not our preferred choice but a free trade deal is just that and they were already putting a tariff on softwood lumber for a while now which strictly is wrong under a free trade deal. We did like the status quo but we can return to pre Free Trade too and make everything ourself for ourselves that we can and buy what we need. We can actually survive without American alcohol, Florida orange juice and a number of other items that we generally buy in huge quantities apparently (paying a tax on those items not happening (we are adding tax to some items to counter the tariffs)). It was our oil that they buy that put us into a deficit position. So we are going to build pipelines and keep what we usually buy back from them here to refine so that the trade will be balanced or a deficit on our side. We were paying them 3x more than what we sold it to them for and one would have thought that was a really good deal. But life always flows forward no one can control the clock.
Which reminds me President Trump when he was campaigning said he would eliminate Daylight Savings and it hasn't happened - we would really like to be rid of daylight savings for sure. We can not eliminate it unless they do; it is much too confusing.
I can hear the baby down there; she must have awakened and someone went by the window likely. Exercise and breakfast.
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