Sunday, October 13, 2024

Thanksgiving Sunday

Yesterday's post was really rambling I noticed through the day when I did some editing. Generally I am a one topic person but a whole lot of ideas are running around in my brain at the moment as I try to make decisions on these binders and other items. The binders occupy a large section of a couple of bookcases and eventually those bookcases will have other items to store as I continue to downsize. Perhaps it is my 79 years and that is why I was rambling. Interesting really. 

Thanksgiving Sunday and another bountiful harvest year. We are blessed with this earth by God. Although I do not really consider myself a gardener I do like to see the growing cycle which is part of the normal life around me. If needed I do help to work the ground because that is an important task in our life to help mother earth to produce the best that she is able.

 The theme of this Sunday's Service Church of England at the Church of St Peter in the Parish of St Helier in Jersey is "What do you Treasure?" I shall attend shortly. I think that my own Church Christ Church Cathedral is no longer having online Sunday services when I look at the website. It was nice that the services kept up after COVID but I can understand that it was a huge commitment to keep it going. I have attended two PWRDF services this past couple of weeks which have been most interesting and prayerful. When I do move I want to be close enough to walk to my Church. There are a lot of Anglican Churches in the area. Edward loved going to the Cathedral; I think it was the anonymity that appealed to me most but gradually he joined me in that experience of just thanking God for all that he does and praying that we would work harder to repair the world from climate change. 

Breakfast completed and Latin will be next. 

The Siderfin Book now 121 pages and I am on Page 41 indexing and revising. Not quite half way but coming along. When I finish the tenth generation I do not have any notes just charts and that will be much quicker following that.

What a beautiful service. I had forgotten that the Church Army is part of the Church of England in England. As a child I used to go to Salvation Army services with my maternal grandmother. She knitted outfits for newborns to go in packages for northern communities and that was prepared by the Salvation Army. Although I am Anglican I do love the music of the various other denominations. I especially love the Latin hymns mostly sung in the Roman Catholic Church but as a child in the choir we did learn a few that we sang. But the theme was discussed in a beautiful homily - What do you Treasure? For me it is my friendship with God. I love my family but my friendship with God has always come first in my mind from childhood; once my children were grown (as they came first as children and I felt commanded to put them first at all times). But I do not own my children; I want them to be free to be themselves to go where ever they want and do whatever works for them in their lives. But for me the day begins loving God and ends loving God and all through the day. He has given the world so much and we must help Him to do His work in the world. There are many different ways that God is worshiped by many different theologies including the Christian to which I belong as an Anglican, and Islam, Judaism, Creationists. I do  know there are many other theologies but I do not know if they are centred on God. I will be honest about that; I do lack knowledge of other theologies than the ones that I mentioned. What I know of Islam I learned from some residents that I worked with at the hospital. I have not read the Koran in its entirety. God reaches out in His own way through the centuries and we have to be but willing to hear what He has to say. What a wonderful way to have spent this part of Sunday for sure.

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