Tuesday, October 15, 2024

One's life in pictures

An interesting discussion yesterday in my blog about the photo albums - interesting for me at least. When we returned from our trips overseas I would create a powerpoint presentation to show our children what we had seen and where we had been. I didn't really notice at the time until much later in our traveling sprees that Edward was going over those presentations time and again enjoying them. He had asked me to put all of the pictures into the presentation and give them to him (I just did a short version to present to the children) and I had done that and accidentally one day whilst I was working away on his DNA extractions from Ancestry I found something really interesting and went in to his man cave and told him. I discovered he had out one of the boxes we had put together of items we purchased (mostly him I am not really a buyer) and was looking at one of the slide sets and bringing out what had been purchased and reliving in essence the trip once again. He would have liked to have gone every year I think to Europe after our first trip. But I found a trip every couple of years was more doable so that I could still get my own work done. It was a lot of work to prepare to go (I wanted to see everything around the hotels where we stayed) and then a lot of work to do when we got home again with preparing the slide presentation and putting together the box to remind us of the trip (and I thought I was doing that for our children actually). Anyway he did really enjoy those trips overseas even more than his trips across Canada and the United States. As it turned out going to Mexico proved to be a real highlight as well although initially he didn't really want to go there ever but our children were going for a wedding of a sibling and he just wanted to be there with them. 

More work on the photo albums today and the Siderfin book. I did not hear back as to whether or not the Church would like the presentations for their 50th but I am like a ghost from the past likely and the future does determine how things flow. I sent it to the person (via the church as I did not know his email - he retired) who had done our wills years ago and then I had him do mine again (twice actually as I felt the first was too specific) so twice the cost but one must be organized. Since it was Edward's work the children will enjoy having the portability of that presentation as well so I would have done it anyway.

Thanksgiving Dinner was most enjoyable, my eldest and I spent perhaps four hours during the preparation time for the meal, the actual meal and then our usual evening chat and so the celebration went on separated by a couple of thousand miles. Interesting what modern technology gives to you. My father would have loved to have spent a Christmas with his relatives in England via such a method. Crossing the Atlantic was enough for him as a child; he never really wanted to do a return trip and he never flew. It just wasn't something he wanted to do. But the marvels of modern technology are a treat for old people really. 

Cleaning day again today and it is the main floor. Yesterday I finished off the red paint that I wanted to do. I painted the post at the bottom of the stairs. I just have to touch up the banister with  stain as it has worn over the years. I could paint the basement floor once again as we did going on 47 years ago but I suspect I will not do that. I will leave it clean and mostly painted within the last few years but other than that changes are not something I do. It doesn't really interest me and Edward had a lot of fun putting in the extra details that interested him. 

Last night the moon was bright but did not see the second moon (the first was probably too bright plus the view is obscured by the trees). As it turns out I do love the trees and the tradeoff is not that great - one does get the shade they offer in the summer. In the winter the viewing is better and perhaps we will get the telescope out again to have a look at the universe through the winter when the trees are bare and the visibility considerably better except for the bright lights of the city. 

It is early; just before 6 a.m. and 4 degrees celsius. The day begins and lots to do as always. Breakfast and then latin and then cleaning for this day in God's world. Blessed for the God of Creation and may we always remember that He is the Judge of all; not ourselves. We must judge in order to protect society from those who would do ill but the final judgement is made by God.

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