Friday, October 11, 2024

An interesting experience

 I was standing in line checking out my groceries (I prefer to use the cashier) when a woman came along and sort of pushed her cart at me implying she wanted to go before me. I consider that very rude and I said sorry but not doing that but the woman behind let her in (which was nice of her and she was quite chatty and would have enjoyed the conversation). Although this person had just a couple of things in their cart I could have done it but really there were five check out counters in the self checkout available and myself I would have just used one of them instead of inconveniencing someone who has stood in line waiting. I had waited through several large grocery orders and mine  was not actually that large. I was done in less than four minutes.  Really one shouldn't assume that you will be let in as everyone has schedules and is busy. I would always go to the end of the line myself; I am not one to ask for favours especially not in a busy grocery store. Mind you I would always let a young woman or man with young children go before me for sure. We old people need to be able to fend for ourselves really.  Interesting really dealing with people since the pandemic.

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