Thursday, October 10, 2024

Continuing with the Siderfin Book

I do not appear to have gone very far in the Siderfin book but it is now 130 pages instead of 136 and I am at page 29 so looks like progress. I wouldn't mind if it was just around 100 pages but I do not think there is much extra to remove other than the wills that take up a lot of room often enough. They are in my Family Tree database and come out when I download the notes for particular individuals lines. I need to reach Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth Question and then I just have the line coming down from Robert to deal with and that will make it somewhat easier although the families coming down from this point tend to be very very large. 

I really only made a couple of premises that do appear to still hold water ten months later and I do have some data that helps to justify the premise. Plus it works very well so I am still going with all that I said in the revision of James Sanders book. We are lucky that James took the time to write it; gathering together all that information prior to the Second World War when a lot of it would have been destroyed since he lived in Devon and a lot of the Church Records for Somerset and Devon were held at Exeter Cathedral and then deposited in the Registry Office prior to World War II unfortunately as it turned out. 

Basement all completed and I watched the storm approaching the coast of Florida on and off. It is huge. I guess you maybe get used to having hurricanes although I actually doubt that. This one looks very very large. I do hope that these newer buildings stand up well to this hurricane. People were definitely moving away from Tampa and the roads looked packed. 

I have been thinking about all of these extras for seniors and I guess I agree with the thought why not just increase the GIS for people who are below a particular income and let that cover dental care and everything else. Although I did think at the time increasing OAS only for those 75 and over was a mistake. Just make it smaller I thought and give it to everyone receiving OAS. I do find that the Liberal party does tend towards throwing money at anything without using really sound fiscal practice. They generally mean well but keeping the books as balanced as possible is very important although that will not be happening for a while I suspect. Putting the debt on the young people in society with families, huge mortgages into the future doesn't seem like a good idea. 

The rest of the week is all for me working away on these projects. I have quite a few but will try to keep just two or maybe three ongoing for the best efficiency. I would like to get the Charting book done by the end of the month and published and off my desk. That will be it for Siderfin. I will have done everything that I wanted to do and will just leave it to others to find what I didn't and correct any mistakes I made and publish a revision sometime in the future as I am sure more material is out there slowly emerging from the archival collections as more and more is scanned and put online in a basic form so that you can order it. Helpful I am sure to have people order investigation of items and then pay for the scanning of those items. 

Eyes a little tired today; they did a lot of work yesterday so will have some down times to rest them. 

Florida clearing up after the storm as it moves away from the peninsula. Climate Change is a real problem in our time frame. Unfortunately dictators have taken it into their minds to cause wars and so we have less to spend time and money on Climate Change as we once again face the Satanic forces of evil. 

Breakfast soon and a day of work ahead. If the rain stops then I will do some work outside - I definitely do not get enough outside time but that has never been a top priority of mine. I can remember my mother finding me holed away reading and taking away my glasses and sending me outside to play. Play was not a big thing with me; once I could ride my bicycle to my grandmothers then I was off to see her and read "The books of Knowledge" that had belonged to my maternal grandfather who died when my mother was just eight years of age. I loved those books; they were old but so very interesting. 

On to breakfast shortly and then Latin and then perhaps watch some of that storm footage on the Television. 


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