Yesterday saw me complete the fourth sibling and the final sibling is being worked on. It has been a very busy February and March for me and I must admit I am feeling in need of a quiet restful time. Not quite what was planned but it is fine; another time I will go back with my daughter. It has been fun these past weeks but very busy for a nearly 80 year old. I shall get back into my old routines working away on my Latin and French (and German will get worked back in as well) right after breakfast. My exercise routines have changed quite a bit with my skiing some days and earlier being with the dogs more as they were fairly lonely without their usual family. They do think of me as family!
I will continue with the match extraction today as well and right up to the end of the month although I hope to have started the phasing of my grandparents (re-phasing really but I always start back at the beginning each time as I have new and significant matches to put into the system that are known to me in terms of relationship). I want, this time, to build a file of the known relationships. I do have one but it is now five years since I created it and I have not kept it up to date as I have extracted these 200 plus matches over the last five years.
No skiing after all yesterday, not enough snow so and end likely to the skiing season and I shall clean up the skis and put them away. I already cleaned up the boots as they got gravelly with the last ski trip. I think it is something that one can do into their old age fairly readily. Not sure about riding my bicycle but will probably work at that. I bought a new bicycle maybe ten years ago and it is a slightly smaller wheel making it easier for me as I have been shrinking! I was nearly 5 feet 6 inches but now closer to 5 feet 5 inches I think. I guess 1 inch isn't very much though.
The election season is in full swing now and I am watching the news on that. I do not think they should reduce the income tax (agree with the Bloc on that - I often do agree with the Bloc they have good suggestions where the economy is concerned). But I continue seeing that the Conservative ideas are fitting in with my thoughts on how the government should manage. I am pleased with the campaign thus far; I hate personal attack ads. This isn't about the person running; it is about their ideas. If there were actually something wrong with the person we would want to know that for sure but attacking what their mother does; or what their brother does I find very uninteresting.
Canada has gained something in the last few months - a togetherness that we didn't really express very much before. We are all one country breathing life into the Confederation which the founders drew together in 1867 and weaved into the tapestry that we now see on the map of the world - one huge country mostly polar/northern but with a readily livable portion in the south but the settlements continue to grow and move north. It is good to see.
Time for solitaire games and tea.
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