Thursday, October 3, 2024

Roofing is completed

A lovely new roof and the cleaning all completed for the week. Some work on the companion charting book for Siderfin yesterday as Elizabeth is completed and working on Charlotte. That leaves Thomas to complete the charting as the youngest of the family of Robert Siderfin and Grace Kent. Then begins the task of naming the "sections/chapters" which I didn't do as I wanted to think about that. Also indexing can commence and some footnoting perhaps but primarily the footnoting is in the revision of James Sander's Siderfin Book. The two books are meant to go together just as James Sanders had the Pedigree Chart inserted into his original book. 

What next is my thinking as this has been a month of house maintenance and I am glad to put that to rest for sure. Just painting to do all winter and I will spread it out quite a bit. Very pleased with the red stairs. I am contemplating painting the shelf that runs out from the upper level along the wall also red. I will think about that. There is enough paint to do that but am I talented enough to do that. We will see. I do have painter's tape that I can put along the edges so that it is a clean finish. But next up the blue paint in Edward's study/work room. I need to check and see the spots that need doing other than where the internet cable came through the wall. That has been neatened up but the wall needs some paint around it. 

October promises to be a cooler normal fall month and Thanksgiving is moving towards us at a fast pace. My chicken stew was exceptional this week and I have really enjoyed it even with the fourth dinner. But I am like that when I like something I stick with it for ease and reliability. Tonight I think perhaps an egg meal as I haven't had egg for a few days. Then tomorrow salmon or scallops and Saturday I have not really decided but Sunday will be chicken stew once again - always on Sunday and then it is ready for the cleaning days so that I can just reheat it. 

The Blake Newsletter has been distributed on line on the website. It is shorter these days but will perhaps grow longer. But distinct Blake lines within the group get together on their own and share back and forth. It is working well. I would love to get more detail on the likely Norman Branch of the family, Richard leBlake came from Rouen in the 1270s to set up a market in England having first received a patent to do so. I think he is first along the Hampshire coast and then moved inland until he settled in Oxfordshire where he is found in the early 1300s. From there the male line appears to move to the Hungerford area and then to Calne area. Proving that may always be difficult but speculatively speaking it does appear to hold water. My own line nestled in Andover area through the time period from the early 1300s (still needing to find that proof as I saw it years ago now when I was a newbie) well into the early 1900s. My grandfather believed they had always been there and proving that will also be more speculative than written proof. 

Playing Ian White's Psalms this morning. Somehow the busyness of the last few months has dissipated overnight and normalcy is returning to my household. 

Breakfast and then Latin and the day continues in a normal vein. Some bookkeeping to do first thing and then back to Charting and the Siderfin Companion Book.

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