Sunday, October 6, 2024

First draft of the Charting Book is completed for the Siderfin Family Book

It was good to make that last chart for sure in the Siderfin Book. Now back to the beginning as there is work to do. I have chosen the name of the sections as Chart #? with the details following and that I think works well. I really hadn't thought about it before beginning. I need to create the table of contents and footnotes to make references back to my published revision of James Sanders initial book on the Siderfin Family as well as footnotes back to James Sanders' book. I need to make a name index and I believe I have come up with a neat way to do that. I need to proofread and then I will be finished. Publication date I would love it to be the end of October but time will tell. It is 135 pages long which may shorten a little as I work my way through the notes that were in my Legacy Family Tree program.

Today I am going to take one of the family picture binders and convert it to a powerpoint presentation (probably from the mid 1980s as that includes all of us before any of us went off into the world so to speak). It will be a lovely way to spend Sunday afternoon. 

Church today  and it is at St Barnabas in Ealing in the Diocese of London (west side). The Theme of this Sunday's service "What do we mean by belonging?" and as one of those who belongs (in terms of tithing to the work of the Church) to Christ Church Cathedral but attends these wonderful Sunday Services online in various Churches/Chapels in mostly England I think though this is more about "belonging" in an area. For instance as a first generation Canadian on my father's side and fourth generation Canadian on my mother's father's side I still have a lot of England in me. It is sort of interesting to have the services in London because that is where we spent a good deal of walking time when we made our various trips to the British Isles and Europe. Is there anywhere I would like to visit? Occasionally my daughters will ask me that and actually there is not. I am actually tired of traveling. We traveled a great deal during our 54.5 year marriage Edward and I and then the girls with us. Just being here quiet day after day; year after year has been wonderful actually. I have enjoyed all the days; missed Edward of course but I have re-found the Elizabeth of my youth and I am content. The young Elizabeth, that teenager who carried on the thoughts of the child Elizabeth with dreams of going into outer space still exists but much older. I spent a lot of my free time babysitting my younger siblings in those teen years. Otherwise I was busy working in my summers in my teen years and helping my mother when she asked and attending university studying Chemistry primarily along with Physics and Mathematics. I loved to walk and would often take very long walks on the weekends by myself enjoying the sounds of the birds and the fresh scent of the flowers. Generally those walks ended up at my grandmother's house where I would spend several hours in her wonderful company. So finding Elizabeth once again I have changed the routine somewhat - I just walk around the house; or run around it and do my weightlifting and rowing exercises along with all the work on the computer that I enjoy. I met Edward when I was eighteen and we married when I was twenty. We had a lot in common for sure and we spent most of our early years of marriage enjoying all the things mostly that Edward did not get to do as a child; all that traveling and camping out in the provincial parks throughout the summer was quite lovely. The canoe, we bought that quite early on after the car, took us all over Northern Ontario and Eastern Ontario. The memories are lovely. Thank you God for the beauty of our world. Help the people of the world who create wars namely Russia and Iran with their sycophants Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis to come to your table and make amends for their wrongdoings and stop their war making. 

Sad to see so many children have died in these wars created by Russia and Iran and they must pay penitence for their demise because they are the fruit of the earth; they are responsible for all the deaths because they  have created the wars.

Breakfast, as I am hungry as usual, and then Latin and then Church. Another Sunday in God's world and we are blessed as a people to have such a beautiful world. But we must take better care of it. 

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