Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I am hopeful

I am hopeful that there is not anything else for me to fix in the house that requires me hiring someone.  I really have very little knowledge of all of this stuff.

The storm was a wicked one that day - the remnants of the Hurricane lashing down and flooding the roof. Edward had roofed his home where he lived with his mother several times so was very knowledgeable. Who would have ever thought I needed to become knowledgeable on that really.  Should I just have ignored a couple of spots? I have no idea. Widow's sons definitely know a lot about managing a house if their mother owned one. They have done all of those tasks for sure of maintenance at one time or another.

Time as always is on the side of the living; plenty of time to fix things up for sure. The next family living here will certainly have their own ideas so I just intend to keep it going until next summer and then I will move. Today the roof will be completed I understand from the telephone call to me yesterday (if the rain stops). The new chimney I can see from the back yard but I can not really see much else up there so hopefully pictures will reveal the new roof. Waiting on that; picture taking is a great idea to show completion of a job. 

Anyway, not much real work done by me yesterday as it was a cleaning day and today I finish with the top floor. I was waiting on the roof to be completed although I do not actually see any sign of extra dust or anything so perhaps could have finished yesterday. Today it is raining so do not know when the job will be completed; after the rain I guess. 

I do think after all this experience with house care that a condo sounds like the right idea for me. Somehow knowledge of roofing and fence building is not something I really want to get into at 79 plus years of age; I just want to hire someone to do it. Although I do remember my knowledgeable father once saying that one should have some knowledge of the tasks that you hire people to do. Well I have a little but obviously not sufficient to accurately determine exactly what should be done. That is what we hire people to do for sure. 

I need to really get to work reducing the amount of material that I have to move because I do not want to be crowded in with a lot of extra stuff that will be harder to sort in a smaller place. I also do not want to just dump it as it represents Edward's hobbies and he really enjoyed them so need to give them a new home fortunately they are mostly paper now. He had already given away his extensive camera collection to the museum in his home town. So today cleaning and continuing in that vein of reduction. 

Part of Edward's camera collection in the museum (It was very extensive; actually filled a large trunk and displays around the house and a couple of other good-sized containers). The pictures are from the main street of Princeton, Ontario where he lived as a child. ):


Sometimes I wonder why so few see the dangers to Israel in these constant bombings sent against them. Just because they have an iron dome does not mean that one gets to callously send projectiles their way without retribution. Then there is this ganging up on Israel by Iran through their proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. All the while you have all these whining people in the countries that the satanists occupy namely Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis complaining that Israel is bombing them, or displacing them but do they do anything about Hamas, Hezbollah or the Houthis or even Iran itself. No they cry in the streets because one of the leaders of this satanist group is killed. What thoughtless people they really are and I must agree with PM Harper (finally!) that you can not be a citizen of two countries fleeing back to Canada everytime you are careless and allow satanists to control the country you prefer to live in. I have no sympathy for them. They are leeches sucking the life blood out of their preferred country by their permitting these satanists Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis to attack Israel whenever they feel like it and trying to suck the blood out of my country with their whining and need to be repatriated because they took up citizenship as a safe bet in case. 

Then there is Russia trying to hold the entire world as hostage whilst they threaten us with their nuclear arsenal and try to steal Ukrainian land. People actually are saying to compromise with Russia; do they not remember what happened when we compromised with Hitler over Czechslovakia. The Nazis attacked Poland mercilessly and World War II was on our doorsteps (and we mustn't forget the Nazis and the Soviet Union divided Poland in half with each taking one part). The Nazi Russians are threatening us all over the world; do you think that you will be spared nuclear fallout; it goes everywhere. 

Anyway back to work and hopefully my new section of roof will do the trick of eliminating any chance of little spots of water on my ceiling in the bedroom over the garage.  It should do it for $4000 plus dollars.

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